Restart the world

Chapter 255 Let go

Chapter 255 Let go
Back to eight months ago.

"What did you say? You left?" Wan Li stood in front of a short-haired young man with a displeased face, and asked in surprise, "You left last night?"

"Yes, the first envoy told us before leaving... You will be the sixth envoy from now on. Sixteen and I will follow your arrangements, and Saier will be under your management. You can get [-]% of the Lingshi of Saier Mountain every month. The number is about [-], and all servants and believers with superpowers will be classified as your direct subordinates."

"Temptation? Is he crazy or am I crazy? The sixth envoy, why don't you give me a leader and I won't do it. You're only stupid to be an envoy for Guisun. I'm almost as good as a priest." Wan Li was speechless.

Take yourself around Saier, knowingly or unintentionally leaked some information about the third, fourth, and fifth angels to yourself, and then sneak away, what is the operation?Fortunately, I was still thinking last night how he would lure me to join today, is it so simple and rude?
Wan Li didn't understand what kind of shit was in the head of the first envoy. He looked at the fourteen envoys in front of him, then at the sixteen envoys beside him, and asked tentatively, "Have you seen the second envoy?"


"Three, four, five, eight or ninety?"

"never seen it."

"Useless goods." Wan Li muttered, turning his eyes, and asked again: "Is Saier seriously attacked by wild animals? If you work harder, how many people can keep them safe?"

The two looked at each other, and were a little puzzled by Wan Li's question, but after thinking for a while, the sixteen angels still replied: "At present, fourteen and I are working in shifts, but usually we don't need the two of us to do it ourselves, there are seven or eight B Just keep an eye on it.

But this is only on the side of the forest, there will be occasional problems in the Lingshi Mine, when the first angel is not around, our manpower is barely enough, and now there is the sixth angel, you are here..."

"Don't call me an angel, call me a priest!"

Wanli stared, then narrowed his eyes again, there were barely enough people, and the idea of ​​clearing half of the monsters before leaving was difficult to implement... Let's grab some spirit stones and go back to Huaxia, sneak back to Bincheng secretly, and find out what's going on with Lin Yuling!
At this moment, a believer on duty suddenly broke in, "Master Fourteen God Envoys, Lord Sixteen God Envoys, we found three scouts belonging to Huaxia, and there is a B-level peak, God Servant Liu asked the two adults support."

The eyes of the two were fixed, and the fourteenth envoy was about to leave, but the sixteenth envoy pulled him, turned to Wanli and said, "Master the sixth envoy, do you see?"

Bang! !

Facing the vigilant and hostile eyes of the fourteen envoys, Wan Li said calmly, "Oh, if you call me an envoy again, you will be beaten. Call me a priest! Scout? Take me to have a look. "


"Those three people dressed up just like you, and I took a bit of effort to save the three oil bottles in the enemy's lair. I played a scene..." Facing the three of Sister Liu, Wan Li explained: "Explain the situation to them. Finally, the captain told me not to be impatient, saying that the upper management would believe me, and maybe give me a task to break into the red organization, and let me wait for news."

Sister Liu frowned: "That's fake, Xiaowan, you are too confused. If you went back and explained it, you would be fine. Now it's been eight months... I'm afraid there will be some trouble. But the problem is not too big, After all, you were forced to come here to protect Director Jicheng Budo, and although I haven't heard of it, the upper echelons should know about it."

The other two looked at each other and said hesitantly: "Captain, you don't want to take him back, do you? What if..."

"There is no chance, if Xiao Wan can join the Red Organization, then...heh, I can join too!"

"Oh, heavy trust..." Wan Li smiled: "Forget it, Sister Liu, I won't cause you trouble. You go first, I still have some things to deal with here, and I will go back tomorrow."

Sister Liu was startled: "Xiao Wan, you..."

"Hehe, don't worry. After finishing my business, let's talk about yours, Sister Liu? Why didn't you become a pilot and became a scout instead?"

"You knew already?"

"I've seen Yu Wei and Aunt Daoli."

"Xiaowei and Mistress." Sister Liu sighed softly, "Are they alright?"

"It's pretty good. Counting the time, Yu Wei's mental problems are likely to have been cured."

"Really? That's great!"

"Sister Liu, what happened back then, the two of them are the family members of heroes..."

Sister Liu shook her head and sighed lightly: "Not everyone who died for the motherland can be called a hero, after all...the mission failed."

Wan Li frowned slightly, chewed Sister Liu's words twice in his mouth, thoughtfully, seeing her fading interest, he didn't ask again.

"Xiao Wan, it's fine if you go back two days later, Sister Liu still has a little say, so let me help you ventilate to the higher-ups first." Sister Liu said.

Wan Li smiled: "Oh, Sister Liu, see you in China then."

"See you at home."

Watching the three go away, Wan Li heard the whispered inquiries of two male soldiers with supernatural hearing, asking Sister Liu Wan Li's identity, the relationship between the two, whether the tool for measuring the level in his hand is broken, why is the B-level peak so strong, etc. ...

"Sister Liu trusts me enough, because she said to kill Guisun in front of her back then? My fiancé and master died at the hands of Guisun, maybe my ideals are the same as mine." Wan Li pondered: "Sister Liu is trustworthy. , and I knew that the scout eight months ago was a fake, the key is...huh?"

The fuzzy sound from a distance made his eyebrows tighten, and his figure flickered and disappeared.

More than ten kilometers away, the three of Sister Liu who were just about to escape from the range of Saier Mountain were surrounded by a dozen people who suddenly appeared, and the leader was a young man with short hair——God Envoy No.14.

When the two parties encountered each other, there was nothing to communicate with. The fourteen envoys directly waved their hands to signal the servants and believers to arrest them.The battle was about to start, but suddenly there was a loud bang.

Pushing the fourteen angels into the deep pit with one hand, seeing him struggling violently, Wan Li added another foot, pinned him tightly, rolled him twice, turned his head and raised his eyebrows and said, "Sister Liu, let's go."

Sister Liu breathed a sigh of relief, nodded to Wan Li, and left quickly with her two subordinates.

Wan Li turned his head and looked around according to the fourteen envoys.The servants and believers shrank their necks when they saw his gaze, and greeted him, "Master Priest!"

"Hmm." Wanli snorted.He didn't let go of the Fourteen God Envoys until he heard that Sister Liu had completely left the range of Saier Mountain, and took a few steps back.

The fourteenth envoy jumped up, spat out the dirt in his mouth, and looked at Wanli angrily: " are too much, you let go of the three Chinese scouts eight months ago, right? This time, I must report to the first envoy!"

"You can tell him quickly, I don't think he's thinking too much." Wan Li smiled, but sighed in his heart.

He's not stupid, he didn't realize that the scout eight months ago was a fake, and he realized it two days later, why did he stay for eight months?

However, according to his investigation, it was not a trick played by the Red Organization in order to keep him, and the Red Organization could not send three "real" scouts...

There are some things that are not good to tell Sister Liu.

(End of this chapter)

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