Restart the world

Chapter 253 Father Priest

Chapter 253 Father Priest
In a primeval forest, on a towering tree, the aerial roots from the trunk and branches pierce the ground from mid-air, gradually become thicker, and become the pillar roots supporting the crown of the tree, forming a strange landscape of a single tree forming a forest.

A young man with a height of about 183 cm, wheat-colored skin, and muscular bodies with sharp edges stood under the tree and looked up.

No movement was seen, only crackling noises were heard, and after a second, only the main trunk remained of the big tree, and all the pillars and roots became wooden pillars of the same length and were tied together.

The boy turned around and easily dragged the tens of tons of wood away with one hand.

Overcoming thorns and thorns all the way, the wild beast retreated. Ten minutes later, a boy emerged from the bushes and looked at the open ground in front of him and heaved a sigh of relief: "Fortunately, I didn't get lost this time."

Looking around, he shouted: "Which one is on duty today, come out! Hurry up!"

Two seconds later, two youths with bitter faces appeared in front of the boy: "My lord..."

"Huh? What do you call me?"

"God, my lord priest."

The young man nodded in satisfaction: "It's not too bad, I'll call you wrong next time. You two belong to Xiaoshiliu's subordinates, please show me the way. Which direction is Mahe District?"

"North, north, north...over there."

The boy put down his raised fist and said with a smile, "Understood, you two should be on duty."

When he walked away with the wood, the two young men looked at each other with wry smiles, and one of them heaved a sigh of relief: "Thanks to my quick response, if I answer the north... I will definitely be beaten today."

The other person sighed and shook his head: "Why is it so unlucky, the priest went into the forest when we were on duty, don't bully any beast again, let it come out to vent our anger on us..."

The two looked tense and became alert.


On the other side, the boy pulled the wood and came to a small village with only thirty or so wooden houses. Immediately, several little black boys under ten years old came up to him, bared their white teeth in front of him and spoke in a special language. Shouting 'Father'.

The boy pinched the face of a little black girl in front of him: "Felicia, it seems that her face has grown a little flesh, haha, stay away and watch the priest chop wood for you!"

The little black boys backed away immediately, staring at the boy expectantly.The young man laughed and made a knife with his right hand, blew on his mouth, and compared it with the pile of wood, he saw that the pile of wood was scattered into pieces of wood on the ground.

"My lord priest has used magic again!"

The young man looked at them with a smile: "This is not a magical technique. You can learn it when you grow up. Don't move these logs. Let the adults at home handle it when they come back."

"Understood, my lord priest!"

The boy waved his hand and went away, and he could vaguely hear the discussions of the little black children, which made him smile, until the sentence "Master Priest can live in the Cyre forest for half a month" was heard, and he was not allowed to put it away. Joy, his face darkened.

"If it weren't for getting lost, who would want to stay for a long time in that ghost forest full of poisonous insects and giant washbasin spiders. Sigh, sense of direction..."


This boy is Wanli.

At this time, he was in a small country in Africa called Sayre...a super small country.

The land area is only 25/25 of China, and it is one of the smallest countries in the world.The whole country is divided into [-] districts, which are actually [-] villages. The village with more than [-] households just now is the second smallest from the bottom...

This is a country sheltered by red organizations.

Purcell was not like this a few years ago, and it was not here. Instead, it is located on an archipelago in the Indian Ocean in East Africa. The tourism industry is very developed. The per capita income is at the forefront of Africa, and the population is several times as large as it is now.

The diplomacy between Purcell and Huaxia is also very good, and they also asked the Huaxia garrison to guard against pirates, but Huaxia refused.After the era of practice began, Purcell once again asked Huaxia for protection. This time Huaxia agreed, but the danger of the ocean was beyond expectations. After suffering heavy losses, Huaxia rejected their application for borrowing and provided the last help to help them migrate to the here.

In fact, it is also very dangerous here. There is a mountain with an altitude of more than [-] meters, a primitive forest that eats people, but there are only so many places suitable for life in Africa. If they migrate to barren land, they used to make a living by fishing and tourism. The Cyres are even more hopeless.

For more than two years, they tenaciously took root in the strange land, until the Lingshi Mine appeared on Mount Saier...

Although it was a small Lingshi mine, it also aroused the covetousness of surrounding countries that were not very friendly to this new neighbor. It was in this situation that the Red Organization reached an asylum agreement with them before Sale asked China for help again.

What the first envoy said to Wan Li about bringing him to experience the country that belongs to the Red Organization is a bit exaggerated... Although the country is indeed gradually adapting to the existence of the Red Organization, and many people have joined the Red Organization when Wan Li arrived.

"But now they listen to the words of the priest more than the red organization, hahaha..."

The title of priest is quite awkward, and it feels like he wants to officiate a wedding.But the red organizations are all messengers of gods, servants of gods, believers of gods...the father of gods is very comfortable.

At first, the top management of the red organization had a lot of opinions, but later Wan Li came to an agreement with them.

No one cares about him, fists are king.

The most important thing is that no one cares about him.

Because he was worried that Lin Yuling was the second envoy pancake, Wen Jing and others would be in danger after he opened the king bomb to blow up Yan Jiner and the others, Wan Li followed the first envoy to this country.

After understanding the situation here, Wan Li couldn't launch Wang Bomb to blow them all up. Yan Jiner and Jiang Baihui didn't come, and it was a bit of a disadvantage to bomb only one of the first envoys. Wan Li wondered if he could get more information.Not to mention that some things were really easy for him to detect, for example, the third envoy was from Huaxia and was in a high-level position, the fourth envoy was from the island country, and the fifth envoy was from the Peacock country...

However, it was only delayed for one night, and the first envoy secretly flew away...flyed away...

Wan Li still doesn't understand what he thinks, and he didn't agree to join, even if he agreed, you shouldn't be so relieved...

Wan Lidang, who felt that he was cheated, even wanted to go back, but for some reason he had to delay until now.

Walking into a larger village, Wan Li smiled at the children on the street addressing him as priest.Convincing them that they will not become soldiers of the Red Organization, the rapid increase in strength caused by devoting themselves to practice, and the simulation of many new abilities, these three points make Wan Li feel that he has not wasted time in vain.

When they first came here, the No. 14 and No. 16 angels in the middle and high levels of the red organization here joined forces and could fight Wan Li inextricably. Now... Wan Li can let them have both feet and nine fingers.

After all, eight months had passed.

(End of this chapter)

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