Restart the world

Chapter 262 Snake Skin Operation

Chapter 262 Snake Skin Operation
"Ah! Killed!!"

The ear-piercing screams sounded not far away from Wanli. Wanli turned his head, surrounded by horrified crowds, and lowered his head again, and in front of his feet was a comatose man with blood on his face and broken steps...

"Unexplainable trouble, Hou Yue's appearance can no longer be used." Sighing lightly, Wan Li leaned over and groped the person in front of him, but found nothing, "No stealing, peak B-level strength, invisibility What are you doing in the hospital..."

"what happened?!"

The security staff of the hospital did not react slowly, and several doctors and nurses also ran over, apparently wanting to treat the wounded, but seeing the 'murderer' nearby, they did not dare to go forward for a while.

"That person just now, just that one, he suddenly punched the air, broke the floor tiles, and then stepped on the ground with two feet. I don't know how, just stepped on someone!"

Enthusiastic people told the security guards what Wanli did, which made Wanli startled, which saved trouble.He spread his hands to a man with an ugly face and looked like a security captain: "This man has superpowers and is invisible. I found him coming out of the hospital invisibly, and thought he was a thief. He acted bravely.

Hey, don't thank me, just call me **.I have something else to do...huh? "

Wan Li frowned, and looked over his head: "There's something wrong again... Something's not quite right."

Two strong men in black suits jumped down from the seven or eight-story building of the hospital, and slammed heavily near the hospital gate, causing screams.

The security captain's face turned green at that time. He lost the bet on Wucai and jumped off the building in the hospital?Do you guys really think you can still save it?Two troubles in a row are going to ruin my job...

However, the two who jumped from the building were fine. They rushed out of the smoke and shouted, "Where are the security guards?! Come and seal the gate, everyone is not allowed to leave the hospital for the time being!"

"Locking up the hospital, are you crazy?" Wan Li squinted at the man under his feet, feeling a little inappropriate, "What did this guy do? Two early A-level guys, bodyguards..."

The Third Hospital of Yenching University is one of the best orthopedic hospitals in Yenching. After the opening of the practice era, there are far more injuries such as fractures than before. The status of this hospital has improved compared to before. Blocking can be blocked.

After they shouted, countless people expressed their dissatisfaction, and the scene became chaotic. Except for the two security guards who were still watching over Wan Li, few people were in the mood to pay attention to the beating incident just now.

"Invisibility, invisibility! Damn, it seems that there are troublemakers trying to harm me!"

"Please be safe and calm, everyone." A cold female voice suddenly resounded here, overshadowing all the noise, and the field was silent for a while. "Just now there was a vicious assassination incident in the intensive care unit on the eighth floor of the hospital. We will temporarily block the hospital and delay everyone's business. On behalf of the Martial Arts Administration, I would like to express my deep apologies to everyone."


"Deputy chief black?"

Wanli frowned, vicious assassination incident!

He thought for a moment, turned his eyes, picked up the invisible man under his feet, and shouted: "Goddess, look this way, I have caught the murderer!"

The field was silent again, and the first to respond were the two A-level initial bodyguards. They immediately appeared beside Wan Li, one on the left and one on the right.

In the blink of an eye, Wan Li brought the unconscious man to Hei Danyan, and smiled innocently: "I just said that the melon skin that entered the hospital incognito is not a good bird."



Wan Li responded, and suddenly threw the invisible man at Hei Danyan, his figure flickered, and he plunged directly into the crowd of onlookers.But no matter how fast the speed is, it can't move faster than space. Hei Danyan instantly appeared beside Wan Li, holding the invisible man with one hand, and hitting Wan Li's neck with the other hand.

Wan Li turned sideways slightly, swung his right hand, and clashed with her arm.

Bang! !

Without power unlocking, it is much weaker than the already S-level Heidanyan Wanli, and he shoots backwards.But there were a lot of people who shot backwards at the same time as him, and the strength of his fight with Heidanyan turned into a strong wind, blowing away a group of onlookers.

Heidanyan frowned slightly, and her figure kept flashing, helping everyone to land smoothly. However, after she finished all this, she couldn't find Wanli, only saw two bodyguards whose heads were pushed into the ground.

"Where is the A-level peak, the smile seems a little familiar, it is too troublesome to arrest a guy with this strength in the hospital..." Heidanyan murmured softly, turning his eyes to the invisible man in his hand.

On the other side, Wan Li didn't take advantage of the chaos to stay away, instead he flashed into the hospital, changed his appearance in the toilet and went straight up to the eighth floor.

After going around twice, he easily got a piece of news: "Wang Xiaodong, the seriously injured number sent yesterday, was assassinated and died after rescue failed!" '

"The world is so dangerous. Could it be that someone guessed that I was the one who injured Wang Xiaodong? That's right. After all, he is a top 36 player, close to the peak of A-level. I used invisibility and wall penetration. It's not surprising." Wan Li sighed softly: "Stealth assassination and blame, Secret Military Bureau or Red Organization?"

"These guys who are always playing tricks are really annoying, and they almost got caught by accident." Wan Li shook his head, was startled suddenly, and two acquaintances, Sun Kai and Wang Yuqing, walked towards him.

Not seeing each other for more than eight months, the faces of both of them have matured a lot, and they are talking in a low voice.

"Senior Xiaodong...died? Who did he offend? Yesterday he was smashed with more than a dozen ribs, and today he was assassinated again. If the two of us had come earlier, wouldn't he... have died?"

Sun Kai snorted, "Don't you always complain that senior Xiaodong looks at you lewdly?"

"That's different, death is the greatest..."

"The little girl is right, death is the greatest thing."

Sun Kai was taken aback, frowned and looked at the tall and strong man standing in front of him, his nostrils slightly dilated, and he took a long breath, what's the matter with you?

The tall and strong man smiled, and covered Sun Kai's head with his hands as if teleporting: "Young man, don't always look at people with your nostrils, it's very impolite to speak with your nostrils."

Sun Kai froze, his face darkened.


At the same time, the Budo General Administration.

"Guo Tao, a B-level peak, was instructed by the third envoy of the Red Organization to assassinate Wang Xiaodong?" Hei Danyan frowned slightly, and looked at Bian Ting in front of him: "A member of the Red Organization? Does he know the identity of the third envoy?"

Bian Ting shook her head: "After the census, if the B-level peak had no invisibility ability, he would be a piece of fish in the Red Organization and would not know anything."

"The third envoy..."

"Beauty Hei, if Chi's judgment is correct, it was Wan Liyang who attacked Wang Xiaodong yesterday, so that kid won't be the third envoy of the Red Organization?" Shi Yan interjected.

At this time, someone knocked on the door suddenly, and then pushed the door and entered. "Deputy General Director, I found out. The person who appeared in the hospital was Hou Yue, 27 years old, from Dongping, who had awakened the superpower of Qianlier. He traveled to Africa on the eve of the census and never returned. At that time, his grade was B. He was suspected of being a member of the Red Organization. .”

"The red organization again? The red organization sent people to assassinate, the murderer was caught by his accomplices and given to the black beauty, what kind of snake skin operation is this..."

(End of this chapter)

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