Restart the world

Chapter 408 Su Wu Chi

Chapter 408 Su Wu Chi

"The gap in second gear is not too big."

Wu Wujian continued: "The ones who are close, Lao Zhao, Lao Li, Guo Zhan, most of the military supervisors. The stronger ones are me and Hao Wujian (the fourth military supervisor). The stronger ones have three navy commanders and two army commanders. , two folk powerhouses."

"A strong folk?" Wan Li was taken aback.

"It's the strong ones who don't serve in the Martial Arts Bureau or the army, such as Zhang Zhung Rinpoche. But Zhang Zhung Rinpoche is not as strong as those two. They were more than 50% in the fourth realm more than a month ago."

"Excellent." Wanli praised lightly.In all fairness, if he hadn't entered the Martial Arts University, he would really be able to have 50% of the strength of the fourth realm now.Those two people are not only talented enough in martial arts, but their family should also be rich, with unlimited supply of spirit stones...

"On the second and uppermost level, there are only two... oh no, there are about three people now."

Wanli blinked and pointed to himself.

"Yes. Although I haven't seen it with my own eyes, but you can win with one against four, probably because you have more than 60% of the strength of the fourth realm, and you can compete with the commander-in-chief of the navy and Qin Wujian (the second military supervisor) It's at the top level of the second gear."

In fact, my ultimate strength is already above 70%.Wan Li paused, didn't say anything, and hid secretly, listening to the first file.

Wu Wujian also paused for a while, then smiled again and said: "In fact, there is only one person in the first stage, the first Wujian, Su Wujian."

"Alone?" Wan Li was taken aback.

Hei Danyan and Commander Zhao looked at each other, and Commander Zhao said in surprise, "Could it be that the rumors that are circulating are true? The first military supervisor is named after Wu, and he is called Wucheng Crazy. His strength overwhelms the world, and his name is Su Wu Crazy. This is not our Is Huaxia's propaganda method true?"

so smart?Wanli stared.

Cough cough cough ha ha ha...

Wu Wujian suddenly coughed violently, couldn't hold back his laughter anymore, and laughed wildly, which made the three of Wanli look dumbfounded.

"It's not Huaxia who is promoting it, it's his own client who is promoting it." After a long time, Wu Wujian said with a straight expression, and the corner of his mouth twitched slightly as he spoke, "Do you really believe in that kind of thing?"

Commander Zhao said in embarrassment, "Isn't that why you put him in the first gear alone? What's going on? What do you mean by promoting yourself?"

Wu Wujian shook his head: "Actually, it's not completely wrong. We have ten military supervisors, five officers and five assistants. We have changed many times in the past five years based on factors such as strength and contribution. Some people will advance and some will abdicate. Only Su Wujian is always the first. Wu Jian, but Su Wu Jian has always had the least power."

Wan Li was stunned for a moment, slightly curious.

"In the era of practice, there will be no weak ones among the ten martial arts supervisors, but there will also be talent gaps among the strong. Su Wujian is the most talented." Wu Wujian continued: "When the Wujian Bureau was established, the era of practice began. Soon, there were still some differences on how to deal with this era of practice.

However, there is an example of an extraterrestrial visitor. If he is also considered a human being, then one day we will be able to be that powerful! "

"But when a person's force reaches that level, even with one percent of his strength, if no one can supervise, the society will definitely be in chaos. Cracking the soil and becoming king may really happen.

Our ten military inspectors agreed that law enforcement agencies must have an advantage in force, so we launched the strongest warrior training program. "

"The strongest warrior training plan?" Wan Li blinked and repeated it muttering.

"Various organizations, Martial Arts Bureau, Secret Martial Arts Bureau, navy, army, air force, etc. have selected a group of people with the highest martial arts talent, and conducted rigorous training, which is the strongest warrior training plan.

Among the current strong ranks, many have participated.Wang Yuxin from the Navy is one, and so is the Hei Danyan in front of you. "

Wan Li was taken aback: "So is Director Hei? Did you undergo rigorous training?"

Hei Danyan smiled shallowly: "What, it's a surprise? You think I can't bear hardship?"

"Uh... no, no, no." Wan Li smacked his lips, and quickly kept silent.

Wu Wujian paused, and continued: "Our Wujian Bureau has also implemented this plan, and the one who participated in it is Su Wujian.

The remaining nine of us each have their own responsibilities, and there are many subordinates, but he has to carry out the most difficult training alone. As compensation, he will always be the number one military supervisor. "

compensate?Wan Li frowned slightly, he could only focus on pursuing the strongest, what else could he make up for?
Wu Wujian saw his thoughts, shook his head and sighed: "Zeng Jiangeng wants to join the ranks of the five full-time military supervisors, and he does not hesitate to secretly manipulate the Red Organization."

As soon as these words came out, Wan Li understood, but he was a little confused.After being the deputy director for so many days, he didn't feel that there was anything good about power?

He didn't understand, and he didn't want to know, so he asked again: "How strong is Su Wujian? And that Wu Chi who he promoted himself...?"

Wu Wujian smiled: "This word comes from my mouth, but it ends in your heart, don't spread it outside."

The three looked at each other: "Got it."

"Some people call him Su Wujian, others call him Su Wuchi, but most people have forgotten what his real name is... His name is Su Xiaolan."

"Su... Xiaolan? Female..."

"A man." Wu Wujian said: "Among the ten military supervisors, only the ninth is a woman."

"Uh..." Wan Li was taken aback, and understood why Supervisor Su Wu promoted 'Su Wu Chi'.

"It's just one reason, and it's not enough for anyone to dare to make fun of a military supervisor with his name. The more important reason is that he hates the nickname we gave him—Su Lu Chi."

"Lu crazy?" Wan Li blinked.

"Yes, he is very easy to get lost and has a very poor sense of direction." Wu Wujian nodded.

Wan Li looked weird, Hei Danyan looked at him with a smile, his lips moved slightly, making a 'Wan Lu crazy' mouth shape.

Wan Li: You're being naughty, Director Hei.

"Lu Chi is dissatisfied, so he wants to change it to Wu Chi. He has really become a Wu Chi, practicing crazily. After A-level, he traveled all over the country. Everywhere, there are his footprints, making progress in fighting wild animals, and even growing up in the struggle against natural disasters."

"This life... is quite enviable." Wan Li sighed softly.

Wu Wujian smiled: "Indeed. But running around is very risky for a road idiot, especially easy to get lost. It's okay to get lost usually, but once lost, he delayed a major event."

"He found a way to break through the fourth realm on a deserted island overseas, but he couldn't find land after going around for more than three months. The satellite phone was also damaged, and he couldn't break through the third realm to the fourth realm in time. Send it back to the country."

Wan Li was startled: "So..."

"Everyone shouldn't have such a big gap in strength. But we were all stuck in the third realm for two months before we learned how to break through the fourth realm from Elvis Presley. He suddenly took a month ahead in martial arts strength, Leaping over to martial arts strength is three months ahead of us!"

"Three months ahead?" Wan Li was dumbfounded.What can be done in three months, for a genius, three months can make the same genius disappear without a trace!
Wu Wujian shook his head and sighed: "The last contact before the expansion of the earth, he has practiced to 93% of the fourth level, and now it should be 99%, or even broke through to 100%. Let's explore the way of human cultivation in the next stage!"

Black geese: (.)
Commander Zhao: ⊙▽⊙

Miles: (_)
That's great, I'll let you take care of Huaxia's strongest position first, and Dad sits firmly in the second position, and I'll blow you up in a few months!
 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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