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Chapter 272 Before the Semifinals

Chapter 272 Before the Semifinals
In Wanli's impression, islanders generally maintain a humble attitude in front of the strong, and Heidanyan is the strongman. At least in Wanli's intuitive judgment, the second seat with a samurai sword is a bit threatening, but it should not be Heidanyan's opponent. .

It was unreasonable for Sanxi to say such provocative words. After being exposed by Wan Li and Hei Danyan recognized Wan Li's identity, the two exchanged brief glances and reached a tacit understanding... Wan Li made a probe.

The test is not the strength of the three seats, but whether he is the fourth envoy of the red organization.If so, he should try to send a message to the Red Organization in the past two days: be careful of Liu Miao.

In this way, he will naturally show his feet.

After returning to the hotel, canceling the simulation, and telling Liu Miao about the trip to the General Bureau of Martial Arts, Liu Miao's face darkened immediately. "You imitate me just to give me some hatred and trouble?"

"I'm not doing this for Qianqian... Uh no, am I doing this for Sister Yu's success? Head teacher, can you bear this situation?"

"...I can't bear it."

Yu Qianqian shook his head and laughed, Liu Miao paused and smiled, and Wan Li hurriedly laughed along with him.

"Wan Liyang, how strong is the champion of the martial arts contest in the island country?" After a while, Liu Miao put away her smile and asked.

"It's okay, I can't tell if they didn't fight, but it's probably not Ni Er's opponent." Wan Li pondered, "Speaking of which, that kid is quite quiet and humble, with no arrogance on his face...he can't be proud either. "

Liu Miao nodded, then frowned slightly: "The islanders came a little too early. Huaxia did invite many countries to watch the match, but it was the final."

"Yeah, it's too early." Wan Li thought to himself, if the third seat of the island country is really the fourth envoy, and the Red Organization hasn't given up attacking Zhang Bing, even this guy has called for help?are you crazy?
However, the news he received shortly afterwards made Wan Li feel that the Red Organization was really crazy. In addition to the people from the island country, people from a second country had arrived in China—the Peacock Country!
The strongest fighters in the Peacock Kingdom will be rated as 24**, and the rankings of those who come are not too high, one is twelve, one is sixteen, and they also bring their champions from the domestic warrior competition.

An island country, a peacock country, both arrived ahead of time, and the coincidence is not so coincidental, that is to say... the red organization really called the fourth envoy and the fifth envoy!I don't know if the second god envoy, Panzi, will come. If He also comes, this will be the final battle with the Red Organization...

I don't know what the red organization is doing, and Wan Li's heart is a bit more dignified at this time. Now there are five S-level members of the red organization, and there is no problem in attacking the No. 8 villa hotel.

Although he knew that the Martial Arts Administration would probably take targeted measures, he was still not at ease. After saying goodbye to Liu Miao and Yu Qianqian, he hurried to the villa area.The villa area was as calm as ever, which made Wan Li feel a little relieved.Stealth avoiding densely packed dark and bright whistles, he sneaked back to the villa where Ni Qinyu and Wen Jing lived.

"Brother Yang!" Ni Qinyu immediately spotted him after removing the invisibility, "You're back."

"Well, is the villa okay?" Wan Li nodded, looked at Ni Qinyu, and was taken aback for a moment.

At this time, her face was flushed, and her exposed skin was a little pink. Seeing Wanli's gaze, she turned her head away in embarrassment.

"Brother Yang, I just... drank too much."

Wan Li blinked and laughed dumbly: "I told you that you can drink up to three drops at a time, so you should have at least five drops...Wen Jing! Where's Wen Jing?!"

There was the sound of pattering footsteps upstairs, and Wen Jing ran down joltingly: "Wan Liyang, you're back...ah, Qin Yu, what's wrong with you?"

Wan Li looked at her, his face darkened, you still have the nerve to ask Ni Er what's wrong, your face is exactly the same as Ni Er, you two toasted with the essence of my spirit stone, right?
"It seems that nothing happened in the villa area." Wan Li sighed, "Wen Jing, go lie down on the sofa, I will use your ability to massage and digest the spiritual liquid for you, learn a little bit, you will have to push Ni Er later."



After tossing for an hour, the expressions of the two girls returned to normal.

Wan Li said helplessly: "Forget it, Wen Jing, isn't it the first time you've drank psychic liquid, don't you have a clue? The psychic liquid can't be digested, and you still want to increase your strength? A discount on your strength is almost the same!"

"Brother Yang, I'm sorry, I was just impatient." Ni Er said embarrassedly.

"Don't make excuses for Wen Jing, she must have been responsible for this." Wan Li shook his head.

"Wan Liyang, is that why you don't trust me?" Wen Jing said dissatisfied.

"No... I believe that you must have gathered the cluster, isn't this a kind of trust?"

Wen Jing: "..."

Ni Er smiled: "Brother Yang, you wronged Wen Jing this time. It was really my own idea. She was accompanying me...I'm a little anxious."

Wan Li was taken aback: "Are you nervous? Don't worry, more than 30 drops of psychic liquid will definitely be digested before the finals. Wen Jing, don't divide the psychic liquid. Don’t rush to improve your strength.”

"Why don't you rush." ​​Wen Jing muttered, her face flushed, "I don't believe I can't beat you..."

Wan Li glanced at her, the corners of his mouth curled slightly, then Ni Qinyu said again: "I'm not worried about the final, it's just the game the day after tomorrow..."

Wan Li was taken aback, thinking of the confident looks of Wang Haiyang and his two teachers before, he frowned slightly: "Wang Haiyang is very strong? What kind of superpower?"

"Super power."

"What?!" Wanli's eyes twitched: "The Xiaoqi kind? No, he's not tall..."

"It's different from sister Xiaoqi, it's another kind of special power. When he uses it, his whole body will be thicker twice, and his body will bulge with strong muscles. His very strong."

"Damn it, the power is unlocked?" Wan Li said with a confused face, "Impossible, impossible, no one can break the limit of the body except the body that is not tired...Could it be that there are people with special constitutions?"

"I always feel that his ability is not that simple." Ni Er added.

"Then it's probably really not that simple." Wan Li thought in his heart. He hadn't seen Wang Haiyang use his ability with his own eyes, so he couldn't make a judgment. Could it be the awakening of superpowers and mutants?

"Well, then, I'm not going to leave these two days. I will guide you to drink psychic liquid and cooperate with Wenjing massage to improve your strength as much as possible. No matter what his ability is, the level of martial arts is the same, few can compare You are strong, Nier!"

Ni Qinyu smiled shyly: "I'm sorry to trouble you, Brother Yang, Wen Jing."


The two days passed quickly, and the red organization did not attack the villa area frantically, and the people from the island country and the peacock country did not come to disturb the preparations for the semi-finals.

In the early morning of the 7th, four black cars drove the semi-finalists to the competition venue - a barren hill in the suburbs of Yanjing.Wan Li turned on his invisibility and fell into four cars far away, and at the same time contacted Liu Miao and Yu Qianqian.

He had a hunch that today would not be peaceful.

(End of this chapter)

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