Chapter 266
A cold snort suddenly came from above the sky, accompanied by a cylindrical beam of aura light.

Wan Li was slightly surprised, turned around and swung a heavy fist. After two seconds of stalemate, he shattered the beam of light, staggered back a few steps, and looked up at the sky.After being startled for a while, the corners of his mouth slowly curled up.

Standing quietly in the sky is a muscular and powerful man—Chi Zhao!
"Chi Zhao, do you think I won't know you when you take off your vest?! Come on, you were so pitifully weak just now, if you can be the deputy director general with this strength, it really disappoints me, let me see Let's see what your super power is!"

In Wan Li's heart, among the three deputy director generals, Yue Heng is the strongest, followed by Hei Danyan, and Chi Zhao is the second.He estimated that his current strength was similar to that of Hei Danyan, slightly better than Chi Zhao, or similar to Chi Zhao, so he should not be able to take him down for a while.

But the fight just now was like abusive, unilateral beating.If it wasn't for a sudden landslide, 99% of the power unlocked would kill the opponent!

In the sky, Chi Zhao's face darkened, he pulled back his right fist, and a thick white light enveloped his fist: "I was pitifully weak just now? A madman!"

The solid and thick beam of light seems to be able to transpire the air, driving the awe-inspiring momentum to strike thousands of miles.Wan Li's brows tightened, and he punched out with both fists.

boom! !

The huge shock wave dissipated from the place where the two collided, and all the large and small stones where they passed were turned into powder, and the sky was filled with mud and sand, blocking the line of sight.After the impact dissipated, Wan Li's expression became more dignified.

"Did this guy keep his strength earlier? Although he was not as good as the number one envoy just now, the difference is not too much... Uh, something is wrong, he should have been injured by me just now, he would rather be injured than use all his strength, and Take off the vest wound... okay?"

In the sky, Chi Zhao's expression was also serious, he snorted coldly, and shouted: "The strength is not bad. Wearing a ridiculous tights to come to Calligraphy Mountain to fight a sneaky person who dare not show his face, and provoke me, is the red The scum of the organization?!"

"Huh?" Wan Li blinked. The amount of information in this sentence is a bit large, so I have to read it. First of all, I am not wearing tights, and second... damn it!
"It's not him, it's not him? Chi Zhao! Where's that sneaky person who dared not show his face?"

Chi Zhao glanced at the place he hit with the first blow, and frowned slightly.Wan Li followed his gaze and saw a deep pit created by a pillar of spiritual energy. There was a lot of blood in the pit, and no one...

His face darkened suddenly: "Run away?! Chi Zhao...Deputy Chief Chi, that person is the third envoy of the Red Organization. He was seriously injured, so he can't run far!"

"The third envoy of the Red Organization?" Chi Zhao slowly landed, and said in a deep voice, "The injured guy can't escape our search, and now it's more important to catch you! Wan Liyang? Right!"

"Recognize me?" Wan Li pondered for two seconds, wiped his hand on his face, and changed back to his original appearance: "It's me, Deputy Chief Chi, I will explain other things to you later, the important thing is to catch the third envoy."

"The injured guy is much easier to catch than you, who can change his appearance at will!" Chi Zhao waved his right arm: "Wan Liyang, you can't run away!"

"No, I didn't run away. Why did you arrest me? Deputy Chief Chi, if it's about me joining the Red Organization, the confrontation between me and the third envoy just now can prove that I'm...a latent person, right?"

"Heh, you injured Wang Xiaodong, right? You also destroyed the famous scenic spot Calligraphy Mountain. Do you think you don't need compensation?!"

compensation?Wan Li's face froze, and he looked around: "This...isn't considered a work-related injury...uh, it's not..."

"We must be cautious when arresting such extremely destructive villains. Who gave you the power to do it without permission?"

"Isn't this just a coincidence?" Wan Lichang sighed: "Okay, I'll talk about these things later, you go after the third envoy first... Sigh, it's too late, I guess we won't be able to catch up."

As soon as the words were finished, Wan Li frowned slightly, and Chi Zhao suddenly stepped in front of him, with five fingers of his right hand stretched out, grasping towards him.

Snapped! !

Probing and grabbing Chi Zhao's wrist, Wan Li asked in a deep voice, "Deputy Chief Chi, if I take the initiative to go to the Martial Arts Bureau with you, won't that be the end of the matter? You really want to catch him?"

"Hmph, you have the ability to be invisible, in case you escape midway... If you really haven't joined the Red Organization, don't resist!" Chi Zhao strengthened his right hand.

"...Don't resist? Why aren't you the third envoy?" Wan Li sighed, and also increased his strength in his hand, firmly grasping Chi Zhao's right hand.

The ground under their feet immediately shattered and sank. After a few seconds of stalemate, they both took a few steps back.

"How dare you resist arrest?!"

Wan Li smiled: "Arrest your uncle!"

"Hmph, the increase in strength has made you too arrogant, Wan Liyang! Just now you said... you want to see my ability?"

"Let the horse come here, if you can use an ability that I haven't seen before, I won't resist."

"Heh, not only have you seen it, but you have also imitated it without authorization! But you probably have no chance to know how strong the stolen ability is, right?!"

Wanli was taken aback, did I imitate it?

Suddenly, a purple halo escaped from Chi Zhao's feet, two...nine!The ground exploded, sank, sank again, and the uneven mountain that had just collapsed was gradually flattened and compacted by the terrifying gravity!
Wan Li was numb and stiff.

"The same ability, the effect of different people using it is very different. How strong can the islanders use this ability, 50 times the gravity?" Chi Zhao snorted coldly: "Now it is 300 times the gravity, which can crush you All the strength! You can stand upright, but you are more tenacious than I imagined..."

He walked slowly towards thousands of miles: "But just fighting against gravity will make you exhausted?"

Wan Li blinked, and said slowly: "Deputy Chief Chi, I have not admired many people in my life, and I will add you from today on."

"Hmph, do you think I'll show mercy to you at a time like this?"

The corner of Wan Li's mouth curled up slightly: "Before fighting, you should abolish your martial arts. If you don't agree with you, you can't do it!"

As soon as the words fell, Wan Li's figure flickered, and he appeared in front of Chi Zhao in an instant. 300 times the gravity seems to have no effect on him, punching hard!

Chi Zhao's pupils narrowed slightly, and he quickly raised his hand, but his movements were slightly sluggish due to the terrifying gravity, and he was hit by Wanli... Friendship Breaking Face Fist!

Seeing Chi Zhao's distorted face, spinning and flying away, Wan Li muttered, "The field of gravity? It can't crush me to death, almost killed me from laughing..."

He didn't take advantage of the situation to pursue. After all, Chi Zhao is the deputy director general, not the third envoy, so it's not a big problem to swell his face. Go to the General Bureau of Martial Arts, otherwise Chi Zhao will have to fight him desperately when he recovers.

However, just as he was about to lift his foot, a figure in black stopped in front of him.Wan Li was stunned for a moment, and said with a smile: "Deputy Chief Hei, it's really convenient to move in space. You are like a brick in Yanjing. Where do you need to move it?"

"Why, are you optimistic about my ability?"

"Cough, dare not, dare not..."

(End of this chapter)

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