Restart the world

Chapter 263 Red Tissue Same Style Skin

Chapter 263 Red Tissue Same Style Skin

When he found out that he was being framed by someone, Wan Li actually held back his anger. He teased Sun Kai a few times, but found that it was meaningless, and the anger didn't dissipate. He took a deep breath and forced himself to think calmly.

Ever since I returned to Huaxia, my actions have been haphazard. Injuring Wang Xiaodong and catching the invisible man were all accidental encounters. The only thing I took the initiative to do was to meet up with Ni Er and wait for the red organization to launch an attack on Zhang Bing. passive.

I heard the news of the attack on Zhang Bing from the mouth of the first envoy. Considering that Jiang Baihui is one of the founders of the Red Organization, the accuracy of this news is indeed very high, but can it really be implemented?

After yesterday's chaos, the strength of the sentry in the villa area is not a big problem in dealing with S-level attacks. In addition, the strength of the top four is also very good.And Heidanyan's space movement ensures that she can reach the battlefield within a minute. In this case...does the red organization have to dispatch the whole army?This is the capital Yanjing!
Just to make Jiang Baihui a champion, is it worth it?The Martial Artist Competition has been held for two consecutive years. This year's top ten will automatically enter the next top 32, and the next top ten will represent China in the world. So besides reputation... I haven't heard of any other benefits for the first champion. ?

"Wu Cai...Wu Cai?"

"Uncle, you also bought martial arts?"

Wang Yuqing interrupted Wan Li's thinking, and when he came back to his senses, he realized that Sun Kai's nostrils were so dilated that he could put a coin in it...

Now he is simulating Huang Qi, the phase shift awakener, who is 34 years old, so he can accept Wang Yuqing's uncle calmly.

"Also... buy martial arts?"

"That's right, five out of ten people walking on the street will buy martial arts." Wang Yuqing nodded to herself, and then sighed: "I remember Senior Xiaodong also bought a lot of martial arts..."

Wan Li moved back the hand that was pressing on Sun Kai's head, and said with a pleasant face, "Little girl, you also bought martial arts? Where did you buy it?"

"Of course it's the official website of Wucai. You wouldn't buy it on a messy app, would you? That's unreliable. Maybe you won. If someone tells you that your website is illegal, it doesn't count..."

"And the Wucai official website?"

"Uncle, from which corner did you run out, did the village network..."

"Yuqing." Sun Kai snorted softly and winked at Wang Yuqing, but the two seemed to have no tacit understanding. Wang Yuqing gave him a suspicious look, then turned back and continued talking to Wan Li.

"Baidu searched and found it. The official martial arts website of the Martial Arts Bureau. However, if you want to bet, you have to go through a very troublesome asset verification. The betting money cannot exceed 30.00% of your total assets..."

"Rain and sunny!"

"What do you always call me for!"

Sun Kai's nostrils dilated slightly: "Senior Xiaodong was assassinated just now, did you have such a good chat with this inexplicable guy?"

Wang Yuqing was stunned: "That's right... But I think uncle always has a sense of familiarity, and he chats too much if he doesn't pay attention... Have we met uncle?"

Wan Li blinked: "19 years ago, my one-year-old daughter was abducted by human traffickers."

"Hahaha, uncle, don't be funny." Wang Yuqing shook her head again and again: "Your skin is so fair, you lost a son named Sun Kai."

"Oh, it seems to be!"

Sun Kai: "..."

"Stop making trouble, stop making trouble." Wan Li shook his head with a smile, and suddenly sighed softly: "There is an official martial arts website. I invested half of my net worth in the Watermelon app earlier, so I will die at a loss."

"Watermelon? I've never heard of it..." Wang Yuqing muttered, "It's definitely not a legitimate app if you invest half of your net worth. Uncle, you can find this app, so why don't you know the official Wucai website?"

"It's not that I didn't expect the official to set up a website... Who made it?"

Wang Yuqing scratched her head: "It should be Deputy Director General Chi, who is in charge of most matters of this martial artist competition."

"Chi Zhaochi, deputy chief?" Wan Li paused, "Little girl, do you know where he lives?"

"Uncle, why are you asking this?"

"Hehe, if I lose the bet, I'll jump off the roof of his house."

"Haha, uncle, you are so funny. People live in a courtyard, what kind of building do you jump off? Besides, with your strength, uncle, there are not many buildings in Yanjing that can kill you, right?" Wang Yuqing laughed.

Wan Li also smiled, and suddenly slashed the knife behind him, tearing apart a sandy palm that was grabbed at him silently!

"The ground of the hospital is quite clean. After delaying for so long, did this little sand gather?"

Wang Yuqing's expression froze slightly, while Sun Kai was stunned for a moment, his nostrils widened again, he landed on tiptoe, and teleported to appear behind Wanli.However, he did not launch an attack hastily. Instead, he took a few steps back and blocked Wanli's escape route one after the other with Wang Yuqing.

Wang Yuqing glanced at Sun Kai with the eyes of an idiot, then shook her head and said, "Uncle already found out? But... the ground of this hospital is quite dirty, and there is more than just sand!"

"Is the rest used to ask for help?" Wan Li looked at the front and back, spread his hands and said, "Half an hour ago, there was a guy who sneaked downstairs and was caught by a kind passerby. That's the assassin."

"We know, but who knows if the assassin has any accomplices?" Sand's palms condensed again.

"I also want to know who his accomplice is." Wan Li sighed: "The hospital is not a suitable place to discuss, see you next time."

"Where are you going...uh, where are you?" Wang Yuqing was stunned: "Sun Kai, what's wrong with you!"

Sun Kai frowned slightly, looking left and right... and relying on me, did he run away from me?


Two minutes later, Wanli Youyou left the Third Hospital of Yenching University, took out his mobile phone to check something, set the destination at the Martial Arts Bureau, and moved forward at a constant speed of 2m/s.

What I just learned from Wang Yuqing is still useful, and it has deepened Wan Li's suspicion of a person - Chi Zhao!
Ever since he knew that the third envoy was in a high position in China, he suspected that this guy was Chi Zhao who had somehow made things difficult for him. After all, there was no reason for him to make things difficult for him back then.

Wan Li decided to take the initiative to investigate.

Of course, he didn't have the guts to sneak into the Martial Arts Administration to investigate a deputy director. Didn't Wang Yuqing say that he lives in a courtyard house?The Yanjing courtyard house is not cheap. I haven't heard the news on the Internet that Chi Zhao is a rich second generation, so he should have bought this courtyard house after he practiced.

With the thinking of a normal will buy a house near your workplace, right?There are only three deputy director generals in the huge Huaxia, so they can't afford money.

"Huh?" When passing by a commercial street, Wanli suddenly caught something out of the corner of his eye, and couldn't help but stop. Five minutes later, there was an extra handbag in his hand, which contained a... tunic, which was almost exactly the same as the one worn by the first envoy, Yan Jin'er!

"Interesting, I didn't expect to be able to buy this kind of thing, so... Where can I find a mask?"

(End of this chapter)

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