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Chapter 404 The Ideal of Zhang Zhung Living Buddha

Chapter 404 The Ideal of Zhang Zhung Living Buddha

"The so-called spirit beasts do not only refer to powerful beast kings like the mastiff benefactor, Xiong benefactor, but also all super-intelligent creatures with human intelligence, and even first-class C-level and B-level beasts that can communicate.

They have the same intelligence as ordinary humans, and I think it is inappropriate to be called beasts or even animals. "Seeing that Wanli was finally willing to stop for a while, Rinpoche Zhang Zhung began to talk.

"They have wisdom, can't we human beings abandon our opinions, accept them, and let them integrate into society? At this time, spirit beasts in almost all places are wary of humans, and if they are careless, they will fight with each other, causing countless deaths and injuries."

Living Buddha Zhang Zhung showed compassion: "Lord Wan, don't you want to change this status quo? If this kind of hatred continues to accumulate, one day, it will cause large-scale wars between spirit beasts and humans.

But if we can integrate them into our human society in advance and use spirit beasts to rule wild beasts, we can avoid that future. "

"The earth we live in expands, and all materials increase proportionally. It is simply a gift and revelation from God. Let us coexist peacefully with spirit beasts!
I know that fellow Daoist Wan, including everyone in Huaxia, will find it difficult to accept the so-called wild beasts and beasts to gain the same status as us, but I believe that only in this way can we prevent all kinds of tragedies from happening today and tomorrow.

I am willing to set an example and lead the people of Wusi in the ALD area to obtain equal rights with the spirit beasts, and to rule the ALD area together with the mastiff, bear, cow, and wolf benefactors! "

Wisps of purple-red spiritual energy rose from Wanli's body again, and gradually condensed into a purple-red giant who was several circles smaller than before.

Wan Lichang let out a long breath. Recently, he drank too much spirit stone essence, and the spiritual energy in his body was a little out of control. He almost lost control when he used all his strength to fight before.This time, let's use a 60% aura condensate type first, and increase it while fighting.

Zhang Zhung Living Buddha was startled, and said eagerly: "Lord Wan, do you mind the fact that the four spirit beast besiegers besieged the two commanders earlier? They had no choice but to, and the two commanders were extremely opposed to the peaceful coexistence with the spirit beasts. But Please don't worry, Lord Wan, they and their subordinates absolutely did not harm the life of any Chinese soldier...

And Zeng benefactor.There are four beast kings participating in the co-governance, and human beings also need the participation of the same strong ones. I think Wan Benefactor might as well join in.

Donor think about the future, if co-governance is successfully piloted in Ali, we will surely be able to establish a country where humans and spirit beasts coexist peacefully! "

"The ideal is so great, second only to me." Wanli's voice came out through the purple aura, quite erratically: "It's a pity that it is more difficult to realize than mine, impossible!"

"Lord Wan..."

"To give an example, a father has two sons, the eldest son is his own son, and the second son is an illegitimate son, he got it from being a father, and the father doesn't know where it came from!

How is it possible to expect father to treat it like an elder son? "Wan Li shook his head.

What a messy metaphor.Living Buddha Xiangxiong was stunned, and sighed: "I thought that a young man with extraordinary wisdom and talent like Master Wan could understand that all things are equal, especially when they are both intelligent creatures..."

The rest of the words could not be uttered, because the hot breath had already spread to the front of the body.With a distressed expression on his face, he pulled Zeng Jiangeng back and floated backwards, while Mastiff King and Bear King went up to meet him.

boom! !

Like a volcanic eruption, the ground exploded around the point where one man and two beasts were standing.In the flying mud, Wan Li staggered back, stepping deeply into the soil with each foot.After leaving five or six huge footprints, he rubbed his body and fought with the two beast kings with fierce eyes again!
"Not bad, stronger than before!"

Beasts with killing intent and those without killing intent are completely different concepts. Wan Li, who was able to instantly gain the upper hand against two people and two beasts before, is now evenly matched against the two beasts alone.

Of course, this is also due to the fact that his aura is only 60% condensed at this time.

"Two beasts who want to live in peace with people, and one person who wants to live in peace with beasts. It's really interesting. After the radicals like the generals of the navy and the army, I saw the ultra-conservatives like Zhang Zhung Living Buddha again."

Wan Li didn't comment on this idea, he only knew that he couldn't accept... equal coexistence?Unless they recognize me as a father!
There was no room for distraction in the fierce battle, and Wan Li was accidentally slapped in the palm of Xiong Wang's arms, his chest felt tight, the corner of his mouth was bleeding and was evaporated by the purple-red spiritual energy, he flew upside down for a hundred meters, crushed a mountain bag, and Shoot back faster.

"Baby Bear, call out Daddy!"

Bear King:? ? ?
Bang! !

With his special skills, Wan Li punched it back.

The bear king swished away, leaving the mastiff king with his face drooping, roaring again and again, blocking the bombardment of the purple-red aura giant.

Oh oh!Oh wow! (Stupid bear! Stupid bear!)
Wan Li snickered, then frowned slightly, the aura suddenly expanded to 100% in an instant, forced the Mastiff King back, and shot out.

"Want to run?!"

Zhang Zhung, who supported Zeng Jiangeng to fly away, showed grief and raised his hand to welcome the heavy hammer of thousands of miles.

Wan Li's three consecutive cannon punches, the first blow smashed Zhang Zhung Living Buddha to the ground, and the other two hits planted his lower legs into the soil.

Before the fourth blow was struck, the mastiff king and the bear king came together, and the two powerful aura attacks forced Wan Li back a few steps.Living Buddha Zhang Zhung took the opportunity to pull out his legs and fled away with Zeng Jiangeng.

"Living Buddha Zhang Zhung, I don't hate you, but if you insist on saving Zeng Jiangeng, don't blame me for beating you up!" Amidst the crashing sound, Wan Li's voice of using spiritual energy blessing was particularly loud.

"And you, baby bear, since you called me daddy, I will recognize you as a godson. Have you seen my purple-red aura? This is called aura attribute, and you have it too. Follow daddy, and daddy will give you the spiritual fruit , to double your strength."

Woohoo~! ! !

The Bear King responded with a heavier two-point attack.

"Oh, I don't appreciate it." The purple-red giant leaned back and kicked the bear king away with a roundabout kick. At the same time, it was also hit by the mastiff king and flew out.

"Baby Mastiff, I give you the same words! Follow Dad, not only you, but also your subordinates will be treated well." Wan Li shouted, and suddenly frowned: "Why do you feel that I am the villain? Spirit beasts coexist peacefully, but I want to adopt them as my son..."

In the distance, Zhang Zhung Living Buddha put Zeng Jiangeng on the ground, and said sadly: "Master Zeng, don't worry, I, Master Xiong and Master Mastiff will not leave you behind. This is the end of the matter, Master Zeng will recover from his injuries here , I’m going to repel Master Wan.”

Zeng Jiangeng nodded lightly, his face was calm and unwavering, only the fingers digging deeply into the soil showed the waves in his heart.

Not touched, but ashamed.

I, Zeng Jiangeng, have been reduced to the point where I have to rely on two beasts and a stupid monk to protect me? !
The soil he picked up was crushed into fine sand, and a ray of silver light suddenly flashed in his eyes...

 This month is over, and in the end I still couldn't make a big update at the end of the month, sorry for all the book friends.Eryang's brain is not enough, there are always loopholes in the conception of the plot, and I feel that there is a problem when I write it, and I have to make temporary adjustments, and a bunch of brain cells die...

(End of this chapter)

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