Restart the world

Chapter 273 Offsite Guidance

Chapter 273 Offsite Guidance
When the World Martial Arts Competition was first set, it was expected to hold a grand event like the Olympic Games, which will attract the attention of the whole world and be broadcasted all over the world.

However, the emergence of superpowers and spirit stones has accelerated this era of practice. There is still a year and a half before the World Martial Arts Competition. Except for Ni Er, the top four in China are already A-level peaks, and they all have abilities comparable to ordinary S. Super power, great destructive power, fighting with all your strength to destroy a radius of several kilometers with ease.

Therefore, it is impossible to build a formal venue, it is impossible for ordinary people to watch the game, and it cannot be broadcast.There may be shooting equipment high in the sky, but Wanli, standing in the center of the barren hill that is the venue for the competition, looked up for a long time and couldn't find it.

"Teacher, what are you watching? Qin Yu is about to compete, and Sister Yu is encouraging her!" Wen Jing ran to him and shouted.

Wan Li lowered his head, grinned and made a grimace: "The weather is so sunny, it's so boring to focus on fighting and killing."

"Teacher? Why are you... Wanli?!" Wen Jing stared, "When did you change?"

"Hey, didn't the head teacher go to the bathroom before going up the mountain? I knocked him out and tied him to a tree."

"Don't lie to me." Wen Jing pouted: "Does Sister Yu know? Why are you pretending to be the class teacher?"

"Of course Sister Yu knows. Pretend...of course there is a need to pretend. If something goes wrong in a while, you can hide behind me."

"Huh? Will something go wrong?"

"Ah, be careful. Mmm... It's enough for Ni'er to have Sister Yu's encouragement. I'll help her find information about her opponent. That kid is dressed in a strange way. He looks like he's about to take off in a cloak," said Wan Li. Then, he walked towards the people in Rongcheng.

The semi-finals took place first between Ni Er and Wang Haiyang. Now they have begun to familiarize themselves with the venue and prepare for the activities. The duel will begin when the audience and referees arrive.

Wang Haiyang's outfit today is very special. The clothes are ordinary and simple, but he always wears a bright red cape on his shoulders, which is very eye-catching.

The cloak looked very thick from a distance, but when Wan Li got closer, he realized that it had been folded in half before putting it on Wang Haiyang, and it was still dragging on the ground. It was at least ten meters long...

"Deputy Director Sun, Mr. Wang, what secret weapon did you students get?"

Sun Ying smiled and shook her head, but did not answer: "As the first city to discover spirit stones in Bincheng, there are indeed private goods. Deputy Director Liu, Ni Qinyu's martial arts level has been raised a little, is it spiritual liquid? I'm willing, I've never seen such a thing..."

"It's nothing special. It can reflect colorful light in the sun. It's pretty, but it's just an ordinary milky white liquid when it's placed indoors. It's like milk. It tastes good when you drink it for the first time, but it doesn't taste good after drinking too much. Maybe I still want to vomit." Wan Li explained sincerely.

Sun Ying remained silent for a while, and returned her mmp's polite smile.

Seeing that she stopped talking, Wan Li turned his head and looked at Wang Haiyang "unscrupulously" at close range.With a height of less than 160, a square face, thin skin and tender flesh, the muscles on his body are not bad, but he is far behind his own figure, and it doesn't look like he has broken the limit of his body and can unlock his strength.

Nothing special, but impossible.

At this time, it is really inconvenient to use Liu Miao's identity to communicate with Wang Haiyang...

"It's a pity that I came back two days late. It's good to watch two ten-to-four games. Dad can recognize what kind of ability it is at a glance." Come out! Nier..."

With a happy face, he hurried towards Ni Qinyu without even saying hello, causing several people in Rongcheng to look at each other suspiciously.

"What did he see?"

Sun Ying shook her head: "This Liu Miao... is a bit strange. He is very strong, but he didn't reveal any rumors before. Speaking of which, our luck in signing is really bad. If Haiyang's opponents are Zhang Bing and Jiang Baihui, don't worry too much. It happened to be Ni Qinyu from the spiritual department... Haiyang, the duel will start in a while, and the opponent will definitely be surprised after you use your ability, so you must finish it with one blow!"

"Have it."


On the other side, Wan Li walked up to Ni Er and whispered: "When the game starts, I will probably fight outside the thousand meters. If the opponent makes strange moves, you can glance at me from the corner of your eye and use your ability to read my superficial thoughts. I will not resist, I will analyze Wang Haiyang's ability for you in my mind."

"Brother Yang, in case you haven't seen it..."

"Don't worry about it, I've seen a lot."

Between two sentences, a group of people, a group of strong men, walked quickly in the distance.

Hei Danyan and Chi Zhao were at the front, followed by four people. Except for Qin Jue, who was holding a pile of documents, who was at the peak of A-level, the other three were all S-level by visual inspection.There is also an acquaintance inside - Ai Hui.

"She's actually at S rank, with this amount of milk... I'm afraid she can save her life if she doesn't die."

There are ten people in the back, Director Guo Zhan and nine guests from three countries... In addition to the island country and the peacock country, three people with a similar lineup also came to the Bangzi country last night. Come to join in the fun.

These are all the people who participated and watched this semi-final.Of course, there will definitely be staff from the Martial Arts Administration further away to prevent outsiders from breaking in.

Qin Jue found the top four players one by one and asked them to sign the participation agreement.Then Chi Zhao uttered a lot of nonsense, and the swelling on his face disappeared quickly...

Ten minutes later, only Ni Qinyu, Wang Haiyang, and Heidanyan were left in the center of the specially opened flat land on the barren hill, and the others all retreated to the edge to watch the battle. He was faintly guarded by Chi Zhao and the other three S-ranks.

The director general and the foreign guests did not stand with them, they were talking a hundred meters away, and the three seats from the island country frequently cast their eyes thousands of miles away.

"Not convinced? If you are the fourth envoy, if you dare to mess around today, I will beat you first..."

"The first round of the semi-finals of the first Huaxia Martial Artist Competition officially started after I disappeared." Heidanyan's cold voice spread across the mountains. "Ni Qinyu, Wang Haiyang, are you ready?"

Ni Qinyu nodded, but Wang Haiyang made a strange movement. He took off his red cloak and pulled it in front of him...

Ni Qinyu immediately aimed at Wanli.

"...Where the hell are you going to judge this? Treat people like bullfighting superpowers?" Wanli's eyes twitched, "Get a red cloth more than ten meters long, who are you going to wrap around... Eh, wrap? Strength, muscle, damn it is a crotch cloth?!"

'Ni'er, don't be surprised that Wang Haiyang becomes tens of meters high in a short while, that's giant magic...giant super power.Sacrificing speed and agility in exchange for terrifying strength and physique, he should be able to hit nearly a hundred tons of strength at the peak of A-level. After transforming, he may choose to hit the ground with one punch to make you float, and another punch will hit you.Don't panic, dodge his two tricks, use your ability to kill him! '

Thinking of these words in his mind, Wan Li let out a sigh of relief, wondering if Ni Er had read them all... At this moment, the figure of Hei Danyan disappeared!

(End of this chapter)

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