Restart the world

Chapter 409 Activation of the Heavy Bloodline

Chapter 409 Activation of the Heavy Bloodline

"The information I know has actually been out of date for more than a month. Because of the aura attribute and the appearance of the fog-locked land, it is unknown whether someone will come from behind and someone will fall behind."

Wu Wujian concluded: "In short, there are basically so many strong people in China. As for those who I don't even know, they are unlikely to appear. Unless they have some ulterior motives and deliberately hide their own strength, such as Chi Organize the second envoy who has not been caught yet."

Wan Li nodded slightly. Lin Yuling is indeed very strong, but according to his own progress, he should surpass her, or at least equal to her.As for the new second envoy... is it Qin Jue?
"It's actually the same when it's expanded to the world. The powerhouses in other countries are generally weaker than China by a little bit, but there are some cases of outstanding talents, but no one can beat Su Luchi." Wu Wujian faced Wan Li. Said: "It must be the Chinese who can surpass the strongest in China."

'I like you' written all over his face.

Wan Li also has full confidence, but with his current strength, he no longer focuses on the strongest of mankind.What's more, it's hard to say whether Su Wujian is the strongest human being, who knows how strong that weird Fang Lu is.

On top of them, there are endless sea beasts in the vast sea, demons in the magic box, and even red-haired turtles!

These are his goals at this time.


The meeting ended, and after walking out of the conference room, Wan Li followed Hei Danyan step by step.

"Aren't you going to tame the beast king?"

"Cough, that..." Wan Li scratched his head, "Taming the Beastmaster is not in a hurry, work slowly and meticulously. I'm not...I'm just thinking about seeing Zeng Jiangeng's corpse for the last time, and seeing him off."

Hei Danyan couldn't help laughing: "Can you find a more plausible excuse. Are you afraid that I will be tired after taking Zeng Jiangeng's body back to Yanjing?"

Wan Li blinked: "Yes, yes, yes."

" I'd better pack lightly and leave that sack of spiritual fruit behind?"

"Yes, yes, yes... Cough!" Wan Li coughed awkwardly, and said seriously: "I'm not greedy for your harvest, we can exchange it for the same value. I have a few spirit fruits of the fifth and sixth ranks, you will lower your price." Leave all the high-quality goods, so as not to carry too heavy."

Heidanyan smiled slightly, but didn't reply.

Half a minute later, the storage room on the first floor.

After patting the head of the gatekeeper Gray Wolf, Wan Li and Hei Danyan walked in.

Everyone's harvest in the secret realm of the heavy mountain is temporarily placed here and divided into three piles.

A small group of soldiers in the ALD area.It was the first time for them to enter the secret realm, so they didn't know the information about the secret realm. Some people encountered fruit picking, some didn't pick it, some picked more, and some picked less.In the end, adding up the bits and pieces together, there are less than 15 spiritual fruit points.

And Wan Li picked nearly 13 points of fruit alone.Of course, it is mainly due to the sixth-grade dark fruit, which costs one hundred thousand.

In addition, he has harvested more than one ton of black iron, which is worth more than spiritual fruit in comparison.Entering the secret realm five times, this harvest is almost the same as the previous four times combined, and the search time is still short, which can be said to be very European.

But compared with Hei Danyan, it was really... a tear of bitterness.The one-meter-high sack was bulging, and there were at least a hundred spirit fruits inside. This is a secret land in the mountain where the income from spirit fruits is small but the income from strange objects is high...

There must be gravity fruit in the sack, if there are more than two, Wan Li will have the audacity to ask for one, or he will have to delay for seven days.

It turned out... there were six of them!
From the first rank to the sixth rank, there is only a seventh rank, and the Europeans can summon the dragon.

Wan Li's face was dull, and every time he felt that he was in a hurry, Director Hei would teach him how to behave.If life can be repeated, he must set up the bloodline of fortune, bloodline of luck and bloodline of Ou, and the fusion of the three will explode instantly!
"This is probably a gravity fruit?" Hei Danyan said, "Do you want to try it?"

Wan Li nodded his head like a rattle.

"Just take any one."

Director Hei, I really want to kiss you!Wan Li shouted in his heart, and took the first-grade one with quality: "I'll just taste it."

Hei Danyan smiled, noncommittal.

The fruit of gravity enters the abdomen, leading to the fifth blood of the father, and the blood of the father is activated!
"Sweet and sour, the taste is good." Wan Li pouted: "Thank you very much, Director Hei, if there are space fruits in the future, you can bring them to me, and I will help you synthesize high-grade fruits for free for life."

By the way, activate the sixth bloodline too, hey.

Hei Danyan nodded: "Okay."

She continued to count the things in the sack, and the final fruit points were close to 80, which was six times more than Wanli.However, in terms of strange objects, she only harvested a small piece of black iron, saying that she saw a lot, but she couldn't take it down, so she didn't take it, and only took a piece as a sample.

If you can't take it, you don't take it.These words made Wan Li's head buzzing, and it took him a while to recover, and he noticed another spiritual herb.

The spirit grass was very slender, and looked a little bit like a leek, and a bit like a weed.

"Have you seen this spiritual grass?"

Wan Li paused, nodded and said, "Well, I've seen it, this is a weight-loss herb."

"……lose weight?"

Wan Li smiled: "That's what it means literally. Eating it can help you lose weight, and the effect is great."

Hei Danyan's eyes suddenly brightened a little, and Wan Li was taken aback: "No... You don't need this kind of thing, do you?"

"Why, do you want it? Wen Jing probably won't need it." Hei Danyan asked.

Wanli: "..."

"It's not for me, Ai Hui should like this thing very much." Hei Danyan shook his head: "You want... to leave it to your fat classmate, recommend him?"

"Yeah." Wan Li nodded: "Let's give this one to Sister Ai first, one is not very useful. There must be some in the Mistlock Land, I will go in and look for it in a week."

"Okay. Except for it, the five gravity fruits, these sixth-grade fruits and a piece of heavy iron, leave everything else with you." Heidanyan pondered for a moment and said, "Keep it for me, or replace it with Your points are fine."

"Well, I'll arrange someone to pack it for you, and Zeng Jiangeng's body needs to be packed as well. It's quite uncomfortable to carry it with your hands." Wan Li got up and said.After hesitating for two seconds, he probed again: "Director Hei, how is Qin Jue Qin's alternate recently?"

"Huh? How did you remember to ask him?" Hei Danyan frowned slightly, her face slightly heavy: "Who did you hear the news from?"

Wan Li was startled: "What news?"

"More than half a month ago, Alternate Qin participated in the exploration of a special fog-locked land around Yanjing. Until yesterday, he didn't show up again."


Hei Danyan sighed lightly: "The fog-locked land is very dangerous, not much less than this gravity. There are volcanoes erupting or about to erupt everywhere in it. I'm afraid Qin Candidate is in danger."

"The secret realm of the fire element is highly dangerous." Wan Li's thoughts changed all of a sudden, and he said seriously, "We can't give up hope, candidate Qin is pretty good."

"Well, I hope he's safe."

(End of this chapter)

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