Restart the world

Chapter 251 The Original Intention of the Red Organization

Chapter 251 The Original Intention of the Red Organization
"I am disappointed."

After a long silence, Wan Li spit out these four words slowly, threw aside the ugly face mask he was carrying, and sighed: "Until I take off his mask and confirm his identity, I still hope that you don't know Yes, it's just a coincidence that he and Yan Jin'er are here tonight."

Jiang Baihui's lips moved slightly, and finally she only bowed deeply again: "I'm sorry."

"Hey... why? You have awakened two abilities, and your martial arts level is ahead of your peers. You can be said to have a bright future. Director Cui even regards you as a treasure...Why did you join the Red Organization?" Wan Li sighed.


"Can't you say anything else? It was your elder brother who is the number one envoy who encouraged you to join? When did you join the red organization?"

Jiang Baihui muttered, and was about to answer when the first envoy interrupted her: "Baihui, did you show him the photo?"

Jiang Baihui nodded slowly.

The first envoy frowned, and raised his hand to remove the cloth covering his face, revealing a handsome face, which was more mature than what Wan Li saw on Jiang Baihui's phone five years ago, It's as good as my own face value...

"It doesn't matter if you've seen the photos, some things are easier to explain." He said lightly, "Wan Liyang, have you had enough? Can you listen to me quietly now?"

"Not enough." Wan Li shook his head: "But I can listen to you for a few words first."

The triple burning in the body is almost halfway, and the strength is about to start to weaken, Wan Li is not in a hurry.If it doesn't burn, it will burn. Anyway, triple the amount is no match for this guy in front of him.

The leader of the red organization, the first envoy, and the seventh envoy are all there, and Wan Li is ready to burn all the red threads in his body to kill them.Thinking of this, he looked at Jiang Baihui with a little regret, why did he join the Red Organization?

"A few words are not enough, since you saw me on Baihui's phone, then..."

"Well, he also saw Brother Fang Lu." Jiang Baihui interrupted: "And he promised to help us find Brother Fang Lu."

Wanli: "..."

The first envoy was stunned for a moment, shook his head and smiled without taking it seriously: "This matter... starts with the treasures left by the visitors from the outer space."

Wan Li was stunned for a moment: "Gusun... the visitor left behind a treasure? No, shouldn't you guys call him the Red-haired God?"

The first envoy turned around, paced towards Yan Jin'er, and said at the same time: "Don't interrupt, listen to me. When the alien came, there was indeed a treasure left behind. Although I haven't seen it, I know it exists. And This treasure belongs to Fang Lu, my younger brother, Baihui's elder brother."

Wan Li frowned deeply, raised his heels to follow his steps: "And then?"

"I don't know who spread the news that Fang Lu had a treasure in his hand. It may have been unintentional, or it may have been intentional. In short... the news was blocked by the newly established Secret Martial Arts Bureau, and Fang Lu was also taken away. From then on... never again. did not return."

Looking at Jiang Baihui with a sad face, Wan Li scratched his head. Is this the crime of being pregnant?Could it be that Guisun really left behind something?
"Fang Lu left and never returned. We, relatives and friends, are so anxious that it is useless to entrust people and various relationships." The first envoy spread his hands: "Except for the elders, the people who are closest to Fang Lu It's me as the older brother, the younger sister Baihui, and his childhood sweetheart, Jin'er."

"The three of us got together and set up a special operation team to save Fanglu, hehe..." The first envoy laughed and said, "The era of practice has begun, we are barely the same age, you should understand us The idea of ​​the second year at that time."

"Later we found out that this was not going to work. Our cultivation speed is very fast, especially me, who has always been at the forefront, but it is only one of the forefront. With only the three of us, we can't even investigate Fanglu's specific whereabouts, let alone Not to mention rescuing him. So we started looking for companions."

Having said that, Wan Li frowned slightly, and opened his mouth to interrupt, but the first envoy continued to speak.

"Fang Lu's good friend, the second envoy... Pancake joined us, but for a long time, only Pancake joined us. It's probably fate, the three of them have to go to school, and I'm going out to practice in a depressed mood. In a certain small mountain village, I met...foolish people who worshiped the aliens as gods!"

Wan Li was startled, his expression slightly complicated.

"Surprised? The first envoy of the Red Organization thinks that people who worship visitors from outside the sky are fools."

"... within reason."

"Hehe, when I went back from my trip, I got another bad news. The second aunt and the second uncle... that is, Fang Lu's parents, had a car accident. They were very kind to me since childhood. They are half the parents... that's it. Passed away with regret."

"Who would believe it's a coincidence... especially after I have gained some understanding of the Secret Martial Arts Bureau's style of work over the years." The first envoy said slowly: "After that, I decided to use the belief of the foolish people. I was still a little hesitant at first. , I didn’t expect Pancake to support my decision, and helped me persuade Jin’er and Baihui, and the Special Operations Team to Save Fanglu officially changed its name to... Red Organization!”

Wan Li was silent for a moment: "What's the use of saying this? To win sympathy? I want to say that there must be something pitiful for a hateful person?"

The first envoy paused for a moment, then frowned and looked back.

"It turns out that Jiang Baihui joined the Red Organization halfway, you are one of the founders?" Wan Li shook his head: "Three of the four founders appeared here tonight, aren't you afraid of being wiped out by our group?"

"You still want to fight us?"

"Where did you get the confidence to let me join the Red Organization just based on this story? The same hatred against the secret military bureau? Alas, in fact, the path you chose at the beginning was the right one. How good the special operations team is. It's your own business. No amount of hatred should involve innocent people."

"Hmph, to put it simply."

"Perhaps, I don't feel sore when I stand and talk. But you never thought...Fang Lu's parents' car accident might not be man-made? Secret Military Bureau took Fang Lu protect him?"

"...Hehe, it seems that you don't know enough about the dirty organization of the Secret Military Bureau."

Wan Li shook his head again: "No matter how dirty it is, there is always a limit. If the aliens really leave behind treasures, it is not something that the Secret Martial Arts Bureau can handle. Besides, if they really did what you imagined, they would have locked you a long time ago. identity."

"It's not like this..." Jiang Baihui whispered.

"Baihui!" The first envoy interrupted her, shook her head slightly, and turned to Wanli again: "We have our own way to conceal our identities."

"And then? The Red Organization is now a complete terrorist organization. Is your original intention of saving Fang Lu still there?"

"Of course!" Jiang Baihui blurted out.

The first envoy was silent for two seconds. Seeing Jiang Baihui looking at him, he nodded heavily...

(End of this chapter)

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