Restart the world

Chapter 257 The Priest and the Angel

Chapter 257 The Priest and the Angel

After eight months of absence, Wan Li never expected that the first envoy would come back just as he was about to leave.

When Wanli saw the first envoy, he was still far away. Ten seconds later, the fourteenth envoy who was second only to Wanli in strength realized it. Lord One God Messenger! You are finally back!"

'I was almost bullied to death by the priest! Wan Li added to him in his heart.

Hearing his yell, the others realized the arrival of the first envoy, opened their mouths, wanted to say hello, then turned their heads to look at Wanli hesitantly.

Wanli spread his hands: "Look at what I do, what I should do, I have guests coming from afar, and I am entertained by the priest, it's none of your business!"

Most of the people suddenly showed a look of bewilderment, looking at the sky and him.A small number of people hesitated for a moment, lowered their heads and continued to wash the floor.

The fourteen envoys were stunned: "Hey, the first envoy is back, you bastards..."

"One muscle." Wan Li curled his lips, and looked up again at the number one envoy who was getting closer.

It has been less than a year since the red organization settled in Saleman, the first envoy has been here for less than two months, and Wan Li has been here for a full eight months.Don't talk about affinity or anything, who knows if the first envoy will show up and leave. In the hearts of everyone, 'Master Priest' can't afford to offend.

Of course, what's more important is that they have seen the terrifying strength that Wanli has displayed intentionally or unintentionally in recent months, beating up the fourteen angels, and casually killing the A-level peak giant crocodile, no worse than the S-level!

The fourteen envoys looked at Wanli, gritted their teeth, and ran towards the first envoy, waving and waving while running, but a few seconds later he froze, ignoring him and flying over his head. The number one divine envoy in the past stood there stunned.

"Tsk..." Wan Li felt sorry for this fool, and suddenly showed a look of astonishment, "I haven't done it yet, how dare you do it first?"

When the straight-line distance was shortened to about 500 meters, the first envoy clenched his fist with his right hand, stretched it backwards, and suddenly swung his fist towards Wanli. A bright white beam of light protruded from the tip of his fist and went straight towards Wanli.Compared with eight months ago, the beam of light was more solid and thick, and when it passed through the air, it brought up layers of heat waves, wrapped in strong winds.

Members of the nearby red organization suddenly showed panic expressions and fled in all directions.Wanli didn't move, he grasped it with his right hand, the air crackled, his right arm swelled rapidly, and soon became twice as thick as the original arm, covered with criss-crossing blue veins and terrifying huge muscle mass.

Facing the beam of light, he swung his right fist.

boom! !

In the violent explosion, the members of the Red Organization who hadn't fled away were swept away by the wind and waves. Even Xiaoliu, who was at the peak of the A-level, rolled several times on the ground in embarrassment. It even turned into blood foam!
When the smoke and dust cleared, a huge bowl-shaped pit more than ten meters deep appeared. Wan Li stood in the center of the pit and gently patted the dust on his body.

"That's right, your strength has improved more than I expected." The first envoy said loudly, and floated down towards Wanli, "This way...uh..."

Wanli in his sight suddenly disappeared, and at the same time, there was a burst of crisis diagonally behind him. His eyebrows tightened, he turned around immediately, and raised his hands.

boom! !

Wan Li turned backwards 360 degrees and landed on the ground. His two thickened arms slowly returned to their original shape and continued to gently pat the dust on his body.In a new pit that appeared, the first envoy also slapped the dust on his body a few times, his eyes revealing a bit of solemnity.

"Your strength has improved a lot. No wonder you dare to come back. It seems that you have to wait a few more months to kill you instantly." Wan Li narrowed his eyes.

The first envoy jumped out of the pit, stood in front of Wanli, looked at the huge pit of more than ten meters that Wanli had dug behind him, and then looked at the small pit of six or seven meters that Wanli had dug himself, shook his head and smiled : "It's scary to have S-level power in eight months. How much power did you use?"

"Thirty to forty percent, how about you?"

The first envoy shook his head: "Don't worry about me, I have used [-]% of my strength."

"Hehe." Wan Li spread his hands and smiled, "Really [-]%? Then let me see if I can kill you?"

The first envoy shook his head again, pointing to a member of the red organization who was stunned by the aftermath in the distance: "Two more strikes, they will be dead. And if there is a real fight, Sale will not be able to resist our toss."

"You threaten me with the people of your organization and the country of your organization?"

"Isn't it almost becoming yours?"

Wan Li was taken aback, and turned to look at the fourteen envoys in the distance with a face of collapsed faith: "That idiot told you?"

"Yes... oh, my lord priest."

Wan Li pondered for a moment: "Let's go, my lord priest will show you around...Little Sixteen, idiot! Organize the uninjured to take the wounded back!"

After a simple test, Wan Li had a rough idea of ​​the strength comparison between himself and the first envoy. After eight months of chasing the opponent who could only be defeated by Wang Bo to this level, Wan Li was quite satisfied with the progress of his own strength.

Just the day before yesterday, his strength reached the 'final B-level peak' state, breaking the physical limit 27 times in total, and even the [-] times the gravity of the nine gravity ring could not let him break the limit again.

The amount of spiritual energy in his body is dozens of times that of a normal B-level peak. Once he breaks through to A-level, this huge spiritual energy can be attached to the body surface, and his strength may make a huge leap.

Of course, too much spiritual energy also brought difficulties in controlling it. Wan Li felt that he would need at least two or three months to advance to A-level.At that time, one punch will be able to dry the guy next to him into the ditch!
Wanli looked at the first envoy: "Are you flustered? If you don't activate the special state, you will almost lose me."

"...So what. Before confirming Pancake's identity, so what can you do, no matter how strong you are?"

"Scaring someone, as if someone has no relatives or friends." Wan Li pursed his lips.

"That's different, we're...heinous criminals, and you're a good guy."

"My God, I was issued a good card."

"Heh, the Secret Martial Arts Bureau has targeted you like that, do you really have no resentment in your heart?"

"Yes, I told you earlier. Hey, have you read Water Margin?" Wan Li turned his head and said.

"Water Margin? Of course I've read it."

"Coincidentally, I've seen it too, so...who are you playing tricks with? Eight months ago, the scout was sent by the Secret Martial Arts Bureau, but you must have heard the news a long time ago. There is someone in the Secret Martial Arts Bureau?"

The first envoy paused slightly: "Smart."

"There are smarter ones. That person is Chu Wei, special agent Chu, right? I'm afraid the Secret Military Bureau will inevitably make tricks against me with this guy!"

The first angel frowned and remained silent.

"I always act like someone is stupid, but I found out that I'm a bit smart to take advantage of. Are you panicking? Guess... How long will it take me to confirm Panzi's identity?" Wan Li raised his eyebrows: "Come on, come on, Mahe District is here, priest My lord will give you some trouble!"

(End of this chapter)

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