Restart the world

Chapter 274 Arrival of the Secret Martial Arts Bureau

Chapter 274 Arrival of the Secret Martial Arts Bureau
A small man less than 160 meters tall broke through all his clothes in the blink of an eye and transformed into a giant over 60 meters tall. The shock brought by him was unparalleled.Wen Jing beside Wan Li immediately covered her mouth, her eyes were dull, and the others were not much better.Ni Er, who was opposite Wang Haiyang, seemed calmer, and quickly pulled back.

Wang Haiyang's first move was not like Wanli's judgment. He first bent down and grabbed her with his palm, which was bigger than Nier's whole body.When he didn't catch it, he turned his palm and slapped the ground hard.

The earth is shaking!

After Wanli unlocked 99%, he was stronger than Wang Haiyang at this time, but hitting the ground felt completely different... 100 of his fists might not be as big as Wang Haiyang's current palm.

That palm not only made a huge handprint on the ground, but also gave the ground a thrust, and the ground quickly returned the force!

Even though they were a thousand meters apart, Wan Li tipped his toes slightly due to the elastic force, putting his hands on Wen Jing and Yu Qianqian's shoulders, so they didn't do a little jump like the teachers in other cities...

Ni Er, who was near the point where the palm landed, rose four to fifty meters straight as if stepping on a spring bed, and then a huge fist hit her.

"Get it!"

Hearing Sun Ying's low cry, Wan Li frowned and smiled.Wang Haiyang's punch hit the air a few meters away from Ni Er, and the violent punch wind brought Ni Er floating to the ground.

"Stable, everything is under control."

Ni Er's superpower has successfully affected Wang Haiyang's senses and vision, and this giant over 60 meters tall began to fight against the air!

The faces of the people in Rongcheng suddenly became ugly, and Sun Ying took a deep breath: "This little girl is unexpectedly calm. We were stunned for several seconds when we first saw Haiyang fully exerting superpowers..."

"Good, so cool ability." Wen Jing stammered: "Giant, giant!"

"It's very cool." Wan Li nodded, no wonder Wang Haiyang was the weakest in his own opinion, it turned out to be giant magic, and he happened to be able to completely overcome this ability.You can win even with hard power. If you use a gravity field, you can kill in an instant... But giant magic must be obtained, maybe it can free yourself from the dilemma of turning into a muscle monster when you use all your strength!

Thinking of this, Wan Li suddenly felt a slanting gaze slanting towards him, frowned slightly, thinking it was the third seat of the island country, and glared at him immediately.

In the end, he met the eyes of the chief executive...

"Uh, did you see that I was giving Ni Er an off-court coach?" Wan Li hurriedly smiled sarcastically.

As for the three seats in the island country, he is not in the mood to travel thousands of miles now, and the other foreign guests have no time to pay attention to him. They are watching the game attentively, and their hearts are moved.Not to mention the domestic champions, as S-level players, they would find it difficult to face the giant, but the giant is still slightly at a disadvantage!
That's right, the giant fighting the air seemed to them to be at a slight disadvantage, because although he never hit Ni Er, the aftermath caused a lot of trouble for Ni Er, and even everyone a thousand meters away was affected. affected.

A lot of rubble were shot at a speed comparable to bullets, and were blocked one by one by several people from the Martial Arts Bureau. On the side of the foreign guests, the director made an astonishing move. With a wave of his hand, he actually condensed A spiritual wall!

"Aura didn't disperse into the air?"

The people around were also surprised for a moment, and soon turned to admiration, and sighed softly: "Is this the reason why the spiritual energy stays away from the body for a long time?"

"Huh?" Wanli blinked.

Yu Qianqian explained in a low voice: "The Martial Arts Forum's short website a month ago divided the first three small realms of the S-level, which are the first entry into the S-level, the ever-changing shape of the spiritual energy out of the body, and the long-lasting spiritual energy out of the body."

"That's it, I haven't been to the martial arts forum since I came back." Wan Li nodded. From these three names, he can roughly understand each small realm, which means that the realm of spiritual energy that stays away from the body for a long time basically represents the level of martial arts in the world today. the tallest person?
I don't know how strong it is...

As if cooperating with him, Wang Haiyang, who had been fighting against the air for a long time, suddenly let out a low growl, his eyes were red as if he had lost his mind, and he ran towards the chief director at a step of tens of meters, while Ni Er stood there panting violently, with a relaxed expression on his face look.

"Consciousness invasion succeeded, win!"

The giant's punch directly hit the aura wall, and the aura wall was instantly covered with cobweb cracks, shattered and dissipated under the impact of the violent wind whistle.

"The aura wall that I condensed at random can probably withstand an attack with half of my strength. It's powerful." Wan Li roughly estimated.

Wang Haiyang, who lost his mind, was quickly knocked out by Hei Danyan and Chi Zhao, and slowly returned to his original shape.If the battle continues, he will not lose his mind, he will lose consciousness or even lose his intelligence and become an idiot, or even become a vegetable...

In the first round of the semi-final, Ni Er won!

Several people from Rongcheng immediately ran to Wang Haiyang to check his situation, while the three from Wanli rushed to Ni Er.

"Ni'er, that's awesome!"

Ni Qinyu smiled: "Thanks to Brother Yang."

"It's just a simple reminder." Wan Li shook his head: "It's not bad to be able to calmly use your ability in such a powerful attack!"

Because he knew that Hei Danyan would make a move, he was in a relaxed mood while watching the play, but Ni Er was facing a giant punch that could seriously injure him, and he could calmly make an opponent whose martial arts level was higher than his own lose his mind within 10 minutes. It won't be much better to do it.

After they evacuated from the field, three more people stood in the center of the field, which had become ravines from east to west——Zhang Bing, Jiang Baihui, and Hei Danyan.

Zhang Bing is a handsome guy with a height of 190, with a straight body and a sunny smile on his face. Wan Li's first impression of him is very good.

Wan Li had a better first impression of the cute girl opposite Zhang Bing, but unfortunately...

Looking at the slightly absent-minded expression on Jiang Baihui's face, Wan Li narrowed his eyes slightly, if the Red Organization doesn't come, the semi-finals will be over soon!

He became a little wary, not only him, Chi Zhao, Ai Hui and others in front of him also tensed up, their eyes kept wandering around...

"After I disappeared, the second round of the semi-finals of the first Huaxia Martial Artist Competition officially..." Heidanyan's cold voice stopped midway, and she turned her head to look at the northern sky.Wan Li followed her gaze, and there were five people flying towards here at a very high speed!

"It's coming...huh?" Wan Li was startled, his face changed slightly, he didn't know these five people!

There are so many S ranks in the red organization? !

"Secret Martial Arts Bureau, what are they doing here?" Ai Hui's yelling told Wan Li that he was overthinking.

"Secret Martial Arts Bureau, five S-ranks." Wan Li frowned slightly, and then frowned slightly: "The guy in the front gives me a very strong sense of threat."

The person flying in the front was a man who appeared to be about 30 years old, with sword eyebrows and star eyes, and a resolute face. He frowned and glanced at Wanli, and flew straight to land in front of the chief director.

"Zeng Jiangeng, are you here to watch the battle?"

(End of this chapter)

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