Restart the world

Chapter 287 Resignation

Chapter 287 Resignation
After a brief look at Liu Runquan's situation and the various instruments monitoring his body, Guo Zhan found no problem, nodded and said, "There are thirteen countries that are confirmed to come to watch the final in three days, and I will give you the list later. You ask someone to send me a copy of the guest's detailed information and strength estimation."

"Understood." Zeng Jiangeng walked out of the room and quickly left the Lingqi Institute.

Guo Zhan couldn't see the hands and feet he had set on Liu Runquan, Zeng Jiangeng was not surprised, nor was he very proud.In the few months since he got the dark magic, he has tried many times. The dark magic is mainly a kind of erosion and intrusion force.

After invading Liu Runquan's brain and communicating with him, Zeng Jiangeng used dark magic to cover Liu Runquan's mind with a black cloth, which did not affect other things.And this kind of method will probably not be discovered until Bian Ting enters the S rank a few months later and successfully invades Hu Runquan's mind.

But there were so many people who had seen Liu Runquan at that time, it was hard to suspect him.Even if someone suspects, they dare not check him.However, his consciousness was covered by him, so it was okay in the short term, but Liu Runquan would probably die naturally in a year, and he would never suffer any future troubles.

He likes the feeling that everything is arranged clearly, and he hates unstable factors.

In his heart, Wanli is one of the factors of instability.She is strong, has an unclear relationship with Yu Wei's mother and daughter, and Liu Ying is also related to Wan Li, so it is easy to know some secrets and interfere with some of her plans.

But Zeng Jiangeng didn't plan to trouble Wan Li for the time being. After he was discharged from the hospital, he didn't mention what Wan Li did in Saledi, because it was useless to mention it, and it would attract criticism instead.

The 12 S-class people saved by Wanli were more favored than he had imagined.

But today, in the previous conversation with Liu Runquan, Zeng Jiangeng discovered another unstable factor, which made him very annoyed.He doesn't care about the only believer. No matter how smart the idiot who believes in the outsider can be, what annoys him is that he hasn't received any news from the second god envoy Panzi!
With low air pressure around him, Zeng Jiangeng walked all the way back to the Secret Martial Arts Bureau, returned to the office, and took out a special mobile phone from the secret door.There were five numbers stored in the phone, and he dialed one of them.

"Hey, Boss Zeng, have you been discharged from the hospital? How is your health? Do you want me to buy two catties of red dates to see you?" A sweet female voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Don't talk nonsense."

"Oh, I have something to tell you."

"Today I went to see Liu Runquan. He said that there is a true believer in the Chi organization. Do you know this person?"

"Of course I know, can this be hidden from me?"

Zeng Jiangeng frowned deeply, but the anger in his heart gradually subsided, and he said in a deep voice, "Why didn't you report the identity of the other party to me in time?"

"I don't know, and I didn't check. But the code name of the other party is also Panzi. Hey, the red organization has two second envoys. If I don't care about it for the past two days, my subordinates will almost be taken over by him."

Zeng Jiangeng took a deep breath, suppressed the rising anger, and said, "You want to betray me?"

"Don't dare, just resign. The Red Organization is tired of lurking, and the Secret Military Bureau doesn't really want to go back. Either you will be silenced or sent abroad. A woman's best years should be spent in love and marriage. It is right to have a child. Oh, I have to trouble you to find a way to clear my information, so that no one can touch you from me. "

Zeng Jiangeng's expression finally changed, and he roared: "Are you threatening me? Who gave you the courage!"

"Boss Zeng, don't be angry. This is not like you. You should keep your emotions and anger out of your face. Is it because of something in the past two days? For example... failed to break through to the fourth level of S-level? "

Zeng Jiangeng's pupils shrank suddenly, and he said slowly: "You can also find out my information, as expected of my valued subordinate... so what?"

"Using one's own aura to transform the aura of the outside world for one's own use, the second bottleneck has appeared on the road of human cultivation. This does not depend on fate, but on talent. Some people can do it in 2 minutes after knowing the way, while others can do it in three days or 30 days. It may never even be possible to do that, which is miserable."

"Hmph, you dare to betray me because of these? How do you know..."

"I believe you will be able to successfully break through, but I'm sorry, I did it in 2 minutes. There is no reason why the boss is weaker than the employees, so please accept my resignation!"

Zeng Jiangeng was slightly silent, and said in a deep voice, "Tell me the news about the only believer."

"Okay. Unknown gender, unknown age, S-level strength, details are unknown. The super power is suspected to be the same as mine, and the code name is also the same as mine. I don't know where Liu Runquan found it... Currently taking over as the second envoy red tissue.

Good job taking over, so as long as you are not unlucky, it will be very difficult for me to be unlucky, hahaha. "

"...I'm very disappointed in you."

"I am also very disappointed with my past self. There is no day when I can be truly happy all day long. It's so cool to have nothing to do now. By the way, boss, I'm going to get married in a few days. Should you give me a big gift?" Red envelope, make up for my spiritual loss?

Resisting the urge to drop the phone, Zeng Jiangeng put it back into the secret door, clenched his teeth, the veins on his forehead popped up, and black air overflowed from his body.

"The only believer, Panzi... Wan Liyang..."


Ah Choo! !
Wan Li wiped his nose, and smiled embarrassedly at Sister Liu: "I don't know which bastard is speaking ill of me, let me draw a circle and curse him."

Sister Liu shook her head: "Don't deliberately divert the topic, Sister Liu should be fragile already."

"Hey," Wan Li smiled coyly, thought for a moment, and patted his head vigorously: "Just become a priest, I can forget about such things.

Wen Jing!Wen Jing! "

"Hey." Wen Jing pushed the door open, "What's wrong?"

"A while ago, was there a silly girl named Yu Wei who went to find Nier?"

"Yu Wei?" Wen Jing blinked: "It's the Shan girl who brought you home. You still think about her and ask her to meet at Ni'er's place? You're going too far, Wan Liyang, you are capable Let her come to me directly!"

"It's everywhere." Wan Li was speechless: "It seems that there is no, cheap mother-in-law has found other ways to treat Yu Wei? I don't know where they are now..."


A country in Africa.

In a certain hotel room, Yu Wei was playing with a round-faced woman. "Yao... Sister Yao, don't pinch my face, I... don't want to have a round face like yours."

"Okay, you, Xiao Wei, dare to provoke!"

"I made a mistake..."

The two frolicked for a while, Yao Yao didn't stop until Yu Wei was out of breath. "Yao... Sister Yao, mom... when will you be back?"

"Soon." Yao Yao smiled and said, "Does Xiaowei miss her mother, or does she want her to bring back the news of you as soon as possible?"

Yu Wei giggled silly: "I want to."

(End of this chapter)

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