Restart the world

Chapter 369 Before leaving

Chapter 369 Before leaving

'During the year, the time of sunrise and sunset is different every day, and the length and direction of the shadow of the same object at noon every day vary.The reasons for these two phenomena are:'

With a pen in his mouth, Wan Li fell into deep thought as he stared at the question on the geography test paper in front of him.

Half a minute, 1 minute, there was a clicking sound, and Wan Li hurriedly removed the pen that he had bitten off unconsciously. He was relieved when he saw that it was still usable, thought for two seconds, and filled in the answer on the paper.

'The first phenomenon is due to the difference between the true solar time and the flat solar time and the change of the sun's right ascension and declination, and the the same as above. '

"Perfect, you want to trick me into filling in the revolution of the earth, aren't you? Naive!" After getting three points for the first fill-in-the-blank question, Wan Li bit his pen and looked at the second question.

He is not doing exercises, but taking an exam, a long-lost exam.

The time has come to July 2019, 7, and the final exam of the second semester of the sophomore year of Bencheng Budou University is going on now, geography.

After more than two months of study, Wan Li was no longer a complete novice in geography. Although he didn't notice any improvement in his sense of direction, he was more than enough to cope with the exam.

It took a little effort to fill in the blanks for the five questions, but it was much easier to choose the five questions. The analysis questions, short answer questions and expansion questions are the difficulties.

The two-hour exam time passed by minute by minute, and in the last 10 minutes, only the most difficult extended questions were left before Wanli.

Q: 'What would happen if the Earth suddenly expanded tenfold?Please describe in detail. '

Wanli's eyelids twitched, what the hell?

"The earth is ten times bigger, so we can still live? Gravity and gravity have to change, and isn't it physics? How can it be geography?" He pondered for a long time. Randomly filled in five words.

After handing in the test papers, I walked out of the examination room together with several students from the super class. Sure enough, some people were complaining about this super-syllabus question.

Seeing that everyone didn't answer, Wan Li also laughed and complained to the teacher who produced the paper with them, and suddenly noticed Tian Binglun who was silent.

"Tada, how did you answer?"

Tian Binglun was stunned: "Ah, that... There are quite a few answers. For example, the earth may become a gaseous planet. The decrease in atmospheric pressure will cause the human body to bear the pressure equivalent to a hundred meters of water depth, or the gravitational force will change. Being pulled over to hit the earth and destroying the earth... Wanli, how did you answer?"

Excuse me, excuse me, goodbye.Wan Li was silent for a moment before he said: "I don't know how to fill it in casually, just fill in 'there's nothing wrong with it'."

"Ah? How could it be all right?"

"I think the teacher who made the question is teasing me, I have to tease me back." Wan Li replied with a smile.

Tian Binglun opened his mouth slightly: "Tired."

Saying that, Wen Jing from the examination room next door rushed over: "Wanli Wanli, what do you plan to do this afternoon, go home or watch the exam?"

In the afternoon, the last exam in the second semester of the sophomore year, the Martial Arts Exam, all students above grade A can be exempted from the exam with full marks, so for Wan Li and Wen Jing, the holiday after the geography exam has come.

"Go home." Wan Li thought for a while and said, "Get ready early, we have to leave the day after tomorrow."

"Let's go, where are you going?" Li Meng next to him asked suspiciously: "Traveling?"

Wan Li shook his head: "I haven't told you yet, Wen Jing and I have already decided where we will go for our internship. Go to Us, and we'll be leaving in two days."

"So fast? To Us?"

"Us, it's so far away..."

"Usi, I seem to have a cousin who is teaching there!" Tian Binglun said quickly, "I haven't contacted my cousin for two years. If you go to Usi, Wanli, can you go and see her for me if you have time?"

"Oh?" Wan Li was taken aback, then smiled and said, "No problem, where is she, what is her name? What does she look like?"

"It seems to be in Yupu Township, yes, it is Yupu Township. It's called Tian Xiaoyu, 25 years old! It looks like... a little unclear."

"Okay, I'll remember it, it's okay if you don't know the appearance, it's enough to have the place name." Wanli nodded: "We will see each other again this won't be too late, we can still get together when the martial arts competition is final. Today At noon, Wen Jing and I treat everyone to a meal first."


After lunch, Wan Li and Wen Jing said goodbye to their classmates, went back to their little den, and started packing their things.His position for going to Wusi this time has already been decided--Deputy Director of Wusi Martial Arts Bureau.

Because of the special situation, the Martial Arts Bureau of the entire province of Uz is integrated, which means that the position of deputy director is the third in command of Uz, so it can be said that there is no preferential treatment.

"The fly in the ointment is that the director is Zeng Jiangeng. Fortunately, there is a third-party monitor at the top who says he is very stern and selfless, and he is in charge of most things, or Zeng Jiangeng will die."

Wan Li is ready to usurp the throne.

As for Wen Jing, she will serve as assistant and secretary to the deputy director of the Wusi Martial Arts Bureau.The relationship is hard, that's how you can do whatever you want.

Everything was clearly arranged, but it was a pity that the idea of ​​finishing the fourth manga before going to Wusi was not realized, and the workload of this manga was greater than Wan Li imagined.

After all, he greedily set up nearly a thousand kinds of elixir, miraculous objects, and magical weapons, and trying to fit them into a suitable story structure almost exploded his brain.

Even if it goes well, he still needs about a month to finish drawing the manga, and there are only three weeks left before the day of reporting, which is too late.

With Wen Jing by her side, Wan Li is not worried about completing the manga apparition in a different place again, and no silly girl will pick her up again.In addition, he wanted to promote the Martial Arts Club in Usnei in advance, so he decided to start the day after tomorrow.

"I'm done tidying up, how are you doing, Bianbian?"

"No, Wanli, do you still have room in your box? I'm full." Wen Jing replied.

"Why are you packing so many clothes?" Wan Li shook his head and said, "I have three or two sets of clothes for washing, and I will buy them when I go there."

"Can we buy clothes like ours in the shopping mall in Wusi? If you can't buy them, you have to shop online. The clothes you buy online are not the right size..."

"Every time I tell you to buy the smallest size, the smallest size is enough for you to wear, but I don't believe in evil."

Wen Jing gritted her teeth, I'm 163, and wearing 155 clothes, don't you want to lose face? !
"Wanli, I'm angry!"

"...Don't be angry, let's decorate less. If you lack clothes, I will fly you back to buy them. If it's a big deal, the flight will only take two or three hours."

Wen Jing chuckled: "Wanli, you have to count the lost time, a whole day, right?"

"...Wen Jing, I'm angry!"

"Hahaha, don't be angry, I forgot to ask you if you can pass geography?"

"You don't need to worry about it! Bianbian, we are not allowed to go to your house for dinner tonight?"

"Of course." Wen Jing pouted: "This is the farthest and longest time I have been away from home, and I have to go back and suffer nagging for two days."

Wan Li shook his head. Before leaving, some people were worried and others were nagging, which was a blessing.


(End of this chapter)

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