Restart the world

Chapter 265 madman

Chapter 265 madman
Miles swelled.

With 99% of his power unlocked, his body swelled like air, and the wide robe quickly turned into a tights, and the shirt inside was opened several times, barely hanging on his body.

The pants are even worse, and the trousers become beggar pants in seconds.

"What about going back to basics?" Wan Li was distressed at the fact that if he wanted to use all his strength, he would have to turn into this muscular weirdo. This is not 100% power unlocking, 100%... Sigh!

The third envoy embedded in the cliff is still a little dazed, until now he has not doubted the authenticity of the identity of the first envoy, why did he suddenly show himself his appearance, and then want to... kill himself?

are you crazy!

Before he had time to curse, alarm bells rang in his heart, and he felt a fatal crisis.He immediately spewed out the spiritual energy in his body, trying to blast away from the cliff, but the cliff did it first...

Wan Li didn't attack him directly, he jumped to the top of the cliff, folded his hands together, and smashed the cliff heavily.The cliff instantly burst and collapsed, squeezing the third angel embedded in the center of the cliff.

Severe pain came from the top of the head. If the spiritual energy hadn't been shot out in time, this spiritual blow would have knocked the third envoy into a coma.He shook his head lightly, and after falling tens of meters with the shattered stones, he raised his breath, stopped his figure, and cursed:

"First Angel! Are you crazy?!"

In the air, Wanli jumped on the gravel, his figure flickered, and in a flash he was above the third divine envoy. He didn't reply at all, the muscles on his face trembled, and he clasped his hands together and smashed down again, with all his strength!

The third envoy hastily covered his arms with milky white aura, raised his arms to parry, his face hidden under the mask turned purple at the moment when his fists and arms were handed over, his body fell straight down, and he fell to the bottom of the cliff and the ground still hadn't let go of his strength, his legs trembling Shaking, the bottom of the cliff exploded.

Regardless of the severe pain and sore arm, he did not question again, he finally realized something was wrong, and had doubts about the identity of the number one envoy in front of him.The other party...doesn't seem to be S rank?
S-level, how can there be physical combat? !

drink!He let out a low growl, and two beams of translucent white light condensed on the tips of his fists, circling left and right, menacingly, locked on Wanli.

Without dodging or dodging for thousands of miles, he struck with both fists, his body stagnated in the air for a moment, and the two beams of light shattered together.The small shock wave submerged Wanli's body, the third envoy clenched his fists, and shot several beams of light in succession into the shock wave.

As soon as he breathed a sigh of relief, his pupils shrank sharply.All the beams of light shattered at the same time, and Wan Li appeared in front of him as if teleporting, with his hands on his shoulders!

"I'm afraid your beam of light is not fragile, is it? It's far worse than the number one envoy!"

"You bastard is..."

boom! !

"It's your father!"

Because he couldn't fly, Wan Li pressed the third envoy into the ground and didn't intend to let go. His fists turned into afterimages, and he punched the third envoy who was riding under him hard with loud bangs. He smashed into the ground with one punch!
Deep and long cracks extend from where the two are, and the farther and farther they go, the cliffs of calligraphy will collapse when they reach them.After nearly half of the Calligraphy Mountain's Calligraphy Cliff was destroyed, Wan Li finally heard a cracking sound that was different from the cracking sound of the ground, and the corner of his mouth couldn't help but twitch.

"The quality of the mask is good. Could it be that it's made of stainless steel?'s going to shatter!"


This fierce battle, or Wan Li's unilateral beating of the third envoy had a greater impact than he had imagined.With Calligraphy Mountain as the center, everyone within a radius of seven or eight kilometers felt a slight vibration from the ground. Many people mistook it for an earthquake and rushed out of their homes.

The Shanshui Courtyard is the closest, and the earthquake is the strongest. Those who are at home have already left the courtyard, and some people are cursing, "Why did the earthquake happen, and what I bought was thrown down", while others feel it. Looking towards the direction of Calligraphy Mountain.

One of the muscular and powerful men watched from a distance for a while, his complexion changed slightly, and his figure soared into the sky, heading straight for the calligraphy mountain.


At the same time, Yan Jin'er had just returned to the hotel room when the cell phone rang suddenly.

"Brother Gui? Is it over so soon?"

"No, I have to stay here for a while." On the other end of the phone, the first envoy replied: "Jin'er, I just got the news that there was a slight earthquake near the calligraphy mountain. Are you still there?"

Yan Jin'er was stunned for a moment: "Calligraphy Mountain? Brother Gui, aren't you here? Gone?"

"...I'm here? Jin'er, I said I haven't finished my work here, how could I be at Calligraphy Mountain?"

"But... I saw you? Didn't you say that you want to talk to the third envoy alone, let me go first... I just returned to the hotel..."

There was a moment of silence on the other end of the phone: "You said, did you see me at Calligraphy Mountain? I also said that I wanted to talk to the third envoy alone?"

"Yeah?" Yan Jin'er was slightly taken aback.

"See my face?"

"That's not true, wearing a clown mask and a cloak... is it fake?!"

"Fake! What you saw... I'm afraid it was Wan Liyang. You stay in the hotel, don't run around, I'll go and have a look. Don't worry, if I don't have a chance to save the third envoy, I will give him up, anyway, then The guy has long been dissatisfied with us..."

"But brother ghost, without him..."

"You should contact Old Fatty Shao."


Calligraphy mountain.

Wanli, who has unlocked 99% of his strength, has hundreds of tons of power in every punch. After punching hundreds of punches frantically, the third envoy's body has penetrated into the mountain belly [-] meters deep.The mask on his face had been broken long ago, but in order to prevent Wan Li from seeing his face, he actually covered his face with spiritual energy.

It was very difficult for him to mobilize his whole body's spiritual energy to parry Wanli's attack, and he had no energy left to fight back. After using part of the spiritual energy on his face, his arm bones and sternum were all cracked soon.
But unfortunately, the calligraphy mountain collapsed suddenly.

It didn't collapse as a whole, but after a [-]-meter abyss was abruptly created, the cracks continued to expand, and the mountains on both sides suddenly collapsed into the pit!
Being able to break down a mountain does not mean being able to resist a landslide. No one can bear the force of a mountain collapse weighing tens of thousands of tons.Suddenly there was a landslide, and Wan Li felt that his whole body was not well. He had to grit his teeth and give up the fierce pursuit of the third envoy. He leaped up, swung his fists and legs, smashed one boulder after another, and his figure was gradually covered by sand. submerged.

Half a minute later, the flying third envoy broke through the landslide first.At this moment, he was in a state of disarray, his injuries were getting worse, his chest was heaving violently, and he was still scolding the first envoy in his heart—he had already guessed that it was Wanli who was fighting him.

Before he had time to speak harshly, he shot up into the sky and wanted to escape.However, at this moment, a beam of light suddenly shot from the sky, hit the third divine envoy, and struck him to the ground!

At this time Wan Li finally broke through the ground, with an ugly face, and shouted: "Chi Zhao, don't run away! I know your identity, use superpowers! Come back and fight me! Dad taught you how to be a man!"

"Hmph, where are the madmen!"

 I have something to do at home, so the next chapter will be late.

(End of this chapter)

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