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Chapter 371 On The Road

Chapter 371 On The Road

"The iron cables on the Dadu Bridge are cold."

Standing on the Luding Bridge, leaning on the cold iron lock with one hand, looking at the turbulent Dadu River below, Wan Li couldn't help but read a poem by a great man.

After the words fell, the chain bridge suddenly shook violently, and Wen Jing next to her pouted and signaled: "There is an annoying brat over there."

Wan Li turned his head and saw a 12- or 3-year-old boy swinging on the iron chain. Nearby tourists glared at him unsteadily. A little girl about his age was so scared that he hugged his mother. He laughed. Shaking more vigorously.

"Little boy." Wan Li laughed: "There are brats everywhere. Bian Bian, let's go."

He held two suitcases in his left hand, left the iron chain with his right hand, hugged Wen Jing in his arms, stepped on the iron chain directly, spread his wings, and took off.

The boy who was shaking the iron chain was stunned, his hands couldn't help relaxing, he slammed into the iron chain, was knocked back by the swinging force, and fell heavily on the bridge, his eyes were red with pain, and he began to cry big tears...


Wan Li didn't fly very far with Wen Jing in his arms. When he came to the side of an asphalt road, he took her down and said, "Let's walk for a while, anyway, it's still early. The four words mentioned on the Internet are at the end of this road." On the rock wall, if I fly, I’m afraid I’ll miss it.”

Wen Jing nodded: "Yeah!"

The two set off this morning, flying from Penang to Us.With Wen Jing on his back to guide, Wanli did not deviate too much from the direction, and it was only 10 o'clock when he arrived in Rongcheng, the capital of Sichuan and Sichuan.

At this speed, I'm afraid it won't take much to reach the destination Sunlight City.The two of them put it together, anyway, the itinerary is not in a hurry, it is better to enjoy the scenery along the way, and it would be nice to be able to reach Sunshine City at night.

By the way, I can also go to Yupu Village to help Tian Binglun visit his cousin.

And the first scenery that made them stop was the Luding Bridge that they had just set foot on.Next, they will look for the four big characters on the cliff along the way-Kangding Love Song.

"Running on the hill~
A slippery cloud~

Humming a song, walking on the dangerous road full of cliffs among the mountains, admiring the scenery of mountains and rivers, the two became a unique scenery.

There were a lot of vehicles passing by, most of them honked their horns to greet them, and a few of them lowered their car windows to have a chat with them. Wan Li and Wen Jing didn't take the trouble and replied with a smile.

"How is it? Are you in a better mood? How old are you, and you still cry when you leave home?"

"...Who is crying! I was smelled by my mother's smell of ginger and onion."

Wanli smiled and shook his head.I have told Aunt Wen that Wen Jing will not be afraid of altitude sickness anymore, but she is still not at ease, and she did not know where to get a folk prescription, which is ginger and onion, using poison to fight poison?
The two walked very fast, and walked out of the 30-kilometer mountain road in about an hour. At this time, Wan Li reminded: "Look at the two sides of the point, we should not be far from those four words."

There is a total of 60km of mountain roads between Luding and Kangding, and according to netizens, the four characters are in the middle and back of this road.

"The cliff on the right, no..."

"Hey, Wanli, there seems to be a traffic jam ahead!" Wen Jing shouted suddenly.

"Huh?" Wan Li turned his head in a daze, and saw a row of vehicles parked on the mountain road in the distance, "Has there been an accident? Let's go and have a look."

The two quickened their pace, [-] meters per second, and soon reached the traffic jam.Passengers in many vehicles have already got off and are looking forward.

"Wanli, that aunt..." Wen Jing pointed to a 40-year-old woman at the front.She is holding a girl who is only five or six years old with her left hand, and a boy of fourteen or fifteen years old is standing on her right hand. They are a family of four who are going to travel in Us.

When their private car passed by the two of them earlier, the aunt rolled down the car window and chatted with the two of them.Because they came all the way from Hebei Province by car, Wanli has a deep impression.

He took a few steps forward and asked, "Auntie, what's going on in front? Where's uncle?"

The aunt turned her head when she heard the words, slightly surprised: "It's you, you walked so fast. It was said earlier that there was a rockslide, and everyone with a high level of martial arts went to help."

As he said that, a man shouted from afar in front: "Is there any C-level boy here? E-level ones are also fine! Come and help us out, we can get there sooner if we get it right!"

"Mom, why don't I go and have a look too?" The boy next to the aunt whispered.

"Where can I use you." Auntie shook her head and looked at Wan Li and Wen Jing.

Wen Jing smiled: "Don't worry, auntie, the road will pass soon. Go on, Wanli, be careful not to get your clothes dirty."

"Decree!" Wan Li said with a smile, handed the two boxes to Wen Jing, and walked forward.

Rock avalanches are different from landslides. They refer to the collapse of the entire rock mass on the hillside under the action of gravity. Therefore, rock avalanches generally occur, and the stones that fall on the road are relatively large, and generally rely on mechanical dredging.

When Wan Li came near, he found that the collapsed rock mass was not too big, weighing three to four tons at best, and it could be easily cleared with a grade B.

It's a pity that the B-level is not yet a bad street, half of the super class has not arrived, and there is only one C-level youth among the dozens of cars blocked.

Panting, the young man hit the huge stone lying across the road, trying to knock off a corner of it, and two people came up next to him and moved the corner of the stone he knocked off.

"Young man, let's take a break, wait... Hey, there is another person." Someone saw Wan Li: "This seems to be the boy who was hiking with a little girl, walking so fast?"

"Let me do it." Wanli nodded.

He walked up to the boulder, raised his hand and slapped it, several cracks extended from his palm, and soon the boulder broke into more than a dozen pieces, "Everyone help!"

"... Awesome! This must be A-rank, right?"

"I can't, the A-level will crush the stone into powder, but I think I have the peak of the B-level."

"No wonder I walked so fast with that little girl, the young man caught up with the good times..."

Taking these compliments as an accompaniment, Wan Li lifted a few stones with a smile and squinted his eyes, and cleared the way with these people.The originally good asphalt road was smashed into a hole by this boulder, and the car with a low chassis was enough to pass, so they made some mud, crushed it and laid a layer in the hole.

The road became unobstructed again, Wanli clapped his hands, and walked back with the large army.

The C-class youth car was close, and before getting into the car, he looked at Wanli's back with some doubts.He actually recognized Wan Li, but what Wan Li did just now made him a little unsure...

He got in the car, looked at the rocks that the crowd moved away while driving through the dirt, and immediately opened his mouth slightly: "It's really that Wan Liyang!"

These stones are almost the same size!
Wen Jing complained about his slow movements, but Wan Li didn't care, and his control of his strength became better and better.Soon, he will be the size of a normal person...

(End of this chapter)

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