Restart the world

Chapter 345 Ambush

Chapter 345 Ambush
Wan Li was a little confused about what to do with the remaining people, especially the few people in Huaxia.

Both Wang Zhuli and Liu Jun are A-level peaks, and among Wang Zhuli's subordinates, there are three A-levels, which are not worth mentioning in front of Wanli, but in Sale, this is an extremely powerful force.

Little Sixteen is only a peak A-level.

Among the five of them, there may be those who joined Saier sincerely, and Wanli wanted to accept it, but he dared not accept it.In case something goes wrong, it's hard to say what Purcell will be like when he comes back next time.

Their loyalty must be ensured.

How to make sure?Wanli thought for a long time.People's hearts are fickle, and there is no guarantee at all.So the only option is to drive them out or kill them?
No, there is a third option.

Wan Li got the brainwashing power a long time ago, but he never used it seriously.To play with ideas, not to be the same thing as the red organization?

"Let them be okay voluntarily. If you join, you have to accept my superpower control. If you don't join, then... ask them why they joined the red organization, and what to do." Wan Li finally set a goal.

How to deal with the Chinese people has been determined, but it is easy to say how to deal with the Russians.

Unofficial fighters who came to Africa to seize the spirit stone mines in other countries, it doesn't matter if they kill them all.

But God has the virtue of good life, Wanli is merciful, and decides to give them a chance.Kill them with revenge, and let the others go.

To test whether a person is malicious, the reversal of the universe can do it.

He looked at the Russians and pointed to one of them: "Come here. Yes, you, come here!"

What Wan Li was referring to was one of the people who was brought down by Krylova when he wanted to save Rokov.He trembled, stunned for a moment, and strode forward... If Wanli didn't see the beseeching gaze he cast on Krillova, he would think he was very brave.

"Don't move." Wan Li ordered, put his hand on his shoulder, and the universe reversed and started!

'Determine that this person is not good for me, reverse. '

The spiritual energy is consumed rapidly, and the judgment is successful!

Wanli frowned slightly.How dare you really want to take revenge on yourself?He interrupted the simulation of the reversal of the universe, and if he continued, he would either consume a lot of aura, change his mind, or let this guy die instantly... although it may not be possible.

"Stand aside." Wan Li slapped him aside, and said: "I can test whether you still have evil intentions. Don't take chances, you can't hide it from me. I am not a person who kills indiscriminately. The order of the superior, don't make troubles again, I can let him go. But if you have other thoughts..."

The young man Dunlu who was photographed by him just now was overjoyed and thought he had passed the test.

Wan Li glanced at him, pondered slightly, and looked at Krilova: "You also need a test."

Krillova froze for a moment, nodded, and calmly walked to Wanli's side, but when Wanli put his hands on her shoulders, her body trembled suddenly, her face flushed, and she became strange.

Wan Li was startled, and activated his ability.

'It is judged that Krillova is unfavorable and reversed. '

"Uh!" A sense of pain suddenly came from the inside out, Wan Li's brows tightened, he immediately canceled the simulation of the reversal of the universe, and rubbed his forehead.

"My lord priest, are you alright?" Little Sixteen noticed his expression and asked hastily.

"It's okay." Wanli waved his hand.He has always been very cautious after getting the reversal of the universe. Every time the judgment is successful, he has forgotten that this ability is dangerous, and failure in the judgment will cause damage to the capable person.

"You stand on the other side." After confirming that Krillova didn't come here with malicious intentions, Wan Li's attitude improved a lot, and he patted her on the shoulder and said, "Come on, let's continue, next one."


This "trial of the priest" lasted for more than half an hour. In the end, apart from Xiaoliu, only Wang Zhuli, Liu Jun, one of Wang Zhuli's subordinates, and Krillova were left in the room.

I was surprised that Liu Jun stayed behind Wanli, and I couldn't help feeling that Xiao Twelve, who had been against him all the time, was also infected by the charm of the priest... I am really attractive, so I didn't fuck that ignorant little girl of Yanan. mesmerized.

"Krilova, do you want to join Purcell too?" Wan Li asked, "Your teacher won't agree, right? But it's okay, if you really want to join, it's just a small trouble." A world-renowned genius, especially A beautiful genius is worth thousands of miles to recruit, and it doesn't hurt to beat the fourth realm.

It's a pity that Krylova shook her head and refused: "No, I will return to China soon."

"Oh." Wan Li was not disappointed: "Then welcome the three of you, Wang Zhuli, Liu Jun, and Zhang Meng to join Sale. Wang Zhuli and Liu Jun, the two of you will serve as Xiao Shiliu's deputy. As for Zhang Meng... Xiao Shiliu you Let's arrange it."

"Yes, my lord priest."

Wan Li nodded: "By the way, has the Red Organization contacted you again during this time?"

"Red organization? No."

"If you contact me, don't hide it, find a way to notify me as soon as possible."


"Hmm...Krilova, you're not leaving for now, right? I don't restrict your movement, but you can't wander around in Sale either." Wan Li turned his head and said.

"I won't walk around."

Wan Li glanced at her, completely confused about what this Russian beauty wanted to do: "Are you still looking for me? Little Sixteen, you send someone to arrange a place for her to rest, and come to you after I finish my work?"

Krylova nodded slightly: "Yes."


Outside the Saier Forest, Wan Li walked in quickly.

He cared more about the anomalies in the Cyre forest than dealing with those A grades.This huge primeval forest covers an area four times larger than the forest where King Kong Gorilla King is located. Although there are no mines underground, the overall strength may not be weaker than that forest.

It’s hard to say about the fourth level of S-level, but there is definitely a third level of S-level, and there may be more than one. It would be a disaster for Purcell to come out with just one.

Beasts have their own territories, and after the boss of the territory near Purcell—the A-level peak Lion King was conquered by Wanli, the only ones who invaded Purcell were some low-level beasts that escaped from the IQ difference.But since the arrival of Wang Zhuli and others a few days ago, high-level beasts have often attacked Purcell, and even A-level appeared among them.

"Lion! Big Lion!"

After running for a while, Wan Li yelled a few times, but there was no response.

"Did I run in the wrong direction?" The angel's wings spread out, and Wanli's figure rose into the sky, looking back at Saier: "That's right? Why is the big lion missing? Could it be that it was slaughtered by other beasts?"

He landed, retracted his angel wings, turned his head suddenly, found nothing, and turned back slowly: "Something is wrong, there is a sense of crisis, is there any beast in this forest that can hurt me?"

Moving forward for more than ten kilometers, he slaughtered many low-level beasts, but he didn't see any of the high-level beasts, which made him faintly feel a string in his heart.

"It's not right, it's not right. Is it that kind of silver-white thread that's causing trouble... huh?"

Wan Li suddenly looked around.

"One, two, three, a lot of S-levels surrounded me unknowingly. What happened, I walked about half the distance to the center. Could it be that these beasts are here... to ambush me?!"

 New week, asking for recommendation tickets.


(End of this chapter)

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