Chapter 289
In the familiar sense of spatial movement, Wan Li was brought to the Martial Arts Headquarters by Hei Danyan for the second time.

It was already dark, and Wan Li slandered in his heart, "Why does the Chief Director always pick up guests at night, and there is not enough time to clean up the Wenjing?" Then he squeezed out a smile and asked: "Deputy Chief Hei, is the Chief Executive going to give me a reward?" ?”

"Reward?" Heidanyan was a little confused.

"Ah, it wasn't three days ago..."

"Oh, maybe it is." Hei Danyan said lightly, and pulled Wanli to move through the space for the last time, and came to the office of the chief director.

Then she waved her hand, signaled Wanli to knock on the door and enter the house, and left in a flash.

Wan Li was stunned: "What's the situation? Two days ago, I was very gentle when I was visited by the Deputy Headquarters of the Heilongjiang Hospital. Why is she so indifferent today? Who messed with her?"

He knocked on the door, and when he heard the sound of 'enter' belonging to the director general, he pushed the door open and entered.

"Come on, sit down."

Wan Li did as he said, sat down and looked at the director general, and suddenly felt a little different in him.After hesitating for a moment, he smiled and said, "Congratulations to the director general for his further strength."

"It feels quite sharp." Guo Zhan shook his head and laughed, rummaged through the documents on the table for a while, and took one of the documents in his hand: "I'm looking for you for the martial arts competition. The national competition that is sure to come to watch the finals We imagined a lot, so in addition to the original third place game and the championship game, we decided to add another game."

"An extra game?" Wan Li was taken aback.

"Well, a pair of six, is there a problem?"

"A pair of six, who? Me? Right... the other six in the top ten?" Wan Li scratched his head: "I'm fine in terms of strength, but this..."

Is it bad?

"It's easy to find a reason, just in the name of performing a special mission and missing the martial artist competition. Even if someone is not convinced, as long as you win the six of them, no one can say anything." Guo Zhan said.

Wan Li frowned: "But it's not very good for the six of them..."

"I can't bear this setback. How can I represent Huaxia in the world? And you know Jiang Baihui's situation. Whether she becomes No.3 or No.4, you will most likely have to replace her. Of course, don't be the champion of this competition." Think about it."

"Even if I can think about it, I'm too embarrassed to compete with Ni Er for the championship." Wan Li laughed.

Guo Zhan was startled: "Are you so sure that Ni Qinyu can beat Zhang Bing?"

"If you play normally, I don't think it's a big problem." Wan Li smiled. Ni Qinyu should be able to eat all the spirit stone essence before the finals and reach the A-level peak.With the same level, the fifth ranked super power is definitely a little bit stronger than the seventh.

Of course, in the real battle, it depends on the performance on the spot. He is just an estimate and cannot be sure.

After thinking for a while, he hesitated and said, "Then should I play first or second in the one-on-six match? And... this operation, give me the top ten title, just to replace Jiang Baihui? Uh, don't tell me this It's the reward from the battle three days ago, which made me famous, I don't want to do that..."

"No, the reward plan for you hasn't been decided yet, let's accumulate it first." Guo Zhan shook his head, and handed the document to Wan Li: "You should take a look at this document first, the information on American visitors."

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, took the document with both hands, glanced at it, and immediately frowned deeply.

handsome!very handsome!
The front page of the file was a photo of a handsome guy. Just by looking at Wanli's face, he felt that he was a little bit inferior. What's more, the guy was still blond and blue-eyed, which added another point to his appearance.

"Carlos Peters? Uh, this guy looks familiar. Have I seen him somewhere?"

As he flipped through the pages, Wan Li gradually revealed a dazed expression.This is an Internet celebrity. When superpowers first appeared, he was very popular on the Internet, only because the scene of the opponent awakening superpowers was photographed by Huaxia people and spread to the martial arts forum.

With pure white wings and a handsome appearance, I don’t know how many girls and even aunts screamed—the second superpower, the awakener of angel wings!
"Is he also on the list of spectators?" Wan Li pondered: "Are you worried that the United States will let him compete with our champion? That's not the case, it's okay for Xiaoguo to say, they are willing to push us to show off once. But The United States must be heading for next year's World Martial Artist Championship, will this guy show his strength at this time?"

"Just in case. And it's not just him, some young people who are among the best in the country have also come from other countries. I'm worried that this may turn into a trial match of the World Warrior Competition..." Guo Zhan said slowly, and then Slightly frowned and said: "You are optimistic about Ni Qinyu and Zhang Bing in the battle between Ni Qinyu and Zhang Bing. When it's your turn, you seem to conclude that Ni Qinyu and Zhang Bing are not his opponents in an instant?"

"Uh... isn't it all written in the information? He reached the peak of A-level half a year ago, and it is unknown whether he will advance to S-level. This should be considered as the worst." Wan Li explained.

As the ability setter, he is too aware of the gap between superpowers.Although the top nine superpowers are grouped together, they are actually divided into several sub-levels.

1, 23, 456, 78, 9.

It should be divided like this, very symmetrical.

The gap between the second and the fifth is bigger than the gap between the fifth and the seventh. Even if Peters is still at the peak of A-level, Zhang Bing has zero chance of winning against him, and Ni Er's 0% chance of winning is overestimated.

And if the opponent has been promoted to S rank...

"It's a tough fight for me, too."

Seeing him pondering, Guo Zhan didn't interrupt him until his eyes became clear again, before he said: "If there is a situation that requires you to fight, you want to crush them utterly, can you do it?"


Guo Zhan nodded in satisfaction: "That's all, do you have anything else to do? If not, you can leave."

Wan Li thought for a moment: "Director, can you approve some spirit stones for me first? Just treat it as an advance payment for the reward for the battle three days ago."

"Yes, is 1000 yuan enough?"

"Enough, enough, you are so bright."

"Tomorrow morning, someone will send you to the hotel."


After coming out of the office of the director general, Wan Li looked around for a long time but couldn't find Hei Danyan. It seemed that she was only in charge of picking up and not delivering.

There was no other way, Wanli could only rely on the means of transportation - returning on both legs, and even pulled a few passers-by to ask for directions.It was only then that he remembered that he had never bought a mobile phone.

He didn't use a mobile phone for eight months in Purcell, and he got used to the life without a mobile phone.It's too troublesome to pick up a thing that breaks in a fight.

It took more than half an hour to run back to the hotel, Wan Li estimated the time, around nine o'clock, it was barely enough to clean up Wen Jing.However, just when he was about to step into the hotel, something happened again.Somewhere around the corner, a pair of sharp eyes caught his attention.

Those are a pair of green eyes!
"Meow meow, what the hell are these guys still staying in Yanjing and showing up here?"

(End of this chapter)

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