Restart the world

Chapter 270 Imitating Liu Miao

Chapter 270 Imitating Liu Miao
Walking out of the restaurant under the cannibalistic eyes of the manager of the seafood cafeteria, Wan Li sighed softly: "The long-lost seafood taste is really delicious!"

The manager of the restaurant wanted to cry, he really wanted to find an excuse to fine Wanli severely, but it was the first time he saw someone who could eat seafood so clean...there were not many shells on the table.

Wanli's stomach was strengthened to S-level by chance as early as D-level, and his food intake was comparable to recommended super. After breaking his physical limit 27 times, he felt that he was no longer a human being...

He can lock his strength freely so that he doesn't become a muscular man, and he doesn't even understand where those muscles are hidden.Food intake has also become terrifying due to the ever-increasing physical strength. Now it can at least top five recommended super, and there is a magical ability to not be hungry for three days after one meal.

Of course, if he doesn't want to be hungry for three days, he can't consume too many calories in these three days.I ate so much this time because the battle last night unlocked 99% of my power.

I ate a little faster, and it was only 12:30 when I got back to the hotel.Liu Miao looked at the time and asked Xiang Wanli, "Where are you going next, and sneak into Villa No. 8 Hotel?"

"Teacher, what are you and Sister Yu doing at the Martial Arts Administration this afternoon?" Wan Li asked back.

"Give Ni Qinyu the entry agreement."

Wan Li blinked: "Is that so... Cough, well, I have a heartfelt request."

"Let's talk." Yu Qianqian showed helplessness: "You just half-spoken during the meal. What kind of unfeeling kindness is so hard to say, and it's hard to say to me and Liu Miao?"

Wan Li hesitated for a moment: "I didn't sleep all night yesterday, and I was a little sleepy at noon, class teacher, may I hug you for a nap?"

Liu Miao:? ? ?
Yu Qianqian:? ? ?

"Don't be shy, hehehe."

An hour and a half later, Liu Miao stared blankly at the other Liu Miao and Yu Qianqian walking away side by side.

"Exactly the same, this ability really...changes into me, the mission needs? I think you just think it's fun, oh, why did you agree..."


The hotel is not far from the Martial Arts Headquarters. In the past eight months, Yu Qianqian has also been promoted to A-level. The two jogged all the way and arrived in 10 minutes.

On the way, Wan Li simply got used to Liu Miao's identity.He imitated Liu Miao not only for fun, but also for the qualification to watch the semi-finals up close.It's not a problem for him to be qualified to watch the battle with his own identity, but he feels that if the red organization has not changed its plan to attack Zhang Bing at this time, there may be a conspiracy, and it is better to hide it in the dark.

If there is really a conspiracy, let them see how powerful Liu Miao is...

"Qianqian, is it okay for me to call you that?"


"Qianqian, do I have to go with the other contestants' teachers to fill out the entry agreement? I only know Director Cui of Jicheng."

Yu Qianqian nodded: "In addition to Director Cui, Colonel Li Lei is responsible for reporting to Zhang Bing. Two teachers from Wang Haiyang also came. The female is Deputy Director Sun of Rongcheng, and the male is Teacher Wang."

"Rongcheng, from Sichuan? That Wang Haiyang does look like a Sichuanese, right Qianqian?"

"Yes Yes."

Wan Li chuckled, shut up and said nothing, enough is enough... If you make a fuss, you will get beaten again.

Entering the Martial Arts Administration and taking the elevator straight up to the 12th floor, Wan Li met another acquaintance, Qin Jue, the deputy director general candidate, who was in charge of handling the entry agreements for the contestants.

Wan Li and Yu Qianqian came a little early, and the teachers of the other three contestants hadn't arrived yet.After greeting Qin Jue, Qin Jue handed over a document.

"Check it, if there are no omissions, sign where it needs to be signed."

Wan Li browsed through the documents in detail, including a series of regulations such as 'no watering during the game', 'no killing when the opponent loses resistance', and a simple 'life and death certificate' at the end.

"It's this kind of thing." Wanli murmured in his heart: "That's right."

At this point in the game, even if there is a gap in strength between the players, it will not be too big.When he made a full-strength shot, although Hei Danyan was the referee and could usually rescue him in time, there was still a slight danger of his death.

"Qianqian, should I sign?"

"Hmm." Yu Qianqian sighed.

Qin Jue looked at the two of them strangely.

Sign Liu Miao's name on all the places that require the teacher's signature, Wan Li said: "There are still a few places that need Ni Qinyu's signature, shall we bring the documents to the villa area for her to sign?"

Qin Jue frowned and looked at him: "Didn't the previous games be signed on the same day?"

"Cough... I thought the semi-finals were different from before." Wan Li said perfunctorily, shut up again, and said too many mistakes.

Yu Qianqian covered her mouth and smiled.

Qin Jue looked at the two strangely again.

At this time, someone knocked on the door and walked into the room. He was a young man with a sunny temperament in military uniform.Wan Li greeted immediately: "Colonel Li, good afternoon."

The man was stunned for a moment, with a slightly strange expression, then nodded with a smile: "Good afternoon, Deputy Director Liu."

What's wrong?Wan Li is speechless, it is really difficult to adapt to Liu Miao's identity.

This question was answered after the remaining three people arrived one after another. They were not enthusiastic about this Colonel Li. Only then did Wan Li remember that when the first envoy mentioned Zhang Bing to him, he said, "A genius secretly cultivated by the military." , put together the Martial Arts Bureau, maybe it involves a battle between two systems?
It took half an hour for the four groups of people to fill out the entry agreement. After completing the form, the six left together.

Cui Jie approached Wan Li and Yu Qianqian and asked, "I heard that Wan Liyang is back?"

Wan Li was startled: "Yes. Director Cui, you are well informed."

"Really come back?" Cui Jie's expression was a bit complicated: "At the beginning, he was trying to save about letting him replace Baihui's top four..."

Wan Li laughed: "You are determined, no need. Wan Li Yang will participate in the next session, fight all the way from the city election, and you can bully and bully people more."

Cui Jie: "..."

Yu Qianqian said with a smile: "Director Cui, you don't mind, Wanli Yang has a big heart, and I don't blame you."

"Qianqian is right." Wan Li agreed.

Yu Qianqian: "..."

After chatting awkwardly, Wan Li said a few words to the two people in Rongcheng in the capacity of Liu Miao.These two are also handsome and beautiful, the male is a little worse than Liu Miao, but the appearance of Deputy Director Sun is better than Qianqian in a sense.She is more charming, her eyes seem to be able to seduce people's hearts and souls, reminding Wan Li of Cheng Yuan, maybe it is also the ability of charm?
As the teacher Wang Haiyang who will play against Ni Qinyu, they seem to be very confident. Wanli didn't understand where this confidence came from, so he took a little care not to make the semi-finals overturn...

The elevator slowly descended to the first floor. After the door opened, Wan Li was slightly taken aback when he saw the scene outside the elevator.There were five people waiting for the elevator, and he only knew one Hei Danyan, but three of them didn't seem to be Chinese...

"Looks like... an islander?"

 Recommend this friend's book: Entertainment Demon King, light-hearted and funny.

(End of this chapter)

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