Restart the world

Chapter 276 100%!

Chapter 276 100%!

The wind suddenly picked up, the sky was full of sand, and the visibility around him dropped sharply.

The familiar ability let Wan Li know who was coming, and he couldn't help being a little surprised.After Zeng Jiangeng brought four subordinates, he thought that the Red Organization would not dare to launch an attack, but unexpectedly...

Where does this courage come from?
Two seconds later, the chaotic battle suddenly started.

Sand and dust obscured his vision, and Wan Li didn't know who was fighting whom. He could only hear the constant bang, the ground trembled and cracked, and the aftermath made him feel a little unsteady as he rushed to the top.Black Danyan flashed behind him and knocked the second place of the island country into the air, while he was besieged by the third place and the champion of the island country.

Unlocking 99% of his power, bursting his clothes and receiving a few attacks, Wan Li was still a little at a loss.What happened today was so weird, the chief executive and Zeng Jiangeng suddenly attacked and dealt with the fifth envoy, maybe there was some reason he didn't understand?Maybe there is some conspiracy he doesn't know about the red organization attacking as usual?

But in this way... the number of enemies has increased instead!With his backhand, he shattered the bright white beam of light shot by the third seat of the island country, Wan Li frowned and shouted: "This is the red organization attacking us, and your second seat in the warrior bureau is indeed the fourth envoy of the red organization..."

At this time, a sense of crisis came diagonally from behind him. Wanli turned his head and raised his arms. A bright white half-moon chopping wave made his feet sink deep into the ground, and he slid back more than ten meters.

"Kimura-kun, Ida, kill him, and show some color to the greedy Chinese people!" The island country second waved a samurai sword and roared loudly, before being beaten into the air again by Hei Danyan.


"It's your mother's leg!" Wan Li scolded, this ethnic habit is really annoying, without the ability to judge, do you obey the strong unconditionally?
At this moment, he finally understood a little bit why the Director-General and the others took action directly, and he was still a little naive. Neither the Island Country nor the Peacock Country is a country that can be explained through reasoning. Besides, the person who joined the Red Organization was the leader of their trip... Just now Doing it will at least make the other party lose an S rank!
"Train yourself into a muscular body, why do I always want to reason with people? The cultural man in my bones is too strong..." Wan Li looked down at himself who had become a muscular monster, clenched his fists, and the air was choked He made two loud noises.

When the champion of the island country warrior contest appeared behind Wan Li again, Wan Li turned around and punched a sonic boom.The hands pressing on his chest made him tremble, his body was slightly stiff, and his strength weakened, but he still bombarded the opponent without a trace.

"It turned out to be a ray of ice, very cool."

Turning around, he shattered the beam of light from the three seats of the island country diagonally above, Wan Li frowned and murmured, "It's a bit troublesome to let this guy fly into the sky."There are several S-level protections in Bianbian, but if Jiang Baihui can't think of a sneak attack, it will be very dangerous... Oh, there is also a task issued by the director general, which makes Jiang Baihui think that she has not been exposed, so she takes the initiative to contact Panzi...

Sigh, I really don't want to use this trick, but luckily I'm using the head teacher's face now, it's ugly as hell...'

Power unlocked, 100%!


the other side.

Under the protection of Ai Hui and the others, Wen Jing and the others ran several miles away at full speed.The sight near the battlefield is obscured by wind and sand, and it is clearer to watch from a distance.

The black and huge tornado swept four or five figures inside, and the sky continued to flash white light, as if the sky would collapse at any time, and a terrifying sense of depression shrouded everyone's hearts.

"Is this the trouble Wan Li was talking about?" Wen Jing opened her small mouth slightly, showing worry on her face: "The one who promised to let me hide behind you if there was trouble, where are you?"

"It's almost here." A member of the team suddenly said: "The battle situation is unknown, we can still support in time if we stay here!"

Another person turned his head to look at him: "Alternatives, this distance is still within the attack range of the S-level. Our most important task now is to protect the top four players and their teachers. The enemy... has the chief executive, so why not?" We need to worry!"

Ai Hui frowned slightly: "Alternate Qi, Alternate Ma, both of you are right, how about I protect them to evacuate and you two stay?"

"Sister Ai, I can join the battle." Zhang Bing said loudly, "I don't need protection!"

Candidate Ma nodded slightly, and took two steps towards him: "Our top four in China are not weak people who need protection. However, Wang Haiyang is still in a coma, and Ni Qinyu's spiritual energy has not yet recovered. Only you and Jiang Baihui can fight , stay in the team, protect your teachers and companions!"

Zhang Bing hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

However, at this moment, the horse substitute suddenly stepped forward, and hit Zhang Bing with his right fist without warning. The slight sonic boom represented that he had used all his strength!
Zhang Bing's pupils shrank suddenly, and his right arm was erected, but the expected heavy blow did not come, and the fist was grabbed by the substitute Qi before he was about to stand.At the same time, Ai Hui silently stood behind Ma Candidate.

"Did you really doubt me?" Candidate Ma sighed softly, but his expression did not reveal any surprise.

"It's just a suspicion, but no confirmation. Candidate Ma, why did you join the Red Organization? You are the third envoy!" Qin Jue said sadly.

"Ah, it's me."

"This is strange. What about the injuries you received from Wan Liyang and Chi Deputy Chief? The next day I secretly checked your physical condition, and there was no trace of injury." Ai Hui asked strangely.

"You can doubt me like this. It seems that I am among the candidates for the deputy expected, I am not very popular." Spiritual energy exploded from the body of the horse candidate.

"Resistance in the corner!"


With a height of 2 meters, his muscles are so swollen that they are about to explode. Wanli has become a household fool, Lu Liu Miao.

The ferocious facial muscles made Liu Miao, a handsome guy, look a little scary and ugly, and his body muscles swelled like sarcoids. This was an important reason why Wan Li was unwilling to use 100%.

The remaining 1% was used by him to suppress excessive changes in body shape!

The gap between 100% unlocking and 99% is not just that 1%, it means that Wan Li can use his power to break the limit 27 times without any consideration.The improvement brought about is... twice! !

The blue light beams shot at his body without hindrance, and the icy rays at tens of degrees below zero did not affect Wan Li's actions in the slightest.He locked his eyes on the champion of the island country competition, his figure disappeared, his right index finger and middle finger were brought together, and he stabbed his waist.

The physical strength and protective aura of the A-level peak were easily penetrated by him. Two fingers were inserted into the body of the champion of the island country. With a ferocious smile.

"Monster, monster!"

The thick and solid pillar of bright white light hit Wanli's chest, but it only made him turn sideways slightly, and his figure suddenly disappeared, appearing at a height of [-] meters.

With one punch, the third seat of the island country fell to the ground, and with one kick, the third seat of the island country poured out blood foam mixed with internal organs, his eyes turned white, and he fell into a deep coma.

"No wonder you are the fourth envoy. You are far worse in endurance than the guy I beat two days ago, and your eyesight is also far worse. Who are you calling a monster?"

At this moment, there was a sudden flash of lightning not far away, and a figure appeared behind Wan Li, with his right hand forming a knife, piercing straight into Wan Li's back heart!
Feeling a slight tingling pain, Wan Li frowned and turned around: "The champion of the Bangzi Kingdom? I thought you were innocent, but it turns out that you also have a share. Lightning magic, it's not bad, it broke my skin!"

He opened his arms and hugged the other party in his arms in an instant. With the sound of bone cracking, he raised and lowered his hands, and soon the other party collapsed into a puddle.

Bang! !

The two fists suddenly bombarded the body, flew thousands of miles and flew a hundred meters, landed and rolled twice, but stood up and slapped the dirt on his body as if nothing had happened, and looked up at the faces of the two leaders of Bangzi Kingdom who had eaten shit...

"The consumption is really high, I'm a little hungry."

(End of this chapter)

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