Restart the world

Chapter 269 Unkind Invitation

Chapter 269 Unkind Invitation
When the dawn was about to break, Wan Li met Liu Miao and Yu Qianqian at the hotel.

It's been a long time since we saw each other, but Liu Miao's image basically hasn't changed, he's still so handsome and handsome, but Yu Qianqian has changed a lot, which makes Wan Li stunned.

She actually changed her style and grew her hair long.It's not too long, and the black hair hangs scattered over the shoulders. The heroic look of the short hair has been reduced a lot, and the face has become much softer.

"Teacher, Miss Yu, long time no see, I miss you so much!" Greeting with a smile, Wanli looked at the hotel room with treachery.

One bed, one pillow, and only one set of toiletries in the bathroom... Tsk, didn't Ni Er say that these two are dating?
"What are you looking for?" Yu Qianqian asked: "It seems that your life abroad is not very hard. Although you are a little darker, you are also much stronger."

"I made you worry," Wan Li smiled, "Sister Yu, you still don't know me? I can't suffer anywhere, let alone bullying. It's been a long time since we haven't seen each other. I'm on a mission in West City. This is the end of it, and I have grown a little in the past eight months, if you don't believe me, ask the class teacher."

Liu Miao nodded: "No change."

"Look. Speaking of which, Sister Yu, you have changed a lot. Do you want to... wait until your hair reaches your waist and marry the class teacher? Hehehe... Ouch!"

Bang! !

Wan Li took two steps back, rubbed his chest that was hit by Yu Qianqian's punch, and shouted a few times pretending to be in pain: "Sister Yu, spare my life, spare my life."

Yu Qianqian flicked his wrist: "No wonder you dare to make fun of Sister Yu, my hand hurts from beating you."

"No, no, no, no, no, no."

Yu Qianqian shook her head and said, "You failed to participate in this martial arts competition, but Ju Liao was very angry. Will you be able to participate normally next time?"

"No... hey, I'm sad. I was taken away by the red organization. Director Liao is not worried about my safety, but he is angry because I failed to participate in the martial artist competition?" Wan Li looked distressed.

Yu Qianqian rolled her eyes, and Liu Miao also shook her head: "Come in and sit down, Wan Liyang, tell me about your miserable life after being taken away?"

Wan Li blinked: "Tsk, no matter how the people I know talk, it becomes prickly."


Talking and laughing, facing Liu Miao and Yu Qianqian, Wanli didn't need to hide most of the things. From six in the morning to nearly noon, they talked about the experience of these eight months.

"Master priest?"

"Hey hey hey."

Liu Miao shook her head with a smile, and said, "Your current strength is even higher than S rank?"

"S-ranks are strong and weak. I don't know how big the difference is, but I'm sure I can win at the S-ranking level." Wanli raised his eyebrows.

"Leaving us far away..." Liu Miao sighed, "It's a pity that you failed to participate in the martial artist competition, otherwise the champion must be yours."

"Ni'er may not be able to win the championship." Wan Li smiled: "Teacher, I'm a little hungry. I haven't eaten seriously these days. Treat me to a seafood buffet? I'm hungry for seafood."

Liu Miao was startled, looked at Yu Qianqian, Yu Qianqian nodded and said, "Let's go, I invite you."

Wan Li was stunned, class teacher, are you under economic control?After seeing Liu Miao and Yu Qianqian for so long, only now did Wan Li realize that they might really be in love...


At the same time, a private room in a certain restaurant.

A tabby cat and a cute young lady are sitting and eating, while the other two men in the private room are staring at each other.

"I won't do it! You are simply crazy, the Warrior Contest, all eyes on you, attacking the champion seed..."

"Be quiet."

"Uh, you're crazy..." Old Fatty Shao lowered his voice and repeated, "It's obviously a matter of death, whoever you love will do it!"

"I didn't ask you to go, it's enough for Brother Cat to go."

"Master can't go either...Master, don't go, it's a matter of death."


The first envoy Liu Runquan frowned and looked at Yan Jin'er.Yan Jin'er paused with his chopsticks, hesitated for a moment, and said, "Brother Gui, let's forget about it, Wan Liyang... Even if he took care of Panzi and didn't report our plans and identities, he would still try to make trouble. Yesterday the third The envoy was almost caught, and his identity may have been exposed."

Liu Runquan shook his head: "It doesn't matter whether the violence is exposed or not. He doesn't know all our plans, and neither does Wan Liyang. The operation will not be cancelled, nor can it be cancelled. To China!"

Yan Jin'er was startled: "Brother Gui, are you crazy? Let's forget about the others. The fourth and fifth envoys are foreigners, and they exchanged benefits with us. We expect them to take action in China..."

"Be safe and don't be impatient, Jin'er."

"Be safe and don't be impatient!" Lao Fei Shao interjected: "Jin'er, our two heroes see the same thing, this guy is crazy, you should hurry up and withdraw from the red organization to keep safe, Brother Fei will take care of you in the future!"

"Be quiet."

"Shut up! Brother Fat has a loud voice. Anyway, you are looking for your own death. I went straight to the street and shouted that you are the number one genius of the red organization. In this way, you still have a chance to escape in the chaos. Wait until the implementation of that Plan... you are dead!"

Liu Runquan was silent for a moment: "I have my own ideas, and my actions will not change. Jin'er, if everything goes well, I have a chance to rescue Fang Lu this time."

Yan Jin'er was startled: "Really?"

"Jin'er, don't believe it!" Old Fatty Shao quickly interrupted: "He said it's 'if it goes well', what if it doesn't go well? Brother Fei has been involved in a bureau, and life in it is not for people. Besides ..."

The crime is too great and will be sentenced to death!
"Jin'er, this is probably our last and only chance. I made a mistake in dealing with Wan Liyang."

"Brother Gui, don't..."

"Jin'er!" Old Fatty Shao stared.

Liu Runquan looked at him: "You're right, things may not go smoothly. If the operation fails, I will do my best to cover Jin'er's evacuation. If you don't want to participate in the operation, it's okay to rescue Jin'er at a critical moment, right? Then your dream should be fulfilled, go to a foreign country with Jiner, if you can't have the power equivalent to nuclear weapons, never go back to China..."

As he spoke, he smiled slightly.


A two-pound lobster, Wanli put the shell, head, and two prawn claws into his mouth like eating slices of bread, clicked twice, swallowed it into his stomach, and let out a light breath.

Looking at the dull expressions of Liu Miao and Yu Qianqian on the opposite side, Wan Li smiled embarrassedly: "The appetite is getting bigger and bigger. I am used to eating like this to save time. Don't be in a hurry today, right? I will control it."

Yu Qianqian opened and closed his mouth for a long time, and finally shook his head and said, "No wonder you want to eat buffet. Liu Miao and I are going to the General Bureau of Martial Arts at three o'clock in the afternoon, and we can finish eating before then."

"Two o'clock, there are still four hours? Is the self-help time limited to three hours?" Wan Li thought for a moment, and said, "Go to the General Bureau of Martial Arts, class teacher, I have something unfeeling, please don't know if I should say it or not..."

(End of this chapter)

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