Restart the world

Chapter 256 I'm Really Dare

Chapter 256

On the way back, the fourteen envoys were still shouting their dissatisfaction with Wan Li from time to time, and after being squinted twice by Wan Li, they immediately fell silent, and after a while they couldn't help mumbling again.

Wan Li looked at the mud marks on his body, shook his head and ignored him.Before returning to Huaxia, he basically confirmed his conjecture from Sister Liu, and he was relieved and disappointed for a while.

The fake scouts were not sent by the Red Organization, so they could only be from the Secret Martial Arts Bureau. He spent three days on the road with the first envoy, Lysail, which was enough for the Secret Martial Arts Bureau to make some arrangements.

The purpose is also very clear, let Wan Li stay in Seldo for a while, and they will have enough reasons to arrest and investigate after returning.What happened next is not up to Wanli himself, it depends on how powerful the Martial Arts Bureau is, if not, Wanli's Wang Zha might have to use it to defect...

"It's really dark enough, but it's just a small contradiction." Wan Li sighed.

Of course, this didn't make Wan Li any plan to join the Red Organization to deal with the Secret Martial Arts Bureau. One day he would be so strong that he wouldn't dare to say anything even if he smashed the head of the Secret Martial Arts Bureau's house, and that day would not be too far away , why be a 'anti-thief'.

The red organization should be eliminated. The key issue now is to determine the identities of the second and third angels. These two unknown high-level red organizations in China pose the greatest threat.

"There are roughly suspected candidates, and my force value is about to be enough, and the day of a wave of clearing is not too far away. Before that, let me clear a wave of mobs..."

Eight months was enough for Wanli to investigate the past identities of the red organization members stationed in Sale, a small half of them were poor people, and more than half were criminals.

Criminals are divided into felonies and misdemeanors, and Wan Li plans to deal with the felons before leaving.It is not necessary to kill them all, but it is indispensable to let them be guarded by others to do more dangerous work, which requires the cooperation of Xiaoliu...

There were also some people who gave Wan Li a little headache, such as the Fourteen Angels who kept nagging around him.He is straightforward, rude and talkative, but he is not a bad person, but he has a serious crime-manslaughter.

Wan Li looked at him, heard the murmur in his mouth clearly, frowned slightly: "Why don't we kill him?"

The Fourteen God Envoys only felt a chill coming over them, they couldn't help shrunk their necks, looked at Wanli, muttered 'who are you scaring', and didn't dare to say another word.

Walking down Mount Searle, and about to reach the nearest district, suddenly a black man of middle age came running wildly: "Father...Master Father, the beasts in the Searle Forest...the beasts have rioted!"

Beast riot?Wan Li's eyes were fixed, and he asked the black man to report the situation, saying that the situation was urgent, and it was difficult for even the disciples to be dispatched.He didn't delay, and immediately turned his head to give instructions to the fourteen envoys, and his figure flickered and disappeared.

The fourteen envoys paused, waved their hands and said, "Destination Saier Forest, the fastest speed!"


On the outskirts of the Saier forest, the No.16 envoy has arrived here with more than 200 members of the Red Organization above C level, but at this time they are in danger among the mad beasts.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a group of wild beasts. In addition to wild boars, wild deer, wild wolves and other wild animals, there are also snakes and strange insects. Although almost none of them have reached the B level, the difference in the number of tens of times has caused a huge threat.

Wan Li, who had rushed here, frowned slightly, and immediately jumped onto a wild boar with one foot, and shocked the wild boar to death, and shouted loudly: "Listen up, everyone, I will count one, two, three in a while, and jump, give it all to me!" Jump up, jump up with all your might!"

"My lord priest..."


Wan Li slapped the wolf that was flying towards him.

"Two! Three! Jump!"

As soon as the words fell, densely packed wooden thorns suddenly grew within a radius of several thousand meters. The sharp tips of the wooden thorns pierced countless insects and snakes to death, and the countless beasts stabbed made a final scream.

The faces of the members of the red organization who jumped in the air and were about to fall turned green, and the faces of the two people who didn't take off in time were already purple...

With a wave of Wan Li's hand, the wooden thorns retracted into the ground one after another, without a trace, only the scars on the corpse of the beast, insect and snake proved that they existed.

"Xiao Shiliu, clean up the fish that slipped through the net, and then check to see if anyone has been bitten by poisonous insects, and deal with it in time. Those two idiots who can't even jump have their feet pierced, take them to treat their injuries." Wan Li said faintly. Said: "I'll go to the forest to investigate the situation and see how crazy these things are."

Little Sixteen nodded, he was still calm, while the others showed more or less admiration on their faces, and even a few young female red organization members muttered, "Your priest is so handsome".

Wanli, who went deep into the forest along the direction of the beast, simulated the supernatural hearing again, and he smiled happily...

After casually killing a few large beasts that were still running out, Wan Li quickened his pace and occasionally made a sonic boom.Tens of kilometers deep into the forest, the roar of the lion that shook the ground from afar gave him some clues about this beast riot.

"Those two big guys are fighting? I'm still worried that I can't find you, just to solve the hidden danger!"

The forest near Sale is a huge primeval forest. No one knows what terrible beasts are hidden in the deepest part of the forest. Even Wanli is a little afraid now.

Just near the outskirts of Saier's forest, there are two super intelligent creatures, a giant lion and a giant crocodile. Hearing the roar of the lion, he can guess what happened. Turn off super hearing.

The giant lion and the giant crocodile are fighting together. The two peak A-level giant beasts are more than twice the size of the normal lion and crocodile. Their strength is almost the same as that of the original wolf king. Got to get out of the forest.

The intrusion of the uninvited guest Wanli quickly attracted their attention. The giant lion and giant crocodile jumped to suspend the dispute and stared at Wanli, with humanized fear and fierceness in their eyes.

Wan Li looked at them, thought for half a second, raised his hand to take off his shirt, and threw it into the distance.

"Power unlocked, 40%!"

The upper body became thicker by a large circle.


Two minutes later, Wan Li sat on the dead giant crocodile, stroking the head of the giant lion that was rubbing against his feet in a fawning manner.

"Understand what I'm saying, right? From now on, you will dominate this area and restrain the younger brothers. If any beast dares to invade Saier, I will take you as a question!" Wan Li laughed, getting up and dragging the giant crocodile away: "The big lion is quite handsome, but this crocodile is a bit ugly..."

Outside the forest, the No. 14 envoy has brought people to arrive, but the manpower here has been reduced by half, and many members of the red organization have been injured.

At this time, everyone was washing the ground, and after Wanli dragged the giant crocodile out, he threw the giant crocodile at Sixteen Angels: "Little Sixteen, make me a pair of leather shoes."

The sixteen envoys were startled, and said with a wry smile, "My lord priest, you are a little too strong."

Wan Li shook his head and walked towards him with a smile, then was startled again, and looked up at the sky in surprise.

"This bastard... dare to come back?!"


PS: (There are still three veterans who won the lottery and did not find me. They are all gifts, and they need to be mailed... Please contact me as soon as possible, or you can only get red envelopes.)
(End of this chapter)

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