Chapter 370

Wen Jing's house, at the dinner table.

"Us is a plateau. I heard that sometimes practitioners have severe altitude sickness after going there. Xiaojing, have you prepared the medicine?"

Wen Jing couldn't help looking at Wan Li, Wan Li pursed his lips slightly, and said, "Don't worry, Auntie, that's an ordinary practitioner. Wen Jing is only one step away from Fei Tian, ​​and she won't have altitude sickness."

Aunt Wen glanced at Wan Li, nodded and continued to tell Wen Jing other things.

Uncle Wen coughed lightly, and said with a complicated expression, "Xiao Wan, let's eat first."

He was very satisfied with Wan Li as his son-in-law at first, but now, his perception of Wan Li has become very complicated.

Satisfied is still satisfied, but Wanli's simple and honest face turned a little hateful when his daughter whom he had raised for 20 years was abducted.

A few days ago, Wan Li lived at home, and he felt uncomfortable when he shared the room with Wen Jing.Later, the two said they had bought a house and wanted to move out. He thought about not being out of sight and out of mind, so he readily agreed, but found that he felt even more uncomfortable.

This is great, the two of them will go to a place as far away as Wusi together, and they won't be able to come back until the Chinese New Year... Is my daughter already married?
Wan Li didn't understand Uncle Wen's thoughts, but he could see that he looked at him with bitterness and hatred, so he buried his head in eating knowingly, until Wen Jing beside him tugged at his sleeve.

"Wanli, I almost forgot, I passed the provincial martial arts competition. I went to Wusi, can I still participate in the three provincial competitions at the end of September?"

Wan Li was startled, looked at Aunt Wen's expectant expression, and said clearly: "I can participate. But I'm afraid there is no time for the provincial training in early September, and you don't need to participate. We will come back in late September."

Uncle Wen and Aunt Wen showed joy at the same time, the daughter has gone from half a year to two months...

After dinner, thinking that the two of them can stay at home for a day tomorrow, Aunt Wen and Uncle Wen didn't chatter any more, and Wen Jing watched TV with them.

Wan Li went back to their bedroom, he still had some things to arrange.

Opening the Budao Mutual Aid Club app and logging into the account, Wanli found that his points had increased considerably compared to the last time he checked, exceeding 140 million.

The number of registrations was close to 11.

"140 million points means that I have sent out more than 14 spirit stones, no, no, I also got ten drops of spirit stone essence last month, and collected roughly the points of the smart people who collected points with me... Then How many spirit stones do I have left?"

The more than 3 spirit stones left by his side have been exhausted in the past few months. In exchange, the amount of spirit energy in Wanli's body has doubled compared with that at the peak of B-level. Under the test of the level-testing crystal, he Finally reached the middle of the A-level.

The strength of level A cannot be accurately measured, but it is estimated to be about 25% of the fourth level.

In addition, he still has the spirit stone essence of half a coke bottle, which is useless.

As for the 20 spirit stones He Cao Yanan brought back from Africa, she paid her 2000, and the exchange points were close to 14, so there might be 6 left?
He sent a WeChat message to Bian Jiedong, and he got a quick reply that there were still 59400+ spirit stones left in stock.

Wanli thought for a while: "Arrange the logistics and deliver [-] yuan to the Chengguan District of Wusi Sunlight City in a week. The remaining [-] yuan will continue to be exchanged for points. Chao each mentioned three thousand, and I pay more attention to the Martial Arts Club on weekdays, so I can't keep staring at it.There are three thousand, reserved for contingencies. '

After a while, Bian Jiedong replied the message.

'Thank you senior, please rest assured. '

"It's saved a lot of trouble. This junior has good abilities." Wan Li lay down on the bed, thinking: "What else is there? Oh, yes, Saier."

He contacted Purcell again. Since Elvis Presley entered the Purcell Forest, there have been no wild beast attacks, and Purcell's little life is quite leisurely.

After asking a few words about Lao Fei Shao's situation, Wen Jing suddenly ran in excitedly.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Wanli, just now Qin Yu told me that she has been in Anxi Province for special training during this time, but I heard that after half a month, the top ten will transfer to Wusi!"

"Oh?" Wan Li raised his eyebrows: "Ni'er is going to Wusi too? That's good. I don't think I will be free after taking office. She just happens to be with you."

"Hmm! I haven't seen Qin Yu for a long time!"


The next day, Wan Li stayed at home, planning to check and organize the comics thoroughly before leaving.

Wen Jing had a bitter face, and was called away by Aunt Wen and Uncle Wen over and over again for nagging education.

Until the evening, Wen Jing was called away by Aunt Wen again, and Uncle Wen came in suddenly and sat down.

"Uncle Wen, do you want to eat?"

"Not yet, Wan Liyang, let's talk?"

Wan Li was startled: "You said?"

"Are you working on a new comic recently?"

"Well. But I don't plan to publish it for the time being. I'm drawing for fun. I can't lose this craftsmanship. If I want to publish it, I have to ask Uncle Wen for your help."

"Oh..." Uncle Wen nodded, his lips moved slightly, as if hesitating to speak.

Wan Li laughed: "Why are you being polite to me? It stands to reason that I should fear your father-in-law."

You still know!Uncle Wen twisted Wanli's eyes, and slowly spit out four words: "Xiaojing is still young."

It's quite small.Wanli only dared to think about these words in his heart, and he replied: "You mean we don't want to get married in a hurry? We have calculated this, and the graduation results are just old enough."

"I'm not talking about that." Uncle Wen hesitated for a moment: "Xiaojing's mother and I are not too old, and we are almost at the C level, and we can extend our lives."

Wan Li was stunned. Uncle Wen, who was just 45 years old, was really not that old after the era of cultivation began, but what he said meant...

"Are you and your aunt planning to have a second child? You can discuss it with Wen Jing. I don't mind having an extra sister-in-law or brother-in-law at all..."

"Go to the other side!" Uncle Wen interrupted angrily, speaking quickly: "I mean Xiaojing is still young, and Xiaojing's mother and I are not in a hurry to become grandparents. Si, be careful, don't come back and surprise us!"

Uh... Wan Li was stunned for a long while before he said in embarrassment: "Don't worry about that."

Uncle Wen nodded, turned around and left the bedroom without saying anything else.Soon, Wen Jing also came back, she and Wan Li looked at each other, her face flushed, she threw herself on the bed, and plunged her head into the pillow... Wan Li knew what Aunt Wen said without asking.

Half a minute later, she raised her head, the rosiness on her face had almost disappeared, replaced by red eye sockets, her mouth was pursed as if she was about to cry.

"Why, don't you want to go home anymore?" Wan Li put his arms around her shoulders and said, "Didn't you go to the southwest border before, and also to Yanjing?"

"This time is the longest and farthest, and my mother..."

"Then if you don't want to go, I'll ask the director general to give you another internship assignment?"

"No!" Wen Jing shook her head: "Oh, it's all my mother's fault, for making me..."

"My mother is worried when my son travels thousands of miles. Auntie's reaction is normal." Wan Li smiled: "The reverse is also the same. You put yourself in another place. If your uncle and aunt are going to Us, can you not be worried?"

He said, looking in the direction of Us.Even the 'natural' parents who have never met have hooked half of his soul...

 The new chapter of Us is about to start, the fourth apparition, Wanli's parents, the second envoy... As of this chapter, the outline of the book has just finished halfway.

  Leave an author to say, sigh with emotion.For the remaining half, I will try my best to write better and update faster.

(End of this chapter)

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