Chapter 277
Checking the situation of the limp teenager, the faces of the two of Bangziguo became even more ugly.

Before, they were a little gloating and watched the show silently, but they didn't expect their champion to attack the 'monster' in the blink of an eye.

Thinking of the situation where the champions of the Island Country and the Peacock Country Tournament rushed to China the day before yesterday, and their own champions asked to go to China to participate in the news, they didn't know that their champions had joined the Red Organization.

At this time, they were both distressed and puzzled.Thunderbolt super power, they trained their own champion as a stickman, Guo Yueheng, when did they treat him badly!

Wanli would laugh out loud knowing this.Lightning magic is ranked fourth in magic, which is much worse than giant magic, which is ranked third. Compared horizontally, Thunder Lord, who ranks fourth in superpowers, is even farther away.

Bangzi Guoyueheng?His S-level is not as good as Yue Heng, who is at the peak of A-level, otherwise he wouldn't be able to hit Wanli head-on and only pierce him a little bit.

Of course, Wanli, who was rubbing his belly while walking towards the two Bangzi Chinese, didn't know about it, he was worried.

This is the first time for him to use the 100% unlocked state to actually fight. He is very satisfied with the increase in strength, but it also consumes too much energy for the body, right?This consumption cannot be replaced by aura...

Leaving aside the fact that the champion of the island country competition is too weak, in order to kill the three seats of the island country in a second, Wan Li probably consumed a recommended super lunch in that second.

There are still two S grades, and two more meals...

"It would be great if I had Bigu Pill." Wan Li muttered, looking down at himself who barely covered himself with only a pair of blue underpants: "I also need a battle suit that can change size with the body. There is no way to count on technology. Alright, next time I draw it by these two first!"

The muscles on his face tensed, and he stared at the two people opposite him with a 'fiendish look', and the two people in Bangziguo suddenly showed panic expressions: "What are you doing!"

"Who are you rubbing against? How dare you scold me?"


Accompanied by the slight shattering of the arm bones, the two Bangzi Chinese flew upside down. Wan Li was about to rub his body and kill one of them, but suddenly he heard one of them shout in Chinese: "We admit defeat!"

Wan Li immediately stopped and blinked: "Recognize your father? You two children are quite sensible..."


Ten seconds later, Wanli realized that "Qiximoyo" means "wait a minute" in Bangziyu, and this admission of defeat was not the recognition of his father. He was a little disappointed, and he was gearing up to do it again.

"Admit defeat if you say you're going to admit defeat? Just now, you punched me twice for the deadly attack that kid made in his sneak attack just now. Are you going to give me an explanation?"

"Li Weifei was seriously injured by you, and we were also injured by your arm bone. What more do you want to explain!" the Chinese-speaking Bangzi native shouted.

"Why not, look at the name." Wan Li shook his head: "Let's put it this way, I can't tell if you two are members of the red organization, so either you knock yourself out, or I beat you into nothing. Severe injuries are automatically comatose."

"Don't deceive people too much!"

"Yo, Chinese is pretty good... Do you want to do it? Do you also feel like I smashed your internal organs, pierced your waist, or hugged and smashed half of your bones?"

The two looked at each other with anger in their eyes, but in the end they didn't dare to explode. They actually slashed each other with a knife together, and both fell to the ground.

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, so conscientious?
After going up to check, he was speechless for a while, it wasn't a routine, the two of them really fainted.Compared with the people of the island country and the peacock country, the people of the Bangzi country don't know whether to say that they are bloodless or that they know how to judge the situation.

After two seconds of silence, Wan Li looked up at the sky.

The vibration on the ground was no longer strong, and everyone moved the battlefield to high altitudes, and a black tornado hovering a few kilometers away made the sky full of wind and sand, and the sky could not be seen at all from the ground, which could only be seen from the density and loudness of the roar. It is judged that the battle is still going on, and it is very intense.

"The battle in the sky is at least 500 meters long, so it's not very easy to participate...Let's see the situation first." Wan Li lowered his head and took a Bangzi Chinese coat and put it on his body, tied his legs, boom!

Rising straight, 100 meters, 200 meters... until nearly a thousand meters, his upward trend finally stopped, and he was able to overlook all the battles.

The air battlefield is divided into five places, and the place where thousands of miles go up to the sky is just the closest to the black geese and the second seat of the island country, whoosh rushed up to the sky from behind the second seat of the island country, frightened the second seat who was beaten into a frightened bird by the flickering back and forth of the black dan goose...

When he turned around and saw that it was Wan Li, his face was so ugly that he wanted to vomit blood, and he was taken aback by the image of Wan Li's muscular monster... Hei Danyan took the opportunity to hit him, and he really vomited blood.

"Hei Deputy Director General, come on, kill him!"

Hei Danyan glanced at him, didn't speak, his body flickered, and he chased the island country's second leader who flew out.

Wan Li blinked, Vice President Hei, don't be like this, I'm quite fragile now, your glance just now... definitely thinks I'm ugly, right?

Oh no, I look like a class teacher now!
Fortunately, I am smart, she thinks the class teacher is ugly.

His figure fell extremely fast, and Wan Li didn't want to use his strength to maintain his aloft for a period of time. Those who wanted to see it had already seen that he could not use [-]% of his strength in air battles, so he went to learn how to fly first!

After landing with a bang, Wan Li blocked his strength again, shrank his body to its original shape, and ran towards the farthest flaming battlefield that he saw in the sky just now.

"Old Fatty actually participated, tsk..."

There are five battlefields in the sky, among which Zeng Jiangeng's opponent is the familiar cat!

"This cat was at the S level a year ago. At that time, even Wang Yuxin hadn't even reached the S level. Zeng Jiangeng... might not be his opponent. Chi Zhaojia and the four S-level secret martial arts bureaus faced Yan Jin'er, and the outcome was still uncertain. , Hurricane Messenger is too dominant in air combat. The other two battlefields are not a big problem."

"Huh? It seems that I don't deal with people who may lose. Should I spend some time?" Thinking of this, Wan Li didn't slow down, "First complete the task of the director general, and take advantage of that." Bian...Jiang Baihui didn't do anything!"


far away.

Although Wan Li saw the flames soaring in the sky, Zhang Bing's Flame Lord ability really didn't have any effect in this battle, that is, the momentum was relatively large.

The reason is simple, he can't fly either.

Apart from the S-class, the only one who can fly is Jiang Baihui.

However, Director Cui was worried that she would be injured if she participated in the S-class battle, so she held an attitude of neither supporting nor opposing, and Jiang Baihui herself was also hesitating...

In the eyes of others, Jiang Baihui, the top four player, is a bit timid, but only she knows how entangled she is now.

Just as she gritted her teeth lightly to make a decision, a figure suddenly appeared in front of her. Two big hands instantly held her face, squeezed it, stretched it to both sides, beep...

"Little girl, have you mustered up the courage to join the battle? Let us adults do the fighting!"

 The next chapter is later.

(End of this chapter)

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