Restart the world

Chapter 258 Wu Cai

Chapter 258 Wu Cai
Mahé district.

The logs that had been split by thousands of miles were still scattered on the ground, and the black children even took some wooden sticks to play games.Seeing Wan Li appearing again, they immediately bared their small white teeth and wanted to go forward, but they saw a stranger next to Wan Li and stopped timidly.

"It seems to be the first angel?" A child who had seen the first angel asked in a low voice.

The children immediately shrank back.

"You are ugly, and children are afraid of you." Wan Li gently waved to the children.

The children hesitated for a moment, and the little girl named Felicia ran to Wanli first, and then the other children followed. "My lord priest, are you going to perform magic tricks again?"

"I told you that it's not magic, and you have a chance to do it." Wan Li bent down and picked Felicito up, and let her sit on his shoulders, "Come on, greet the uncle next to you."


Wan Li used Cyre to communicate with them, and the first envoy didn't understand, he just felt that these children didn't call him that before... But he still nodded slowly in response.

Wan Li smiled: "Felicia, let your lord inform your district administrator to gather at the Priest's Residence at six o'clock in the evening."

"Well, my lord priest!"

After playing the thrilling 'flying high' with Felicia, Wanli pinched her face, and left the Mahe district with the first envoy to the Rière district.

"Eight months ago, Felicia was as thin as a radish. At the age of eight, she weighed less than 30 kilograms and could be blown away by the wind. Just now, she weighed at least 45 kilograms, and she started growing at the age of nine. She's still a black beauty, so it won't be convenient to hold her in the future." Wan Li muttered, chuckling and shaking his head.

The first envoy turned his head and said, "What did you explain to that girl just now?"

"Let her inform the district administrator to gather in front of my residence at six o'clock in the evening." Wan Li replied: "I have to notify other districts, starting tonight...Sell has nothing to do with the red organization."

The first envoy frowned slightly: "That depends on whether you have that kind of charm."

"Felice grew from less than 30 catties to at least 45 catties in eight months. Do you think I am attractive?"


The Priest's Residence is a small wooden castle with a unique shape. Wan Li spent three days working hard with wood magic to build it.

At six o'clock in the evening, administrators of 25 districts and some other high-level officials of Sale gathered in front of the priest. After Wan Li said loudly, "Sell will no longer be under the protection of the red organization, but will be under the protection of himself." Qi agreed.

At the same time, there were also two envoys and thirteen servants from the red organization. When Wan Li asked them if they were willing to leave the red organization and follow the priest, only fourteen envoys clamored to see the first envoy. Others showed a little hesitation and hesitation.

"You don't have to worry about the first envoy. He is listening in the priest's residence now. Do you think he has objected? I will give you a night to think about it. I will receive an answer tomorrow morning!"

"I'll follow you." Little Sixteen said suddenly.

Wan Li smiled in satisfaction, and knocked out the fourteen envoys who were about to rush over to fight with Xiao Sixteen a few times, "Very good, next."

Ten minutes later, when Wanli walked into the priest's residence with No. 14 envoy, eight of the thirteen servants had made it clear that they would leave the red organization, plus the little sixteen, it was enough to protect Saier.The remaining five people have long been shaken, and they will probably choose to follow Wanli tomorrow morning.

Throwing the fourteen envoys in front of the first envoy with complicated and inexplicable expressions, Wan Li said with a smile, "You can take him away in a while. Is it interesting to leave you the most loyal subordinate?"

After a long silence, the first envoy sighed: "Your charm is greater than I imagined."

"Although I really want to admit it, they didn't follow me because of my charm." Wan Li shook his head: "The red organization...has a bad reputation. They may have various difficulties when they joined in the first place. No one wants to join a terrorist organization. Two years ago, the reputation of the Red Organization was not bad, but ever since you recruited believers with the method of cholera Huaxia and psychic ability manipulation, the reputation of the Red Organization has become bad.

Not disengaging simply because they have no better options, plus fear of reprisals.Now that I have shelter, it is logical to break away from the red organization. "

"Maybe." The first envoy nodded, and looked at No.14 envoy: "It's okay to leave, the strongest is C-level and B-level, and the number is still useful. Now... I only need elite soldiers."

Wan Li laughed: "You're pretty good at comforting yourself, even small soldiers are unwilling to join, which elite soldier will join you? Me?"

"Hehe, it doesn't make sense to recruit subordinates privately and protect a small African country in China."

Wan Li was taken aback: "Why, do you want Chu Wei to give me a small report? Feel free, anyway, I have already committed an unforgivable crime at the Secret Martial Arts Bureau.

Don't waste time, tell me what you want to ask me to do this time, and leave as soon as possible, the red organization villains should not always stay in the priest's territory. "

The first envoy frowned deeply, groped his body twice, found a booklet out of nowhere, and handed it to Wan Li.

Wan Li took the booklet, startled: "Wu Cai Handbook? Wu Cai, what is it?"

Open the first page of the booklet.

Champion odds:

Zhang Bing (1:1.1)
Jiang Baihui (1:3.2)
Wang Haiyang (1:3.5)
Ni Qinyu (1:4)

"666, such a martial artist. Is the martial arts competition going to the final? Well, Ni Er is doing well, and Jiang Baihui is also doing well... But who is this Zhang Bing? He is so expected to win the championship?"

"A genius well hidden by the military, and the biggest dark horse in this martial arts competition, he has joined the martial arts bureau. His strength is not weak, and Baihui is not his opponent at the moment." The first envoy replied.

"So you are looking for me..."

"The quarter-finals will be the day after tomorrow, and the semi-finals will start seven days later. If nothing else happens, Baihui's opponent will be him. I need your cooperation to give Zhang Bing some hidden damage."

"Secret operation, huh, aren't you afraid that the gamblers will tear you apart after they find out? If you want me to cooperate, this Zhang Bing is so strong that you can't hurt him yourself?"

The first envoy nodded: "It is indeed very strong. If I take him alone, I may cause a big disturbance. We cooperate, and the third envoy can be safe."

Wan Li was startled, shook his head and laughed: "You are really bad to the bone, and you use your own people as bait to lure me to attack? The third envoy, if I guessed correctly, I have seen this guy."

The first envoy spread his hands and did not answer.

Feel free to flip through the martial arts in your hand, in addition to the championship, second and third place predictions, there are also predictions for the outcome of each battle, time-consuming predictions...

"I can't bet on balls or horses, so I started to bet on martial arts tournaments." Wan Li threw back the martial arts handbook, "I will go to Yanjing in two days to protect Zhang Bing, and beat your third envoy by the way." Shit, are you angry?"

The first envoy was silent for a moment, picked up the fourteen envoys who were unconscious, turned around and left.

(End of this chapter)

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