Restart the world

Chapter 254 Goodbye, Sister Liu

Chapter 254 Goodbye, Sister Liu
"Before I knew it, it had been eight months."

Wan Li smiled and greeted a group of black teenagers and girls who were yelling "drink, drink, haha" and walked towards the center of the village.

"It's almost Chinese New Year in Huaxia, I've finished the last part, no matter if the first envoy doesn't come back, I should go back... I may encounter some troubles when I go back, but I can handle it now. Wan Li pondered, and walked to the three-story building in the center of the village.

After glaring at the two guards, and hearing them shouting 'Master Priest', Wan Li walked into the small building, went straight to the third floor, and pushed open the door on the left.

"Yo, little sixteen, it's not locked anymore."

"Well, repairing the door is quite troublesome."

The person who answered was a 27-year-old young man with a beard and a vicissitudes of life.He is the No.16 envoy of the red organization, and he does not argue against being called Xiaoliu by Wanli.

"Smart. Hehe, little sixteen, how do you think about what I told you? Do you want to be my man?"

Xiao Shiliu was silent for a moment: "My lord priest, you can find someone else, my orientation is normal."

"Stop talking nonsense. I think you can still be saved, and I want to give you a hand. The red organization has no future, and your first envoy hasn't shown up for eight months. Keeping me here is like borrowing my hands to get rid of you." You are the same as Little Fourteen, aren't you aggrieved?"


"Haha, you're going crazy." Wan Li smiled, clenched his fists and made a sonic boom, raised his eyebrows and said, "I'll be leaving in two days, you can tell him to try, if he doesn't my Are you okay? You don’t need to go to other places, just help me protect those children who call me the name of Father!"

Before he could reply, Wan Li turned around and left, just as he opened the door, he bumped into someone.Wan Li didn't move at all, but the man almost sat on the ground and staggered back. When he realized that the person he bumped into was Wan Li, Li Lu panicked: "Sorry, Father!"

"It's okay." Wan Li smiled gently, pretending to be a priest is an addiction, and he was deliberately bumped even though he could avoid it, so that he could show his generosity.

"What's the rush?"

The man hesitated for a moment, looked at Xiaoliu's dull expression, and replied: "We found the scouts, they seem to be from Huaxia."

"Huh?" Wan Li was taken aback, "Where is it?"

"They have fled into Sale Mountain, and Zhang Shenpu is leading people to hunt them down."

"How many of them?"

"Three, all are A-level. In order to avoid personal injury, Zhang Shenpu asked me to ask the No.16 envoy to take action."

"Three, it's really timely." Wan Li muttered, "There's no need for Little Sixteen, I'll go there myself!"


In front of Saier Mountain, Wanli took a deep breath, mobilizing the huge aura in his body, simulating supernatural hearing, flashing into the mountain. "Scout? Let me see if something went wrong."

Eight months ago, after the first envoy secretly flew away, scouts belonging to China also came to Sale, which was one of the main reasons why Wanli stayed in Sale for a long time.

In the middle of the mountain, two men and one woman, three Chinese soldiers in camouflage uniforms were scattered and hidden in three bushes, communicating with their intercom devices.

"Two kilometers away from the southwest, a team of ten people passed by, with two A, five B, and three C in the team."

"There are also in the southeast, and the configuration is similar."

"There is only one in the north, dark green, who should lead the team. Captain, do you want to do it?"

"Wait." The female soldier said softly: "We have confirmed that Sale has become one of the gathering places of red organizations. The most important thing now is to pass the information back to China, and don't be greedy for credit..."

"Someone is approaching, very fast!" one of the male soldiers interrupted.

"Dark yellow? Peak B-level? Alone?"

"team leader!"


Two male soldiers jumped up in an instant, and their figures appeared on both sides of the visitor. One of them stretched out a hand to grab the visitor's arms, pulled back to grab him, and at the same time covered his mouth with his hands, trying to drag him back to the bushes in, however...

Wanli looked around at the two men who were desperately pulling his arms, muttered, "It's not the three from last time", he casually slapped off the palms covering his mouth, and instantly put his arms on the two soldiers' shoulders. On the shoulder, patted lightly.

"Don't move, you are captured by me."

The bodies of the two soldiers froze, their arms wrapped in white light, and they struck Wan Li's ribs heavily.

Bang! !

Wan Li didn't respond to the two elbows, he patted them hard on the shoulders with both hands, making them stagger and nearly kneel on the ground, their shoulders hurt unbearably.

"do not move……"

Bang! !

Wan Li frowned slightly, and looked at the punch on his chest by the female soldier in front of him: "This punch hurts a bit, it doesn't look like it can be punched by a beginner at A-level, super power?"

Bang! !

The muscles in Wanli's chest bulged, and the female soldier at the top staggered back a few steps, "The impact spread?"

The expressions of the two people in his arms changed, and they turned to Wan Li's ribs again: "Captain, let's go!"

The female soldier's short hair was blown up by the wind, and she stared at Wanli with sharp eyes, as if she wanted to remember him, but suddenly her eyes became turbulent, and she froze for a while.

Wan Li was also startled: "Sister Liu?"

"...Xiao Wan?"

Wan Li smiled: "What a coincidence."

There was a noise not far away, and a group of members of the Red Organization heard the sound and ran over.The expressions of the three tightened, and the female soldier hesitated and said, "Xiao Wan, you..."

"It's okay, Sister Liu." Wan Li shook his head and looked at the person coming.When they saw Wan Li, their expressions froze, and when they saw Wan Li hugging two male soldiers 'closely', the leader hesitated for a moment, then waved his hands and said:
"My lord priest, let's search over there!"


Wan Li raised his hand, and a wooden table and four wooden chairs slowly rose up, "Sister Liu, I haven't seen you in a year and a half, you have changed a lot, shall we sit and chat?"

"You change...more."

"Captain, acquaintance?"

"Well, not the enemy."


After a while, Wan Li sat on the wooden chair, playing with a special instrument in his hand that would light up dark yellow when facing himself, and light green when facing the other three.

"Eight months have passed, is technology so advanced? There are even such things?"

"It's made of colorless crystal."

"That's what surprised me."

"I was surprised when I saw you." Sister Liu shook her head, "Xiao Wan, why are you here?"

"Hey, Sister Liu, why don't you ask me why I joined the Red Organization?"

"You can't join."

Wan Li smiled: "Thank you, Sister Liu, for your trust. Sister Liu, I want to ask you something. Where are the three Chinese scouts who came eight months ago before you?"

"Eight months ago?" The three of them looked at each other, and Sister Liu said in surprise: "Huaxia just got the news that Sale was suspected to be a gathering place for red organizations. How could there be scouts before us?"

Wan Li blinked: "It's a dog."

 Well, friends who won the lottery contact me quickly, there are still three short.

(End of this chapter)

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