Restart the world

Chapter 288 Controlling Muscles

Chapter 288 Controlling Muscles
Yao Yao used Wanli to tease Yu Wei a few words, and found that she didn't show any shy expression, and gradually lost interest.Just at this time, she turned her eyes to the door as if feeling something, and said with a smile: "Xiaowei, go and open the door, the teacher is back."

Yu Wei was startled, got up and ran towards the door, opened the door, and saw Dao Li standing outside the door, and hugged him directly: "Mom."

Dao Li raised the corners of his mouth, lightly patted Yu Wei's back a few times, and nodded slightly to Yao Yao behind her: "Xiao Wei, have you behaved these few days?"

"Good... good, good old, how are you?"

Dao Li is helpless, I shouldn't have mentioned the word 'good'. "Okay, Xiaowei, do you want to go and see him?"

"Can... is it possible?" Yu Weililu was delighted.

"Well, go pack your things."

"oh oh!"

When Yu Wei ran into the room, Dao Li's face turned slightly heavy, and Yao Yao asked suspiciously: "You want to take Xiao Wei back to the country, and that girl named Ni Qinyu has advanced to S rank? It's not so fast."

"It's still early, but it's almost the peak of A-level, you can try it." Dao Li said softly.

"Try? She is in Yanjing now. If you and Xiaowei show up in Yanjing, won't there be any trouble?"

"It's okay. I'm just going to treat my daughter. No one can make irresponsible remarks. I can rest assured about Guo Zhan."

Yao Yao frowned, and said in a deep voice: "Master, did something happen? About the Red Organization?"

Dao Li paused and sighed: "Three days ago, a large-scale operation by the Red Organization failed, and the top management lost more than half, and the first envoy Liu Runquan was arrested."

Yao Yao's body froze slightly: "He's been arrested, he'll be arrested if he's arrested, you don't mean to save him, do you?"

Dao Li looked her in the eyes: "I'll go, know how to do what I can, it's better than you sneaking away."

Yao Yao was taken aback, her complexion became complicated.

"That's it. It's settled. It won't be dangerous for me to take Xiaowei back for a walk. Besides, Wan Liyang is also in Yanjing, and he will help... Otherwise, I have to ask him carefully, where did the wood-type superpower come from?" Come!" Dao Li stared slightly, "Don't notify Yan Shen and the others, it's useless to notify them."

"……I see."


Ah Choo! !
"Tsk." Wan Li wiped his nose and muttered, "There are a lot of people who miss me...Leave it alone, if you dare to make trouble, just shit!"

I followed Liu Miao and Wen Jing out of the hospital leisurely, the sun was shining directly on my body, it was comfortable, and it would be more comfortable if the two in front didn't have a straight face.

"Wen Jing, Wen Bianbian! What's the matter? I haven't seen or contacted Yu Wei for almost a year. The world is so big, and it's not certain whether we will meet again. Can you be jealous?"

"Teacher, why are you so angry? Bencheng Monster Liu, Bencheng Muscle Liu, this reputation... My God, it's so loud! Pfft!"

Liu Miao stared back at Wanli angrily, and laughed, do you know how embarrassing I am when those two in Rongcheng call me 'Bencheng Monster Liu' with seriousness and full of admiration?

Wan Li smiled embarrassingly, feeling that he had the foresight, after all, only a few people knew that the monster belonged to him, and these people probably would not publicize it.

However, this is not a long-term solution. You can’t simulate the class guide as soon as you use 100%. The most urgent thing is to restrain the body shape when unlocking.

So back at the hotel, Wan Li quickly closed the curtains and took off his clothes.Because Wen Jing needed to accompany her, and Ni Er, who was preparing for the finals, also needed someone to take care of her, so Yu Qianqian lived in the villa area and gave the hotel room to Wan Li and Wen Jing.

Wen Jing was packing up her things when she suddenly realized that the room had darkened. She turned her head and found that Wan Li was only wearing a pair of underpants, and she blushed at that moment.

"Wan Liyang, I haven't forgiven you yet!"

"Forgive me, stop making trouble. Be good, brother will show you the monster." Wan Li smiled.

Power unlocked, 100%!

"Who wants to see... Huh?" Wen Jing was stunned, and pointed at the tumor on Wan Li's body with her fingers, stepped back in disgust, and smiled again: "No wonder the class teacher is angry, so ugly."

"Laugh, laugh again and I will become you next time!"

"I, you can change me?" Wen Jing stammered: "If you dare, dare to change me, I will..."

"Don't dare, I'm afraid I won't be able to face you after the transformation." Wan Li smiled and said, "Stay away."

Wen Jing pouted: "You know ugly too."

When she backed away, Wan Li frowned slightly, remembering the feeling when he doubled, his muscles tensed, and the sarcoma trembled, horrifying.

Wen Jing covered her eyes, she couldn't bear to look directly.

In the beginning, the sarcoma vibrated irregularly, but gradually became more orderly with the exhaustion of thousands of miles, and the tremor frequency, direction, and speed were all uniform, and it shrank toward the body surface.

Sweating, Wan Li found that manipulating muscles like this was more tiring than practicing gravity, but fortunately, the Inexhaustible Body will always give strength at critical moments. After an hour passed, a Inexhaustible Body was scrapped, and the sarcoma finally shrank a circle visible to the naked eye.

"Huh..." Wan Li blocked his strength again, slowly returned to his normal body shape, and shook his arms, and found that his normal strength seemed to have increased by a little.But he knew that this was an illusion, it was just that his control over power had improved, but...

"If I practice muscle manipulation in this way under gravity, it seems that I... can still break the limits of my body? My God, what's the matter?"


Whether it is the 28th time to break through the physical limit, whether it is the A-level practice to achieve a qualitative change, the accumulation of background makes Wan Li entangled.If he didn't break the limit 27 times, but practiced step by step, he would probably be in the second or even third level of S-level now, and his strength would not be worse than this time.

There are many reasons for choosing to break through the limit of body training instead of following the current system of practice. The most important thing is that according to his thinking, the practice will definitely become more difficult as it goes forward. Maybe there will be a second bottleneck of practice at some point, so that It is very necessary to cherish this low-level body training opportunity.

If you wait until you reach A-level and start to break the limit, maybe you won't even be able to do it 20 times.

Eating and crying with Wen Jing, the owner of a self-service copper hot pot restaurant, Wan Li is still hesitant, "It takes two or three months to reach A level, breaking the limit is feasible now, and maybe breaking the limit 30 times in two or three months is no better than advancing to A The level promotion is small. But it will be more difficult to advance to the A level."

"Wan Liyang, what are you thinking?"

"Oh, I want to deal with you tonight."

Wen Jing blushed, and muttered: "I will work hard to improve my strength. Don't think that one day I will let you find another woman because... I can't stand it."

Wan Li was stunned, and said speechlessly, "Stop reading messy soap opera romance letters. Did I tell you all about it... Forget it, I don't bother to explain, let's see how I deal with you when I go back!"

Leaving aside his troubles for now, Wan Li took Wen Jing's wrist and accelerated back to the hotel, but the figure standing at the door of the room prevented him from getting what he wanted.

"Deputy chief black?"

"Wan Liyang, the Director General is looking for you."

(End of this chapter)

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