Restart the world

Chapter 336 King Kong Orangutan King

Chapter 336 King Kong Orangutan King

When Wan Li walked out of the cave, his complexion was abnormally heavy.At the entrance of the cave, besides the two second-level orangutans, there was another bigger orangutan.

More than five meters tall, jet-black hair, well-developed muscles, thick and well-defined upper arms, palms that are bigger than Wanli's face... everything radiates terrifying power.

King Kong orangutan king of the fourth realm of S-level!

The invisibility was completely ineffective in front of it, and its eyes were firmly fixed on Wanli, and what was revealed in the eyes was raging anger.

Wan Li pursed his lips and moved a few steps sideways, and King Kong's gaze followed suit.

"Does the orangutan's eyes have a cloaking effect? ​​It's strange that you don't feel like you can't see me?" Wan Li grunted and glanced at the orangutan king's shoulders.

It is carrying an orangutan on its left shoulder, which is female.On the right shoulder is a naked black man, female.

"It's no wonder it didn't come when there was such a big commotion just now, did it disturb its good business?" Wan Li lowered his eyes, "It's just a gorilla, and it's even driven into the harem. How dare you match it with...'play'?"

Inside the cave, more than a dozen black women and a dozen female orangutans are sleeping!

Wan Li knows that ever since the first super-intelligent creature appeared, and the appearance of intelligent animals close to human beings, the high-level officials have been looking for ways to coexist peacefully with them.

Up to now, there have been several successful cases.But what he saw today makes Wan Li wonder if it is really useful?Humans and beasts have different paths, unless one day they can shed their hair, transform into a human form, and drink blood without their fur...

People like King Kong Gorilla King deserve to be killed!

Stealth is useless, so cancel it.Facing King Kong Gorilla King, angel wings are necessary.And the other kind... use nothing that does not burn.

Wan Li knew that if he didn't double his strength, without the support of his senior brothers and sisters, it would be very difficult for him to injure the Vajra Gorilla King, so he would burn his fur first to relieve his anger...

After the simulation was over, Wan Li glanced at the woman on the shoulder of King Kong Orangutan with some hesitation, but he didn't expect that he would considerately throw the black woman and the female orangutan to two subordinates respectively.

"Heh, protect the beauties of the harem?" Wan Li laughed, his body suddenly stiffened.

The tall figure of King Kong Gorilla King suddenly appeared behind him without making a sound.

boom! ! ...

Amidst the bang, Wan Li smashed dozens of big trees in a row, and then stood horizontally on a big tree as if defying gravity, coughed a few times, and removed the wings protecting his back.

"The pure power is about 1.5 times that of mine, and it can't break through the defense of the angel's wings. Careless, this guy is not only powerful, but also very fast. Fortunately, it didn't use aura this it comes again!"

Wan Li squinted his eyes, broke the tree with both feet, and landed after circling and turning several times in the sky, perfectly avoiding the sonic boom punch of King Kong Gorilla King.

Afterwards, he kept moving, pointing his toes to the ground, and suddenly pierced through the punching space of the King Kong Gorilla King, and punched his abdomen with both fists... Fortunately, the King Kong Gorilla King's lower limbs are very short, otherwise he would face the five-meter-long or near-six-meter King Kong orangutan king, Wanli might have to jump up and hit his knee...

"Huh?!" As soon as he thought of knees, a knee magnified in Wan Li's eyes.He quickly turned his fist into a palm and slapped downward.

Wings fluttered and stabilized his flying figure, Wan Li frowned: "Can you knee bump? Have you learned to fight or played in dungeons?"

King Kong Gorilla King didn't give another BBQ to Wanli, who was floating in the air, but bent down and smoothed out a handful of scorched black hair with his hands...

After raising its head, its eyes became even more angry, and its fists pounded its chest dozens of times.

"Angry? I'm happy when I'm angry."

Wanli's wings vibrated, and countless white feathers shot out like sharp arrows. During the flight, a small half of them ignited flames.

Wan Li also found a way to combine Nothing Not Burning and Angel Wings. Although this did not increase the attack power, the special effect is very good... and it can also summon companions.

The feather attack failed to take effect, and the king gorilla didn't move, and the aura automatically condensed into a thick barrier in front of it.

After being struck by countless feathers, the aura barrier was not broken, and then twisted and deformed, turning into a column of aura and blasting towards Wanli in the sky.

This is the fourth level of S-level, controlling the aura around the body.Yan Shen said that the King Kong Orangutan can control 19% of the aura around his body. Wan Li doesn't know how much the body circumference refers to, but now the King Kong Orangutan is at the level of the third level of S-level.

It hasn't used the aura in its body yet!
Wings folded, body slipped backwards, Wan Li, who had defended against the blow, had no time to breathe, so he turned around in a hurry.The King Kong Gorilla King quietly appeared behind him again and punched him hard.This time, its fist was wrapped with a white light of aura so thick that it almost turned into substance.

The strong sense of power makes Wanli's pupils shrink slightly, canceling everything is incombustible, and the imitation King Kong is not bad!

boom! ! !
The figure fell straight to the ground, as if a missile had exploded on the ground, the destructive shock wave dissipated, and countless broken branches and trees were shattered and wiped out by this blow!

Wan Li squatted halfway in the deep pit just formed, raised his hand and wiped the corners of his mouth, "This should be its full blow, right? It's about 2.5 times the strength of my full attack, and the angel wings and King Kong's indestructibility are all destroyed." If you guard against it, you can't beat it even if you double it, but you can win it with a super double..."

He was slightly injured, but he felt a little more at ease, as long as he has enough cards to turn the tables!


On the other side, Sun Kangxin, the weakest of the quartet of brothers and sisters, had already escorted the black men away from the forest, while the other three were attacking in a straight line to where the King Kong Gorilla King was.

After hearing the sound of Wanli and King Kong Gorilla fighting, the three of them dared not procrastinate. Instead of moving from the ground to deal with the beast along the way, they lifted off into the air and hurried on their way.

But they were still stopped.A total of ten S-rank beasts, the king of the seven animals in this primeval forest, surrounded them in the middle.

"A buffalo is missing?" Yan Shen glanced around, wondering: "Did the little buffalo that just entered S rank be taken care of by the younger brother?"

The buffalo was trampled on by Wan Li with all his strength, but he didn't die, but was seriously injured.

"It's a buffalo missing, but the eland was not in the second level when I came last time." Yao Yao nodded and said: "Five second level plus five third level, it is impossible to solve it in one or two minutes. Junior brother won't last long, Yan Shen, you go there first, leave this place to me and Gan Kai."

"No." Yan Shen shook his head: "Let's switch over and solve these first and second realms. I'm faster. Go help him, hold back King Kong Gorilla King, and give me 5 minutes!"

Yao Yao and Gan Kai looked at each other when they heard the words, and flew towards the place where Wanli and King Kong Gorilla King fought.

Ten wild beasts moved and intercepted, but Yan Shen moved faster, opening and closing his palms, and a huge aura palm slowly emerged in the sky...


PS: (The wifi at home is broken, 4G is very slow, and it often turns into 2G network, which makes me lose my manuscript again, which is really painful...

It’s the end of the month, and Eryang doesn’t ask for a monthly ticket. Can the veterans recommend some tickets to give Eryang a little comfort, hehehe, the climax is coming...)
(End of this chapter)

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