Restart the world

Chapter 252 Let's go

Chapter 252 Let's go (end of this volume)
Northeast corner of Daming Lake.

I don't know what happened, but when Wanli came back here, he saw this scene:
Yan Jiner's cats and cats sat side by side on Shao Laofat who was lying prone on the ground, looking at each other sharply.Yan Jin'er stretched out her leg and stepped on Chu Wei, who was a little more seriously injured. '

Seeing the three of them approaching back and forth, she touched her lower abdomen, which was still aching, and muttered in a low voice: "Brother A Gui showed his face, Bai Hui revealed his identity, Wan Liyang... really joined us?"

"He didn't join." The first envoy seemed to know Yan Jin'er's thoughts, and said loudly: "I told him about Fang Lu, but his opinion was somewhat beyond my expectation, maybe the Secret Martial Arts Bureau did not go too far , or maybe we are a little impatient, and we should wait for the Secret Martial Arts Bureau to target or even hurt him a few more times before recruiting him."

This was also for Wan Li, who made Wan Li shake his head lightly: "They have gone too far, I hold a grudge, and I will deal with them sooner or later, but I don't need to join you, I can do it myself."

Yan Jin'er frowned slightly, and raised her hand to pat Shao Laofat under her buttocks: "Brother Gui, give him the position of the sixth angel, he joined. As for Wan Liyang, I know too much..."

"Wait, sister Jin'er." Jiang Baihui said eagerly: "Wan Liyang, you said you would help me find my brother, but it's a puppy..."

The first envoy and Yan Jin'er helplessly supported their foreheads, and Wan Li was also a little speechless: "Wow, woof, woof!"

Jiang Baihui: "..."

Wan Li laughed: "Jiang Baihui, I feel that you are still a little rescued. As the youngest little sister, if these two guys still have a conscience, they should not let you do dirty work. It's too late to be a good one."

Yan Jin'er narrowed her eyes: "You disgusting guy."

Jiang Baihui was stunned for a moment, then shook her head and said, "I can do anything to get my brother back!"

"Tsk, brother-controlled girl." Wan Li sighed, and wanted to try harder: "To put it bluntly, you have been taken away for more than three years and haven't come back. The possibility of your brother surviving is very small..."

"No, he has been helping us!"


Jiang Baihui paused, and looked at the first envoy as if inquiring, and the first envoy said: "We have already guessed the role of the treasures given to Fang Lu by visitors from beyond the sky, and the superpowers that are appearing in the world are probably his means. , so those of us who are close to him have awakened rare superpowers, and Baihui has also awakened two kinds!"

Wanli: "..."

He covered his forehead with some headaches, your association ability is really strong, and this conjecture is made... I can't refute it.

"You have also awakened two superpowers. It is very likely that my brother chose you to save him..." Jiang Baihui persuaded again.

Pick a ghost!

Wan Li didn't want to talk, and quietly digested the information he got tonight.Among the four founders of the Red Organization, Jiang Baihui is still a naive little girl, and the threat is basically negligible.Yan Jin'er, the leader, is only on the surface, with emotions and anger floating on the surface, and he is the second last in terms of threat.

The first envoy is more like a second-year middle school youth who has superpowers and uses them in the wrong place. He is the most threatening, and the remaining pancake whose identity is unknown... It's hard to judge, so it's temporarily ranked second.

In fact, there are still many unsolved doubts, such as whether they are related to the cheap mother-in-law and the four missing pilots, what is the relationship, what they found in the investigation of the Secret Military Bureau in the past three years, and the identity of the pancake...

After tentatively asking a few questions, even cursing himself like 'be an understanding ghost', he still didn't get an answer. Wan Li knew that he probably wouldn't get any more information tonight.

He hesitated for two seconds, and looked at Jiang Baihui with a little regret: "If you make a wrong choice, you will have to pay the price. After I arrest the three of you tonight, I will help you pay attention to your brother's message."

Jiang Baihui was startled.

Yan Jin'er stood up, rubbed her lower abdomen, with a solemn expression: "Brother Gui, let's do it together?"

The first envoy sighed, and opened his mouth to make the final temptation and solicitation: "Join us, we will search for all kinds of people with superpowers for you to imitate, and even leave a way for you to let Baihui say that you Those 6 A-levels who protected her and Jicheng joined us as a last resort."

"Oh?" Wan Li was stunned: "Are the conditions so good? But you really dare to accept me to join? You are not afraid that I will pretend to join, deceive your ability, and find out the identities of your two, three, four, five envoys by the way?"

"Before you finish your investigation, just do something for us. And... come with me to see our country, and you will definitely change your mind." The first envoy said slowly.

of our country?Has the red organization completely controlled a small country?Wan Li frowned, and shook his head slightly. The country must be aware of this kind of thing, and he doesn't need to worry about it.

He turned to the other side: "Old fat, don't pretend to be dead, you really want to join the red organization? Get up!"

Old Fatty Shao shook, but didn't respond.

Yan Jin'er smiled and said, "He didn't count. S-class super-intelligent creatures are too threatening. After this exposure, even if the Martial Arts Bureau does not restrict the cat's actions, it will closely monitor it. Besides, Shao Minqiang...hehe .”

She stroked her messy hair and showed a sweet smile, which made the corners of Wanli's eyes twitch.

Fatty, you are worthless!
The Fang Lu they want to save is Yan Jiner's childhood sweetheart, you have no chance... eh?

Thinking of this, several images suddenly flashed through Wan Li's mind, which shocked him!
Combining Yan Jin'er and Fang Lu together, Wan Li finally remembered why he was familiar with them but couldn't remember where he had seen them.

I only saw them once, four years ago, but I saw these two vaguely a few times in a certain video, and I had a deeper impression of them.

On the night of the square dance, there were seven little friends gathering at the Huxin Pavilion!

Zhang Qiuyang and Qi Guoqiang were arrested, Zhong Yumi from the Bincheng Martial Arts Bureau, her classmate Lin Xiaoqi, her sister Lin Yuling, and two others, Yan Jiner and Fang Lu!
When Lin Yuling went to visit the injured little sister in Xicheng, Yan Jiner happened to be injured by Yue Heng and herself, so she might be the one visiting.

Then the pancakes...

Wanli swallowed.The S-level riding wolf king is pancake, and he was also in Xicheng at that time.Just the night before, Xiaoyu was injured by Shao Laofat. Lin Yuling acted alone the next morning, saying that she was handing over work to the little sister...

Think back to a few things further back.In Bincheng, there is an envoy with a higher status than Wang Xinlong, who is suspected to be a woman with a height of 165. When Wang Xinlong was arrested, Yan Jiner could suddenly arrive...

Wan Li pursed his parched lips: "Hey, tell me, if I arrested the three of you today, will that pancake go crazy?"

Yan Jin'er sneered: "Where does the confidence come from!"

"Panzi, is that Lin Yuling?!" Wan Li shouted abruptly, staring at Yan Jin'er's expression.

A little astonishment appeared on her face, she frowned, and then smiled slightly: "Lin Yuling mentioned me to you? Is she a pancake... What do you think?"

Wan Li's heart sank. Now Lin Yuling and Wen Jing are waiting for the boat, and they will board the boat to Bincheng in about half an hour.

If it was her...

"No, the relationship between her and Lao Wang has already developed to that point. If she conceals her strength, Lao Wang should feel it in bed..."

"China Railway Bohai No. [-] Ferry." The first envoy slowly spit out eight words and said with a smile, "Wan Liyang, let's go to our country to see."

Wan Li's brows tightened, he was threatened, do you think I am a person who is afraid of threats?

"Let's go."

Let me know that it's not Lin Yuling, Wen Jing is fine, let me blow up your base camp with a bomb!

(End of this chapter)

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