Chapter 268
I thought that the director general would not be satisfied with what I said, but after two seconds of silence, his serious expression slowly melted away, and he said in a deep voice, "We are also investigating the identity of the remaining person."


"Liu Runquan, Yan Jiner, Jiang Baihui!"

Wan Li was stunned. It was the first time he heard the name Liu Runquan, but together with Yan Jiner and Jiang Baihui, he was the number one envoy, right?
"You... already knew?"

"No, this is the information that Zeng Jiangeng sent me three days ago."

"Zeng Jiangeng?"

"Secret Martial Arts Bureau Director Zeng." Hei Danyan said softly behind Wan Li.

Guo Zhan nodded: "He said that this is the news from the special agent of the Secret Military Bureau who sneaked into the Red Organization and risked his life. At the same time, there is also information that the Red Organization will carry out a major operation in Yanjing."

"Huh..." Wan Li breathed a sigh of relief: "I said it earlier, I don't have to worry about it, and I am lurking for nothing this time?"

"No, the intelligence of the fourth envoy and the fifth envoy is very useful. Besides, we only knew that they were going to carry out a major operation in Yanjing, but we didn't know that they were going to attack Zhang Bing." Guo Zhan said, with a serious expression on his face. A little regretful: "And... Jiang Baihui is one of the founders of the Red Organization, and the authenticity of the information needs to be confirmed by you."

Wan Li hesitated for a moment, and said, "General Director, Jiang Baihui's situation is a bit different from the other three. just a child."

"We'll discuss this later." Guo Zhan shook his head: "I plan to arrest Liu Runquan and Yan Jin'er first, and let Jiang Baihui go!"

Wanli was startled: "But the one left..."

"Don't be timid, just catch Zhang Bing when they attack! With the defensive strength of the No. 8 villa area, unless you have the ability, it is impossible for the red organization to successfully invade. If they want to make a surprise attack, they can only choose in the game The venue, or the way the players are going to the competition venue. Now I am only worried that because of your confrontation with the third angel, they will give up their attack plan."

Wan Li scratched his head embarrassingly, not mentioning the intrusion into the villa, and echoed: "If I were them, I should give up. Speaking of the third envoy..."

"The S-level of the General Administration has just reached ten fingers."

With the chief and three deputy chiefs deducted, there are only six S grades?That's easy to check.Thinking in his heart, Wan Li asked again: "You said that you want to let Jiang Baihui go, do you mean...don't pursue her?"

"Of course not, I just won't arrest her for now, wait until she contacts the fourth founder of the Red Organization, or wait until Bian Ting is promoted to S rank."

"The fourth person has no object of suspicion?"

"Not yet."

Without someone to suspect, Lin Yuling is easily suspected, right?So... isn't she?

"Wan Liyang, if the Red Organization continues to attack Zhang Bing as originally planned, I will give you a task to make Jiang Baihui think that she has not revealed her identity."

Wan Li thought for two seconds: "Understood."

After thinking about it, it seemed that the Director-General didn't intend to speak again for the time being. He tentatively said: "Director-General, the reason why I stayed in Purcell for eight months..."

"I know, Liu Ying came up through the military report. But eight months is too long, and there is no way to verify the three fake scouts, and I can't let you identify them one by one." Guo Zhan shook his head.

"That's it... Director General, I would like to ask, the Secret Martial Arts Bureau doesn't seem to be very satisfied with me? Oh, by the way, their first-level special agent, Chu Wei, is from the Red Organization!"

"Oh?" Guo Zhan was taken aback, with a smile on his face: "Really? This information is very good!"

Wan Li blinked: "Also, the purpose of the Red Organization seems to be to save a man named Fang Lu?"

After the voice fell, the room suddenly fell into silence, the atmosphere was a little depressed, Wan Li was startled, and his brows were slightly frowned.After a long time, Guo Zhan waved his hand and said, "Deputy Headquarters of Hei, send him away, choose what you can say."

"Eh?" Wan Li didn't know how to react for a moment, and realized that Hei Danyan was pulling his sleeve again, the scene before him changed, and he returned to the front of the Martial Arts Administration Building, striding forward...

Slowly straightened his legs, Wanli looked at Hei Danyan, smiled, and said: "Hey, Deputy Chief Hei, tell me what you can and can't say, I remember you have the strictest tone .”

Hei Danyan laughed: "Wan Liyang, I rarely leak information unintentionally now, you don't need to be too clear about the affairs of the Military Supervision Bureau."

"The Military Supervision Bureau?"

Hei Danyan: "..."

"Why is there another Martial Arts Bureau? I remember that the Secret Martial Arts Bureau was also explained to me by you. How many martial arts departments does China have?"

"... Domestic ones, just these three." Hei Danyan sighed: "The Martial Arts Supervision Bureau is the highest martial arts organization in China. There are only ten people. The top five are principals, the last five are deputies, and the director of the general bureau ranks first. Sixth, Director Zeng of the Secret Military Bureau ranks seventh."

Wan Li was startled: "The elders?"

"Almost." Hei Danyan nodded: "If the director general wants to go further, he has to train a suitable successor. Yue Heng has a temper, and I'm not suitable. Director Chi Zhao is not satisfied with are the director general. One of the director's favorites."

Wan Li suddenly realized that this was the reason why Director Zeng of the Secret Martial Arts Bureau targeted him, and even why Chi Zhao targeted him?Just to fight for power?

To be honest, if it wasn't for the convenience of knowing more about Guisun and the secrets of the magic box, Wan Li would have no desire for power at all, and he wouldn't do it for nothing if he was offered it.Dedicated to practice, how comfortable it is to be a father after being invincible!

"Deputy Chief Hei, why are you not suitable, because you are...a woman?"

Hei Danyan nodded slightly.

"You underestimate yourself, you are not a woman at all..." Wan Li gasped with a smile, "You are a goddess, what are you afraid of!"

Hei Danyan also smiled: "Wan Liyang, if the avatar of the combat training machine can also be used to imitate, you should be able to move in space by now, right?"

Wanli's smile gradually faded away: "Ha, Goddess Deputy Chief, it's late at night, I'm a little sleepy, I'll go back, wash up and sleep, bye!"

His leaving speed is like moving in space.


After asking for directions many times, Wanli found Calligraphy Mountain again.He remembers burying his clothes and cell phone not too close to where the battle took place, and he hoped that it would not be affected.Calligraphy Mountain has been blocked by the Martial Arts Administration, but this is nothing to Wan Li. After wandering around in the middle of the night, he finally found the handbag he buried.

The clothes are fine, but there are spider web-like cracks on the screen of Wenjing's phone, but it can still be turned on, which makes Wan Li heave a sigh of relief.

"Five in the morning? It took more than five hours to find the handbag?" Wan Li was dumbfounded, it was all caused by the change of terrain...

Find Liu Miao's phone number and dial!
"Wen Jing? What happened?"

"Leader, it's me, I'm back!"

(End of this chapter)

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