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Chapter 346 Shao Laofat's Revenge

Chapter 346 Shao Laofat's Revenge

Before entering the Saier Forest, Wan Li had predicted many situations that he might encounter, but the boldest guess he made was that there was a Beastmaster in the Saier Forest who was comparable in strength to the King Kong Orangutan King, and he would be in a tough fight. .

But what the hell is being ambushed?A group of high-level wild beasts gathered here, which did not reach the center of the Saier Forest, and surrounded themselves in the middle, slowly shrinking the encirclement from a distance of several kilometers...

It can't be a coincidence!

"There are so many, most of the S-levels in the Saier forest have gathered here? Is it so concerted? But... when did I offend them?" Wan Li frowned and murmured: "There must be a leader."

He took a deep breath, felt it carefully, and turned to the left: "There seem to be two S-level third realms, and there is no S-level fourth realm? So these two S-level third realms are the culprit? Before breaking through A-level, it was It's a little troublesome, now...heh!"

Power unlocked, 100%!

Although I don't know the reason, Wan Li's impression of these intelligent beasts has changed drastically since the battle of the orangutan king, and he is not in the mood to talk nonsense with them. Since he dared to ambush himself, he should kill half of them first!
However, at this moment, suddenly, an extremely strong sense of crisis stabbed his back.He turned around abruptly, and a creature shaped like a leopard gave him five cold lights.

The speed is too fast, so fast that even the eyesight of thousands of miles can't see clearly.Before the angel wings could spread out, he clenched his fist, punched, boom! !

A punch that didn't hold back at all made a sonic boom, and the figure spun and flew out, before landing steadily on the ground dozens of meters away.Wan Li staggered back a few steps, raised his hand to touch the three shallow bloodstains on his chest, and sighed.

"It's actually you, Elvis Presley. So Brother Fat is here too? Oh, tsk! Qiangzi, is that Qiangzi, right? No wonder." Looking at the familiar cat, Wan Li gradually cleared his mind: "No wonder Wang Zhuli Liu Jun As soon as they came, there was a change in the Saier Forest, so that's how it is!"

"Where's Fatty? Come out and meet me!" he shouted, but his eyes were fixed on Elvis Presley.

When I first met Elvis Presley, Wanli was only at the A-level for the first time, but Elvis was at the S-level.After a year of catching up, the gap has basically been smoothed out, but Wanli is still not easy to face it and feels the pressure.

Judging from the strike just now, it was at the same level as King Kong Gorilla King, and the distance covered in the fourth realm was similar.If it didn't have silver and white threads in its body, it wouldn't have the orangutan Wang Qiang in comparison.

But cats and orangutans are two completely different creatures, orangutans master strength, cats master speed!But in Wanli's mind, the main speed is a bit more tricky.

What's more, there are many wild beasts around, and S-level second-level and above can slightly affect him.

"Old fat, come out! When did you become a coward, you will only hide behind your cat master... Uh, it seems to be like this all the time."

"Stop talking nonsense! Brother Fat has never been coaxed!"

Familiar shouts came from a distance, and a burly figure flickered several times, appearing behind Elvis Presley.Thinking of Wan Li's words, he took another big step forward and stood in front of Elvis Presley.

"Hahaha, boy, I didn't expect it, we meet again!" Old Fatty Shao stood with his arms akimbo.

"Tsk tsk tsk, you are so awesome. What's the matter, let the master find a bunch of helpers to take revenge on me? Hey, you are also S-rank? Isn't it a bit fast?" Wan Li raised his eyebrows.

The matter of warming and nourishing internal organs varies from person to person. He remembered that it took more than five months for the fastest person to break through from the A-level peak to the S-level. Shao Laofat reached the A-level peak... five months?

"Hmph, don't compare Fat Brother with ordinary people. This month, Fat Brother has been reborn! Naturally, he wants to seek revenge from you, or else Fat Brother wants to chat with you?"

Wan Li scratched his head and said with a smile: "Reborn, did you forget to change your brain? What kind of enmity do we have, I think you should thank me. A month ago, Yan Jin'er clearly wanted to die. If it wasn't for me, she would have died long ago." gone."

"Huh... Jin'er is still alive?" Old Shao Fei breathed a sigh of relief, and said with a frown: "Even if you save Jin'er, it will not be so easy for you to betray Brother Fei. You are the most annoying person on the road. Such a disrespectful bastard!"

"You bastard on the road, I'm a policeman."

Shao Laofa's face was slightly stiff: "Don't pretend to be here for Brother Fei, my lord priest."

"Hey, what are you calling me for?"

Shao Laofa raised his eyebrows and looked around at the looming figures of Pang Shuo.Something's wrong, I have so many beast brothers calling for nothing?Why isn't this kid panicking at all?Not to mention kneeling down and begging for mercy, you should talk to me nicely, right?
At this time, Elvis behind him meowed lightly at him twice, Shao Laofa's face turned green, and he yelled in his heart: "Impossible, I haven't seen you for a month, this kid has become so strong?"

Wan Li had a half-smile, and said, "How about it, old fat, fat brother! Are you still taking revenge?"

Shao Laofei paused, gritted his teeth and said, "Report, why not report, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years!"

"Brother Junzi, are you planning to retreat strategically now?" Wan Li shook his head, rubbed his wrists, and slowly approached Old Fatty Shao.

"Meow~!" Elvis Presley let out a demonstration cry, his body arched like a tight bowstring, and the S-rank beasts around him also began to stir.

Wan Li's footsteps paused slightly, spiritual energy gushed out from his body, and white streamers danced around him. The majestic aura spread out, making the forest suddenly quiet, and it took a long time for it to be broken by Shao Laofat's voice.

"Wait! Boy, Brother Fei didn't say he wanted to run away. Do you think I'm waiting for you this time to let the master and the beast brothers besiege you? Of course not, Brother Fei has to do the revenge himself."

"Oh?" Wan Li was startled: "You mean... you want to challenge me one-on-one?"

Shao Laofa nodded heavily: "Boy, do you still remember the first time we met?"

"The time Xiema village stole the mine?"

"Ah, that was the first time you plotted against Brother Fat. If Brother Fei hadn't run fast, I'm afraid you would have passed through the prison like Cheng Rui."

"Hehe, you always run fast."

Shao Laofei paused and continued: "Brother Fei regretted that escape. Thinking about it now, it was the only chance that Brother Fei had to beat you. Farewell to Xiling in Xiema Village. Every time we see you again, there is a gap in our strength. will be enlarged.

At that time, Brother Fei would only scold you for cheating, but thinking about it now, Brother Fei didn't work hard enough! "

Wanli blinked, I did turn it on...

"Fat Brother said, this month, Fat Brother has been reborn. If you don't work hard, you don't know, it turns out that Fat Brother is a genius like no one in a million!"

"Is the sauce bursting? It looks like it."

"What's so hot." Shao Laofa was stunned: "Boy, Fat Brother asks you, do you dare not use superpowers, not transform yourself into a muscle monster, face to face, one-on-one, and come to a fight with Fat Brother?!"

"Have you been holding back here for a long time?" Wan Li shook his head and laughed: "Martial arts duel? Who gave you the courage? Ask me if I dare? I dare not! What, am I afraid of you?!"

"Okay, then we...huh?"

Old Fatty Shao froze for a moment, and saw Qian Wanli fighting with the cat master, and a violent shock wave knocked him away...

(End of this chapter)

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