Chapter 267
I have been to many Martial Arts Bureaus thousands of miles away, and the most frequent one is of course the Bincheng Martial Arts Bureau.

The Bincheng Martial Arts Bureau has six floors, the third floor is above ground for offices, and the third floor is underground for practice training or temporary detention of prisoners. The same is true for the Xicheng Budo Bureau and Jicheng Martial Arts Bureau.

But the Martial Arts Headquarters is really different.

In order to prevent the distraught Chi Zhao from fighting Wan Li again, Hei Danyan directly pulled Wan Li's sleeves and led him to the front of the General Bureau of Martial Arts building, or in front of the General Bureau of Martial Arts building.

"1, 2, 3... 18th floor." Wanli raised his head and counted: "Qifeng, is there still underground?"

"There are two floors, it's the parking lot." Hei Danyan replied, "Are you disappointed? The basement is not the 18th floor."

"Ahem...Deputy Chief Hei, you've changed. You didn't speak so heartbreakingly before."

Hei Danyan shook his head and smiled: "Let's go, the chief executive's office is on the 16th floor."

"Do you really want to see the Director General?" Wan Li actually felt a little nervous. He looked down at his loose robe after canceling the unlock, and then at the beggar's shorts. "Isn't it appropriate for me to dress like this?"

Heidanyan didn't answer, and grabbed Wanli's sleeve again.Wan Li felt a blur before his eyes, and then appeared in front of a dark red room door.Hei Danyan took two steps forward and knocked on the door.


Heidanyan stretched out his hand, motioning for Wanli to come in.

Wan Li took a deep breath, straightened his robe, turned the doorknob, and pushed the door open.There was only one person in the room, who was sitting behind the desk and looking at him—Guo Zhan, the chief of the bureau.

Guo Zhan is 42 years old this year, but he is about 30 years old by appearance. He is not handsome, and he is more similar to Director Liao in style. He has a righteous image... Wan Li suddenly hopes that he can swear 'You fucking', lighten up the atmosphere.

Although it was the first time I met Guo Zhan in reality, Wanli had met Guo Zhan countless times on TV and on martial arts forums. In addition to this occasion, he only glanced at each other before bowing to greet him: "General Director, hello, I It's Wan Liyang."

"Well, sit down."

Wan Li was slightly startled, looked back at Hei Danyan who had closed the door after entering the room, then turned his head to look at the expression of the Chief Director and the swivel chair opposite him, hesitated for two seconds, stepped forward and sat on it.

The nervousness before seeing Guo Zhan was just out of the psychological inertia of ordinary people meeting high-ranking officials, but Wan Li was not nervous after seeing Guo Zhan.Isn't he one level higher than Hei Danyan Yue Heng, and he has done nothing wrong, and he is not considered ordinary, so why should he be nervous.

"Thank you, Director General, for your seat!"

Guo Zhan was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly: "Wan Liyang, tell me about your experiences over the past eight months."

"'s like this. At the bank of Daming Lake, the first envoy of the Red Organization invited me to join the Red Organization, but I refused in my heart. But at that moment, I thought of Senior Yu Zecheng, and Senior Zheng Yaoqian, For the sake of the safety of Director Cui and others in Jicheng, I have to wrong myself, sacrifice my small self to fulfill my big self..."

"Speak humanly. Who is Yu Zecheng? Who is Zheng Yaoxian?" Guo Zhan interrupted.

Thousands of miles: "Revolutionary ancestors, revolutionary ancestors who dedicated their lives to latent work."

"There are these two people?" Guo Zhan frowned, shook his head and didn't pursue it: "What I want to know is not your mental journey, but your experience. I have been lurking in the red organization for so long, what is the harvest?"

Wan Li blinked, and asked directly about the harvest. If there is any harvest, it counts as lurking, and if there is no harvest, it counts as... surrendering to the enemy?
"I have gained a lot. First of all, I instigated Saier, one of the strongholds of the red organization, and I also instigated the rebellion. At the same time, I also instigated the rebellion of the Red Organization No.16 God Envoy and a group of servants of the gods, who are now guarding Saier."

Explaining this, Wan Li is not afraid that the General Bureau of Martial Arts will send someone to take over Sale or something. The prestige of the priest is there, and the possibility of Chinese officials interfering in other countries is extremely small.

"Also, I found out that the fourth envoy is from the island country, and may be the third seat of the island country's samurai bureau, and the fifth envoy is from the peacock country, whose identity is unknown. The third envoy is from China, who works in the general bureau of martial arts and The position is not low, I just fought against him at Calligraphy Mountain, you should know."

"Calligraphy Mountain, which contributes a lot of tax revenue every year, is destroyed, of course I know."

"Uh..." Wan Li's face immediately sank.

"Don't worry, the pieces of information you just contributed are worth as much as calligraphy." Guo Zhan shook his head with a smile, and his expression suddenly became serious again: "Is there any other information?"

This expression... I want to say no, why does it seem like you can't get out of this door?
"Yes. They have taken another move recently. They want to attack Zhang Bing, the favorite to win the martial arts competition. The purpose is artificially influence the results of the martial arts. To put it mildly, I suspected that the third envoy was Vice President Chi because of this. Director, after all, Wu Cai is in charge of him." Wan Li said slowly.

"Oh, any more?"

Wan Li was taken aback, so...doesn't he react to his words?This is called thinking that is not revealed on the surface, so that people can't guess it?He hesitated for a moment, then shook his head and said, "There's nothing else."

"Oh." Guo Zhan nodded: "Wan Liyang, are you still practicing martial arts?"

"Fighting?" Wan Li was taken aback, why did he ask about fighting, "I didn't deliberately practice, but I have experienced more battles, and it has also strengthened, you..."

"The combat training machine and the scene of challenging the Yanjing teaching team will be recorded, so that we can understand the basic skills of you young geniuses."

video?Wan Li blinked, damn it, Deputy Chief Hei of level 16... He looked back at Hei Danyan with a guilty conscience, and Hei Danyan was smiling but not smiling.

Finish the calf!
Guo Zhan smiled: "There is an easter egg in there, you will see me after clearing the 20th level. At the beginning, I have been paying attention to you, because you are the young man who is most likely to clear the 20th level. Unfortunately, your strength has developed too fast, and you went to Africa again. After staying for eight months, I'm afraid I won't be able to use that weak machine again."

As he said that, he became serious again: "I've always been very optimistic about you, so...have you really not heard any other information in the past eight months?"

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, and smiled helplessly: "Thank you for your optimism, it's not that I don't want to say it, it's really... very embarrassing. Um... let's put it this way, the Red Organization has four founders, and now I know three, but they also Know I know who they are.

The key lies in the fourth person, who is from Bincheng. Before finding him, arrest the other three. I am afraid that my classmates and friends will be in danger.And the fourth person is S-rank, if it's tight... something will happen. "

In fact, this is not the most difficult part, the most difficult part of Wanli is... He suspects that the second envoy is Lin Yuling, but he can't say it out yet, there are only two consequences.

It's okay, Lao Wang will be sad when Lin Yuling is arrested, but he may understand himself after knowing the reason, and Lin Xiaoqi will probably blame him...

But if it is mistaken, it is really a chicken-and-egg fight!Lin Yuling's friends are gone, Lao Wang's friends are gone, Lin Xiaoqi's friends are gone, and Wen Jing and Ni Er will blame herself, and Wen Jing might break up...

The entanglement is too deep, and it affects the whole body, so Wan Li wants to get to know Lin Yuling's bottom first before talking...

(End of this chapter)

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