Restart the world

Chapter 275 The Beginning of Chaos War

Chapter 275 The Beginning of Chaos War
"Zeng Jiangeng?"

Wan Li repeated the name, frowning slightly.A few days ago, when he met with the Director General, the Director General mentioned this name, and Hei Danyan told him that it was...the Director of the Secret Martial Arts Bureau!
Out of a not-so-favorable impression, Wan Li had automatically sketched an image of a gloomy old man in his heart, but he didn't expect him to be a handsome guy, but...

What is this going to do, bring four S-level subordinates here?The Director General said that the General Bureau of Martial Arts has ten S-level people, and the Bureau of Secret Martial Arts should be even fewer, five at a time. He doesn't believe that they only want to watch the competition.

The unexpected situation prevented Heidanyan from announcing the start of the game, and everyone's eyes were on Zeng Jiangeng.He exchanged a few words with the Director General in a low voice, and handed over a document.

The Director General's expression changed slightly after he turned two pages. As he flipped through, his brows became tighter and tighter. When he saw the end, he raised his head and glanced at Wanli.

Wan Li frowned, what happened, could it be that the document was his black material?The Secret Martial Arts Bureau's cheating heart is not dead?

"Liu Miao, come here!" After a moment of silence, the director general shouted.

Wan Li was taken aback, but the people around him showed expressions of astonishment.Especially Chi Zhao, he was already ready to be summoned by the director general, but the director didn't call himself, instead he called the deputy director of the Bincheng Martial Arts Bureau?
Yu Qianqian frowned slightly, while Wen Jing looked at Wan Li worriedly, thinking that Wan Li's disguise had been exposed.Wan Li was stunned for a second, shook his head lightly at them to show that it was okay, and walked quickly towards the chief director.

The nine foreign guests were already bustling with each other in low voices, and some of them showed an obvious attitude of watching the excitement.The previous two semi-finalists may not be able to win if they randomly pick out one of their champions. Their unhappy psychology makes them hope that China will have some troubles.

Taking a close look at Zeng Jiangeng twice, Wan Li stood in front of Guo Zhan: "Director?"

"Shut up." The director general instructed Wan Li to hand the document in his hand.

"Zeng Ju?" At this time, an S-rank behind Zeng Jiangeng asked in a low voice.

"Let him see."

"Sure enough, I know my identity." Wan Li muttered.There is no flaw in the appearance of simulated magic, but there is a big gap between Liu Miao's strength and his own. It is not surprising that Zeng Jiangeng can tell the difference.

Opening the document in his hand, Wan Li's eyes suddenly focused, he suppressed the fluctuation in his heart, and continued to look down.There is not much content on the first page, and only one thing is described: "The fourth envoy of the red organization is Minano Shuichi, the second seat of the Samurai Bureau of the island country, and the evidence is sufficient." '

The second and third pages are full of evidence!
Since Hideichi Minamino joined the Red Organization in 2016, what he has done for the Red Organization and what the Red Organization has done for him has been recorded in the documents one by one!
Wan Li's eyes focused on "When Nanye Xiuyi joined the Red Organization, he was the third seat of the Samurai Bureau, and the original second seat Nohara Sawei was promoted to the second seat after Huaxia was arrested." He sighed in his heart, "That's how it is", and turned to the fourth seat. Page.

The contents of the four, five and six pages are similar to the first three pages, except that the person has been replaced by the fifth envoy of the Red Organization, Peacock Kingdom No.12**!

It was still the same on page seven, eight or nine, and the person was replaced by the sixth envoy of the Red Organization, Huaxia Wanli Yang who claimed to be a priest.What Wanli did in Sale, the fact that he privately subdued the sixteen angels of the red organization and took over Sale was emphasized...

"Mmp, what the hell kind of intelligence ability is this?" Wanli didn't bother to pay attention to his black materials, but the investigation of the fourth and fifth envoys by the Secret Military Bureau really surprised him.

For a moment, he doubted that the special intelligence agent who broke into the red organization was the first envoy or Yan Jiner, and then he denied this absurd guess like a self-deprecating, doubting Panzi and the third envoy...

After thinking for a few seconds, Wan Li handed the document back to the Director General, and said, "Director General, as a teacher, I guarantee my personality that my student Wan Liyang must have his reasons for what he did!"

Guo Zhan frowned and smiled slightly.

Zeng Jiangeng's brows twitched, and he was silent for a long time before he said, "Guo Zhan, I can guarantee that all of this information is true, how should we deal with it?"

"Put the last three pages first. The rest... the semi-finals are over!"

"It's too late to change!"

Guo Zhan frowned, thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "Do it tomorrow or on the 12th?"

"Number 12 is more secure!"

Two of the nine foreign guests could understand Chinese, and there was no language barrier when they served as a communication bridge between the chief executive and them, but now they found that they could not understand the words of the chief executive and Zeng Jiangeng.

I'm afraid that something will change, why do you still ask tomorrow or the 12th, but you have reached a tacit understanding?
However, at this moment, the director general and Zeng Jiangeng suddenly disappeared, and appeared next to No.12 ** of the Peacock Kingdom, bang! !
The two strongest men on the scene attacked without warning, and No. 12** fell into a coma without even reacting.The field was silent for 0.1 second, and the other eight foreign guests suddenly exploded.

The remaining two people from the Peacock Kingdom didn’t even dare to save people, and retreated a hundred meters in fear. The same was true for the Bangzi Kingdom. Only three islanders made a different choice, forming a triangle to surround thousands of miles, as if taking him as a hostage amulet... …

Frowning, he turned his head and looked at the second seat of the island country pointing at his samurai sword, Wan Li was still a little confused, why... just do it if you say it?
After reading that document, Wan Li knew that the fourth and fifth envoys could not escape, but he did not expect that the director general and Zeng Jiangeng would do it on the spot. If foreign guests were involved, they should at least negotiate first, right?
And you got a code on the 12th tomorrow, is it safe on the 12th, which means that it will be easy to solve on the [-]th?
"Ten thousand……"

Wen Jing was covered by Yu Qianqian.

Others reacted accordingly to this change. Chi Zhao Hei Danyan and the four S-level figures from the Secret Martial Arts Bureau instantly appeared beside the chief director and Zeng Jiangeng, while the top four and their teachers were surrounded by Ai Hui and others. The S-level guard of the Martial Arts Bureau stood up.

"Chief Director?" Hei Danyan asked in a low voice.

Guo Zhan waved his hand and looked at the three people in Bangzi Kingdom: "I'm sorry, you three. This matter has nothing to do with you. After investigation, the second vice president of the Samurai Bureau of the island country and the No.12 ** of the Peacock Kingdom are the fourth leaders of the terrorist organization Red Organization. The evidence for the envoy and the fifth envoy is conclusive."

Bangzi translated in a low voice from the Chinese speaker, and the three of them looked at each other, frowned and took a few steps back.There are also people in the Peacock Kingdom who can speak Chinese, but they show a tough attitude, saying that they cannot believe it. Even if the evidence is solid, they have to deal with it by themselves.

Only the three people in the island country do not understand Chinese, Wan Li kindly helped them translate, and the samurai sword behind him drew closer...

"The second seat..." The third seat hesitated.

"Kimura-kun, are you questioning me? Huaxia is too greedy. The act of redeeming Nohara-kun twice may have made them feel that our island country is weak and deceitful!" A few points.

"No matter how close it is, it will pierce my heart, old iron." Wan Li looked at the director general, and then at Hei Danyan.

After confirming the eyes, the power is unlocked!

However, at this moment, an unusual wind blew over...

 The next chapter is coming soon.

(End of this chapter)

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