Restart the world

Chapter 264 99%

Chapter 264 99%
The night is getting darker.

Asking about the residence of a deputy director general is both difficult and easy.In order not to abolish a usable identity, Wan Li took a little patience and found the right place - Shanshui Courtyard near nine o'clock.

This place is not too close to the General Administration of Martial Arts. It is between the fifth and sixth ring roads in Yanjing, and there are six or seven tourist attractions nearby. The price of each courtyard house may be hundreds of millions or even hundreds of millions.

There are a total of thirty courtyard houses. The people who live here are either strong or rich, and even if the rich are not strong enough, they will have strong enough bodyguards, so Wanli is extra cautious when he comes here.

After confirming to Nier with Wenjing's mobile phone that everything in the villa hotel is normal, Wan Li turned off the mobile phone and put it in his handbag.Looking around, his figure flickered, and a few seconds later he appeared on a mountain one kilometer outside the Shanshui Courtyard.

This mountain is one of the scenic spots near the Shanshui Courtyard—Calligraphy Mountain, which contains more than 100 cliff carvings by ancient and modern calligraphers.It is impossible for someone to come to appreciate the calligraphy at night. Wan Lichang, who was flickering halfway up the mountain, took a breath, found a thick and big tree and urinated, and then...

Newly bought red tissue skin, dress up!
With a robe on his body and a mask on his face, Wan Li really felt a little more mysterious about himself.

Put the coat you took off into your handbag, dig a big hole for thousands of miles, bury it together with Wenjing's phone, and then use wood magic to plant a tree on it... In case someone finds out and a battle breaks out, these two things may reveal their identities.

After finishing all this, Wanli thought twice, confirmed that there was nothing wrong with it, and took a few glances at the Shanshui Courtyard from a distance. The goal is late, let's go!
However, as soon as he lifted his foot, he almost knocked himself down... There seemed to be a vague voice?

"Is there really someone admiring calligraphy in the middle of the night? Or the security guards patrolling the mountains?" Wan Li frowned, and raised his hand to push the mask on his face, simulating supernatural hearing.

"Arrangement... understand..."

"Don't worry... I know..."

The distance is too far, even if you turn on the extraordinary hearing, you can still hear it intermittently. Why does this content sound like the security chief is assigning tasks to the security guards?

He frowned slightly, moved in the direction of the sound, and soon found the source of the sound, between two cliff carvings tens of meters high.

Looking around, I couldn't find the steps to go down for thousands of miles, and there was a guardrail on the edge of the cliff, so...they jumped over the guardrail?A height of tens of meters is not a small burden for a B-level, so could it be that there are two A-levels underneath?After all, the capital is the capital, and you can meet two A-levels casually.

Before Wan Li could figure out how to deal with this sudden incident, he saw two figures flying up from behind the guardrail... Flying up? !
He froze, and the two of them obviously didn't expect anyone above them, so they also froze for a while, one of them paused, and said hesitantly, "Brother Gui?"

The twitching expression at the corner of Wanli's mouth was covered by the clown mask.What the hell is going on, come to Calligraphy Mountain at night to change clothes, not only bump into skin with two people at the same time, but also two S-level...

"Brother Gui, is that you?"

Ghost brother, call me?This voice... Yan Jin'er!Wan Li had a lot of thoughts in an instant, and finally nodded indifferently, and said hoarsely: "It's me."

"Huh... Didn't you say that you have something to come at night? Appearing suddenly, it scares me to death."

"Yes, the first envoy."

Wan Li turned his head to look at the other person with a deep voice, S-level strength, this is the third angel, right?Should I buy a lottery ticket and come here just when Yan Jin'er assigns him a task?

"Things are handled faster than I expected. I'm not at ease here. Come and have a look."

"Don't worry, brother ghost. I have already explained the content of the plan to the third envoy."

It really is the third angel!After explaining the plan, can you repeat it to me?

Wan Li really wanted to say that, but it was just asking for something. After pondering for a moment, he continued to imitate the calmness of the first envoy, and said in a low voice: "The explanation is over? That's good. Jin'er, you go first, I have something to do Talk to the third envoy alone."

Yan Jin'er was slightly startled: "Brother Gui?"

"Anxin, I'm not avoiding you, I just want to ask the third envoy about some trivial matters, so you can go first."

Having been in contact with the red organization a lot, Wan Li has long discovered that although Yan Jiner is the leader of the red organization in the red organization, in fact the number one envoy is the person with the most say.After he repeated it twice, Yan Jin'er really flew away.

Until the end, she didn't doubt the authenticity of the ghost brother in front of her. Others came to Calligraphy Mountain at night, and they were wearing the same skin as the red organization. No matter how you think about it, it's impossible...

Similarly, the third envoy did not doubt his identity. After Yan Jiner left, the two faced each other in silence for a few seconds. If you have the opportunity, just smash this thing into pieces!

At this moment, the third divine envoy spoke first, with a question in his words: "The first divine envoy, why did you let Wan Liyang know about our actions?"

Wan Li thought for two seconds: "With him around, our operation has a greater chance of success."

"Hmph, what happened? Not only did he not become a helper, he became a trouble! I told you a long time ago that he is my hindrance!"

Wan Li squints, is it Chi Zhao?Definitely Chi Zhao!Why am I bothering you?Are you afraid that I will challenge you for the position of deputy director general after graduation?
"So you... targeted him without authorization?"

"Hmph, there are still people in the General Bureau of Martial Arts that you planted to monitor me? Guo Tao, who I sent to assassinate Wang Xiaodong, would be arrested by the people I organized. It's a joke!"

Wan Li froze, it was this bastard!

He made up his mind and said in a deep voice, "That's not the person I sent, it's just a coincidence, there should be more trust between us."

"Trust? Trust means that every time we meet you and that woman, we have to wear a mask. Don't you even dare to let me know what you really look like?"

"It's just in case, aren't you wearing a mask too? Don't whine, the action the day after tomorrow is the most important thing."

"The day after tomorrow?" The third envoy was startled: "You said the action will be the day after tomorrow?"

Tsk, I was wrong.So tomorrow?Or the day of the 7th semi-final?Wan Li pursed his lips. If he tried again and made mistakes, he might explode in an instant. He chuckled twice, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, it's just a slip of the tongue. Don't you want to know my real face? It's okay to let you see."

"Huh?" The third envoy was stunned for a moment, and found that the first envoy on the opposite side actually took off his mask, revealing a fair face in his thirties.Before he could figure out the situation, he saw the other party suddenly shorten the distance between him and him, and punched him in the face, extremely fast and powerful!
It happened suddenly, and he only had time to raise his arm slightly before he was sent flying by the punch, breaking the guardrail and embedded in the calligraphy cliff, making a loud cracking noise.

"Sin, sin, today I'm afraid I'm going to destroy these ancestors' calligraphy. The third envoy, let me... see your face!"

Power unlocked, 99%!


PS: (Well, there are two veterans who didn’t come to me for the first anniversary of writing. They are all gifts. I can’t wait. They are folded into red envelopes. Forgive me.)
(End of this chapter)

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