Restart the world

Chapter 337 Xiao Wei's Ability

Chapter 337 Xiao Wei's Ability

In the past two years, Wan Li has grown from an H-level weak chicken to a B-level peak invincible strongman, and has rarely been suppressed by opponents with hard power.

But this time he experienced the feeling of fighting against the wind again, against the wind.

Whether it is speed or strength, King Kong Gorilla King is far above him.If it weren't for the Angel Wings he got a while ago, it would be a crushing situation based on skill alone, and Wan Li could probably only last for... 1 minute under the King Kong Gorilla King Fist?

It is not easy for him now, he has to defend every attack of King Kong Gorilla King with all his heart.If he fails to defend well once, he will be seriously injured, and the opponent will not give him time to use the healing light.

"Why haven't the brothers and sisters arrived yet?"

Wings fluttered, Wan Li, who had received several consecutive attacks from the King Kong Gorilla King, grunted and panted a few times.It's not physical exhaustion, but high mental tension that brings fatigue.

The orangutan king attacked again, swinging his huge fist, agitating the aura around him to jump and oscillate, one wall after another of aura bombarded the angel's wings from top to bottom.

Aw~ Aww~!

As he fell to the ground, several roars of orangutans sounded around him, piercing through the wings and hurting Wanli's ears, causing his face to change slightly and his body to tense up.

Bang! !

There was a loud impact sound, but Wan Li, who was ready for the oblique force, was not attacked, and was almost shaken from the waist... He straightened up in doubt, moved his wings, and two solid beams of light were facing the huge body of King Kong Gorilla King Fly away.

Wan Li heaved a sigh of relief, turned around and said, "Senior sister and senior brother, it's finally here... Where are the other two?"

"Sun Kangxin is resettling black people, Yan Shen is entangled by other beasts, we have to delay this orangutan for 5 minutes." Yao Yao said: "How are you doing here, have you got the crystal? It seems that your fight with that orangutan is not very good Suffering?"

"I didn't find the crystal, so I broke into that orangutan's harem." Wan Li shook his head, turned his head and spat out a mouthful of blood: "It's a loss, why didn't it hurt, there is no place on my body that doesn't hurt, so I burned Some orangutan hair." Green light emerged from his hand, pressing on his chest.

"Its harem?" Yao Yao frowned: "This beast..."

"Sister, be careful!"

Yao Yao was startled, and turned around abruptly, and the King Kong Orangutan King who was beaten into the air suddenly appeared behind her, slapping her and Gan Kai with a huge slap.It was clearly a sonic boom attack, but the orangutan king manipulated the aura to cover up the sound, turning it into a ecstasy.

It was too late to dodge, and the two could only mobilize their spiritual energy as much as possible, wrapping layers of white light on their arms to block and defend.

The two flew out together, the pain from their arms made their faces change slightly, and the King Kong Orangutan King who was chasing them made their expressions even more dignified.

Careless!Being preempted, I'm afraid he will suffer a little injury.

At this moment, there was a sound of wind coming from behind them, and the two of them realized that they were being supported by something soft, and the trend of their backward flight was slightly slowed down. At the same time, a figure rushed straight towards the orangutan king from between the two of them.

boom! !

The figure flew back at a faster speed, but the orangutan king's footsteps only paused slightly.However, this pause also allowed Yao Yao and Gan Kai to finally stabilize their bodies and face the orangutan king.

After several blows, the two also flew out.But at the same time, King Kong Gorilla King staggered back for the first time in this battle!

Wanli flapped his wings and placed Yao Yao and Gan Kai on the ground, and the three stood side by side.

"Are you okay? Your kid's super power is very annoying in battle, but being a teammate is unexpectedly reassuring." Gan Kai tilted his head and said.

"Don't be distracted anymore." Yao Yao reminded in a low voice: "Thanks to my junior brother this time, otherwise the two of us would be really ashamed!"


Wan Li didn't say a word, and continued to use the healing light to race against time to recover from his injuries, and at the same time, his eyes were fixed on King Kong Gorilla King.Three-on-one, the disadvantage is not so obvious, but before Yan Shen arrives, he still needs to develop insignificantly, so he can't be careless.

Huh? !

At this time, Wan Li suddenly noticed a silver-white light flashing in the orange pupil of King Kong Gorilla King.He blinked to make sure he read it correctly... That silver-white light gave him a very uncomfortable feeling!

Aw~ Aww~! !
Bang bang bang...!
The King Kong Gorilla King started roaring again, and at the same time hit his chest hard with his two forearms, Wanli had a vague illusion that the opponent had become taller.

No, not an illusion!

King Kong Gorilla King is really growing taller, from more than five meters, to six meters, seven meters, eight meters!
A larger body brings greater pressure, and its changes have not stopped.The jet-black hair that had been scorched by Wan Li fell off, and was replaced by silver-white hair.

Wan Li swallowed: "What the hell is this? Silver-white pupils, silver-white hair, more than eight meters tall, the orangutan has evolved into an ice giant ape? Huh, calm down, calm down, transform yourself, the basic operation of the boss, brothers and sisters Very calm..."

He turned his head and saw two faces with dumbfounded expressions.

"...Not calm, but stunned? Haven't they seen orangutans transforming a few times before? That's right, how can orangutans transform?!" Wan Li took a deep breath, feeling something was wrong.

It is impossible for the orangutan king to awaken super powers, and it is impossible to break through the limit of the orangutan body... Even if it breaks, the power is unlocked, and there is no reason for the hair to change color.

"Cultivation to a certain extent will produce mutations? I've never heard of such a thing. This body shape is not good... It's coming!"

The orangutan king stopped hammering his chest, his silver-white pupils stared at the three of them, Wanli's heart was hairy, but his body rushed straight up.I don't know how much the orangutan king's strength has increased after his transformation. Let him try with angel wings and King Kong.

boom! !

A fist bigger than a casserole hit the angel's wings, Wanli's pupils shrank suddenly, and with a slight clicking sound, the angel's wings... broke!


Two words came out of his throat, and Wanli sprayed a mouthful of old blood on his half-broken wings, his figure floated several times on the ground, and embedded in a giant tree hundreds of meters away.

Yao Yao and Gan Kai's expression changed, and they pulled away to escape, but found that in the blink of an eye, King Kong Orangutan King stood in front of them, waving his arms.

Gan Kai gritted his teeth slightly, and took half a step forward...

boom! !

In the distance, just as Wan Li pulled his body out of the giant tree, he saw two figures entering the nearby trees one after another.He spat out blood again, his face pale and ugly.

"It's too outrageous, it's too strong!"

Originally 2.5 times his strength, after the transformation, it increased to nearly 3.5 times, almost catching up with his super doubling level.Even the Angel Wings have been discounted, there is no reason why they are so strong!
No matter how strong he is, there should be a limit. With this level, he can fight three chief executives at the same time!
"Gan Kai, Gan Kai, are you okay!" Not far away, Yao Yao's exclamation came, but Gan Kai didn't respond for a long time.

"Are you unconscious in one hit?" Wan Li could vaguely feel Gan Kai's breath was very weak, "I can't run away, then... I can only super double it!"

Looking ahead at the orangutan king who was beating his chest and howling, Wan Li silently transformed the two simulated magics into an inexhaustible body, ready to merge.

At this moment, Yao Yao suddenly yelled again: "Little Junior Brother, quickly use Xiaowei's ability! You have imitated her before, can you use it?!"

Xiaowei's ability?Wood magic?

Wan Li frowned slightly, what's the use of wood magic now?Can the King Kong Orangutan keep from attacking us by turning out the rattan to play with?
"In addition to wood-type superpowers, Xiaowei also has a superpower! You can use it!"

(End of this chapter)

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