Restart the world

Chapter 271 Handshake

Chapter 271 Handshake
Judging from the appearance alone, it would be difficult for the islanders to be distinguished from the Chinese if they didn't have that characteristic moustache, but one of the three had a samurai sword pinned to his waist...

"What's the use of a samurai sword? A B-grade can easily crush dozens of these things." Wan Li looked at the samurai sword curiously, his eyes narrowed, "It seems... two S-grades, one A-level peak? Come to China at this time..."

Hei Danyan quickly introduced the three people from the island country to Wan Li and others.The two S-levels are the second and third seats of the island nation's Samurai Bureau, and the A-level one is the champion of the island nation's first domestic martial arts competition... Huaxia is not the only one that holds the warrior competition, most countries that want to compete for the world warrior competition have held similar ones Contest.They came to Huaxia to watch the semi-finals and communicate with each other by the way.

"The third seat in the Samurai Bureau." Wan Li frowned, "I just said yesterday that this guy might be the fourth envoy of the Red Organization, and he came today, what a coincidence."

After introducing the islanders, Heidanyan introduced them to the three islanders.The last of the five acted as an interpreter, murmuring and translating Heidanyan's words.

The three islanders looked at Wanli and them a few times, and the third seat from the island turned his head and whispered something to the second seat with a relaxed smile on his face.

The interpreter was a little embarrassed, looked at Wanli and the others, then at Heidanyan, muttered a few times, but did not translate.Obviously, what San Xi said was not good, and he didn't dare to translate it.

Wanli can roughly understand it without translating, because of some special reasons, he knew a little of the island language in his previous life, and after he has proficiency in the language in this life, he can basically master it naturally if he pays special attention to it.

What the third seat of the island country said was not complicated: "After knowing the talent of Mr. Nakamura, the second master began to train Nakamura himself a year ago, but the teachers of the top four in China are just these weak ones, so don't think about the top four." '

Wan Li was unhappy at the time.

Seeing that the atmosphere became less friendly because the translator did not dare to translate, Heidanyan frowned slightly, nodded to Wanli and the others, and wanted to take the islanders into the elevator, but Wanli suddenly said:
"I don't agree with you, Liu Miao!"

After the words fell, everyone looked at him, Yu Qianqian hurriedly tugged on his sleeves, and said in a low voice, "Don't make trouble."

"It's not that I'm a moth. This island country's third seat looks down on us, saying that the teachers of our top four are weak, and the top four we teach must not be good." Wan Li shook his head and said: "I will bear it if I say I am weak. , I can't bear to say Qianqian that you are weak, you will always be the strongest teacher in my heart!"

Yu Qianqian was startled, stroked her hair, smiled and said nothing.The other four people were a little upset when they heard what Wanli said before, but they smiled a little when they heard what was said later.

Didn't realize a few days ago that Liu Miao, a guy with thick eyebrows and big eyes, is so good at teasing?
Only Hei Danyan looked at Wan Li with clear eyes, and shook his head helplessly, obviously guessing Wan Li's identity.But of course she wouldn't say it bluntly, she turned her head and said: "The strength of the top four can be seen the day after tomorrow. As for the teachers...sometimes the stronger the better, and these teachers are not necessarily weaker than the second seat. .”

The interpreter hesitated again, and was stared at by Hei Danyan, and quickly translated it as it was.The few people on Wanli's side also frowned slightly. The second seat of the Samurai Bureau of the island country is equivalent to the deputy director general, and must be S-level. Why would the black deputy director general say that?
Director Cui of Jicheng and the two people in Rongcheng hesitated to look at Colonel Li of the military. The only thing they didn't know was this Colonel Li. He was an S-rank?
The corners of Wan Li's lips curled up, 666, the deputy director general of Hei, this is a tacit cooperation!
"Aren't you weaker than the second-ranked lord? Then I need to find a chance to learn." Sure enough, after translating Hei Danyan's words, the third seat of the island country immediately showed annoyance and said in a deep voice.

"It's so hurtful to learn something." Wan Li stepped forward quickly, stretched out his right hand to the third seat, and said in Japanese, "Hello, I'm Liu Miao, the teacher of Ni Qinyu in the semifinals."

Sanxi was stunned for a moment, then held out his right hand hesitantly, and shook hands with him: "Liu Miaojun, your island very good."

Wan Li nodded with a smile: "All right, all right. Your Excellency the third seat, this is the Martial Arts Bureau. If you step on the ground, you will have to pay for it."

Trample the ground?San Xi was taken aback for a moment, realizing that Wan Lishou had suddenly increased his strength, he was slightly taken aback, his eyes revealed a bit of disdain, and he also increased his strength.

A second later, his disdain turned to surprise, he frowned, and wrapped some spiritual energy around his hands... The more and more spiritual energy was wrapped, his expression gradually turned into shock... When the tingling pain came, his face was serious, and he turned The strength increased, increased, increased to the maximum, and there were slight cracks on the ground under his feet. Only then did he feel that the victory and defeat had been reversed, and he was slightly relieved.

"Your Excellency the third seat, you have trampled on the ground, and you will have to pay for it." Wan Li smiled, his brows condensed, and his right arm suddenly doubled in size.


There was the sound of the ground cracking, and at the same time there were three low screams.Wan Li withdrew his right arm, looked at the third seat with cold sweat covering his right forehead with a smile, and then looked at the second seat who put his right hand on the handle of the samurai sword, and said: "Your Excellency, the second seat also wants to try the strength of our top four teachers in Huaxia?" ?”

Hei Danyan waved his hand to disperse the warriors who came after hearing the sound, and said with a smile: "Liu Miao, you go back first. The second seat, the third seat, a little joke, don't mind, we will repair the ground. I will take the three Go to see the Director-General and discuss the details of the redemption of Nobushige Okita..."

Redeeming Nobushige Okita?Has the island country not given up on the mustache who failed in the two raids?It doesn't matter, if you dare to use another hand, you can kill him...

"Qianqian, let's go."

After leaving the General Bureau of Martial Arts, Deputy Director Sun of Rongcheng had a charming smile on his face, and said: "Deputy Director Liu, I didn't expect you, Bincheng, to be so clumsy. You are a master who hides so deeply, and Ni Qinyu... also hid something Killer card?"

Wan Li replied honestly: "See you in the game."

On the way back to the hotel, Yu Qianqian couldn't help but shook her head and laughed: "Wan Liyang, do you really think that Sister Yu is the strongest teacher in your heart?"

"It is necessary, and the grace of teaching should not be forgotten."

"Sister Yu really listened... Didn't you say that imitating Liu Miao is necessary for the mission? I'm afraid people who are interested in doing it this time will have doubts."

"Think of another way, isn't this something more important than pretending to be a class teacher?"

Yu Qianqian remained silent, thinking that what Wanli said was because she was said to be a weak person, she was a little moved and a little helpless, she was indeed weak, and there were already four or five students who were stronger than herself...

Wan Li was also slightly silent, thinking about the three seats in the island country just now, it seems... a little bit deliberately looking for trouble?

(End of this chapter)

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