Restart the world

Chapter 405 Father's Love 1 Finger

Chapter 405

boom! !

The huge aura is changing violently, melting and flowing with the sky at this moment.The spiritual energy at the feet of the purple-red giant spewed out like a launcher, with three columns of spiritual energy beaming straight into the sky.

"Wan Benefactor, you have to forgive others and forgive others!"

The cry of Zhang Zhung Living Buddha came at the same time as the roar of the bear king and the beast king, and the three beams of aura suddenly strengthened, and the purple-red giant stopped and fell into the ground like a meteor.

"Huh... three together, it's a little bit overwhelming. After 60% for so long, the aura control has been enhanced a lot. Try using 80%."

The spiritual energy is surging, the spiritual energy is condensed, 80%!The size increased twice, and the ground exploded, and the purple-red giant shot into the sky again.

"Forgive others and forgive others, but Zeng Jiangeng is a beast, how can father forgive him?!"

In the distance, Zeng Jiangeng clenched his fists tightly, his breathing was short, his chest heaved violently, and the silver light in his eyes became more and more obvious.He felt a strange force rising from his body, with a struggling look on his face, and two thoughts were fighting in his mind.

'What is this, this is not my power!When did it lurk in my body!Damn, damn, get out of here! '

'Great, with this kind of power, I can definitely kill Wan Liyang!Kill him! '

The struggle became weaker, and the second thought gradually gained the upper hand.His body began to twitch, his black hair slowly turned from the roots to white, and his pupils also changed from black to silver white.

An inhuman breath came out.


Wanli's strength at this time is about 50.00% of the fourth level.Bear King is lower than him, but Bear King has a racial advantage and is not far behind him in strength.Rinpoche Zhang Zhung is about the same as him, but Mastiff King is a bit stronger, probably already passed the 59% threshold, 61% or 62%.

However, the blood of this person and the two beasts are both first-grade, and they haven't eaten the spirit fruit yet, so they can't exert any effect.And Wanli's seventh-rank descendant father's bloodline combines the three types of fire, wind and thunder, and outputs the same amount of spiritual energy, which can crush any one.

It is very reluctant to be able to fight three against one, but this is only the current strength used!

When he fell to the ground for the nth time, Wan Li coughed heavily, simulating a reversal of the universe, and healed both internal and external injuries.Although I want to be familiar with the control of spiritual energy, it is uncomfortable to be pressed all the time. The spiritual energy can't be increased to 100% for the time being, and 80% is barely enough, so...

The purple-red giant dissipated, revealing Wanli's body, and the bloodline switched from the bloodline of the first father to the bloodline of the second father!
"Benefactor Wan, I have offended you." Seeing this, Living Buddha Zhang Zhung thought that Wan Li had surrendered, and said loudly, "Please don't worry, Donor Zeng. After Benefactor Zeng comes back with me, I will definitely guide him to learn Buddhism and persuade him to be kind."

Wan Li grinned and said, "Living Buddha Zhang Zhung, I have offended you too. Not only Zeng Jiangeng can't take you away, but you and the two beast kings have to stay too!"

Sharp - force speed, fusion.

Gray aura rose from Wanli's body, gradually condensing into a gray giant.Filled with surging power, the gray giant revealed an aura stronger than the purple giant!
Oh oh!Oh wow!
The Mastiff King let out a low growl alertly, also reminding Zhang Zhung Living Buddha and Xiong King to be careful, but in the next second, its hair stood on end and turned around suddenly.

Bang! !

Like a black meteor, it fell straight into the depths of the ground.It wasn't until this moment that the gray giant's original figure dissipated and appeared in the sky, refracting towards the bear king.

Xiong Wang seemed stupid and honest, but at this moment, he was unambiguous at all, and rushed towards Zhang Zhung Tulku, who was also approaching him.

boom! !

Another two meteors fell into the ground, and the gray giant landed on the ground smoothly, then raised his foot and stomped back the mastiff king who was buried in the ground and wanted to sneak attack him, step on it!
"The power of the second father's bloodline is much stronger than expected, is it still a crushing situation? Then end the battle, and slowly practice the aura control..."

Oh wow!The mastiff king howled in pain, it bit the gray giant, it missed Wan Li's foot, but hurt his own mouth badly.

Wan Li took the opportunity to twist his back, and the gray giant made an awkward movement at the same time, concentrating all his strength on his feet, and fell!


The mastiff king screamed, his bones were broken, his internal organs were damaged, blood gushed from his mouth, and the aura on his body disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and he gradually became motionless like a dead dog.

"Mastiff benefactor!" Rinpoche Zhang Zhung exclaimed, anger appeared in his eyes for the first time. "Wan Benefactor, it's over! Mastiff Benefactor has never thought of being an enemy of human beings, why do you want to..."

Wan Li shook his head: "For its physique, this kind of injury is only moderate, and it can recover in three to five days without treatment. I have a sense of proportion, and I will beat the Bear King into this kind of injury in a while.

As for you, let's take it easy?If you insist on protecting Zeng Jiangeng, you have broken the law. "

Living Buddha Xiangxiong was stunned, the anger in his eyes slowly dissipated, and he said bitterly: "I thought countless people would understand me, Director Guo, Wu Wujian, they all know how many warriors die in Huaxia every year at the hands of spirit beasts. Didn't you think you couldn't even take the first step?"

"You can go. I have to bring you to Wu Wujian after I catch you." Wan Li smiled, and the gray giant slowly dissipated, no longer stepping on the Mastiff King. "You can tell Wu Wujian your ideals as much as you want."

At that time, you will know that you are just reading the Dharma in a roundabout way, and no one will agree with it.Thinking so in Wan Li's heart, he was about to speak again, but suddenly found that Zhang Zhung Living Buddha had a constricted pupil expression, as if he was frightened, and the source of his fright was behind him!

Wan Li reacted subconsciously, twisted his body, and shot out, but he still felt a sharp pain.He twisted his face and covered his lower back with his hands, imitating the reversal of the world and reversing the injury.

"What, almost took out my kidney, sent by Wen Jing... Bah, Mastiff King is pretending to be dizzy?"

The wound healed quickly. He glanced at Zhang Zhung Tulku and Xiong Wang, and found that the expression on Zhang Zhung Tulku's face was extremely shocked. He didn't make any other movements, so he turned to look behind him.

"This is... what is it?"

What appeared in his eyes was a white humanoid monster with white hair, hunched body, hideous facial expression, and dripping disgusting saliva.

The monster's claws had sharp nails, and scarlet blood was dripping from the nails.It raised its claws, licked the blood, and there was a strange expression of satisfaction on its ferocious face.

"Blood, Wan Liyang's blood! That's it, kill him! Kill him! Eat him!"

"...Zeng Jiangeng?!" Wan Li was startled, his face darkened: "Silver thread! Is there really a strong human being parasitized by that kind of thing?"

"Kill!" The monster roared, and appeared in front of Wan Li, waving its claws frantically.

"Lord Wan, be careful!"

Wan Li frowned to accept the move, and couldn't stop backing away. Bloodstains were drawn on his body, and the wounds healed quickly, "Tsk, the strength has been increased by at least three times."

"Dead! Die! Die!"

"Zeng Jiangeng, call me Dad!"

"Dead father!" The monster froze for a moment.

Wanli: "..."

Die your big dad.It seems that although the consciousness of the monster in front of him is not clear, it is still Zeng Jiangeng, and his father's blood is easy to use.

"Oh, your dad will always be your dad."

Wan Li murmured, dodged slightly, paid the price of being caught with five bloodstains on his chest, and pointed his finger on the monster's forehead.

One finger of fatherly love!
The monster froze and fell to the ground.

Zhang Zhung Living Buddha's face froze, and then quickly changed into a dumbfounded expression.

(End of this chapter)

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