Restart the world

Chapter 410 Tempering the Brain

Chapter 410 Tempering the Brain
It was night, and Wanli sat cross-legged on the bed with his eyes closed, with waves in his body.

An invisible channel gradually appeared on the periphery of his heart, and then the same channels appeared on the periphery of the liver, spleen, lungs, and kidneys.

The channels of the five internal organs are gradually connected together.

The huge aura in the body pours into this channel like a sea tide, and circulates inside, and every time a cycle is turned, the five internal organs will become stronger.

With an inaudible sound, the invisible channel suddenly shattered, and the spiritual energy returned to disorder, rushing and flowing in the body.

"It's troublesome."

Just after swallowing three drops of spirit stone essence, Wan Li realized that he had finally reached the peak of A-level.After consuming the extra spiritual energy, the spiritual energy in his body naturally guided him to build an invisible channel around the heart.

He quickly sat on the bed, concentrating on feeling the changes in his body, but fell into a predicament.

Ordinary people's aura builds channels and tempers the five internal organs, and it should be able to do it in one go. The channels always exist in the body, and the aura is constantly flowing and tempered.However, he is different. His spiritual energy is too large. After the channel is formed, the spiritual energy turns around a few times, and the channel explodes.

After setting it up again and again, the channel never survived five seconds.What can you do in five seconds?Build a tunnel for 1 minute, and then temper the internal organs for five seconds?

Do I still need S rank?

"Try again." Wanli closed his eyes, sinking into his body completely.


"Meow meow." Wan Li rolled his eyes and fell on the bed, his brain spinning rapidly.

Tempering the internal organs for five seconds and five seconds all the time, can still reach S rank, but how long will it take?
Even if he has a huge amount of spiritual energy, the number of people who can flow into the channel in five seconds is only two or three times more than that of ordinary A-level peaks.Even if the tempering speed is tripled, 15 seconds is worth 1 seconds, but it takes [-] minute to build the tunnel. On the whole, he is more than four times slower than ordinary people.

Ordinarily, it takes half a year to a year from the peak of A-level to S-level, what about him?Two to four years!

"This is impossible." Wan Li sighed, the blood of the fifth father was fully activated, and the joy of using a bunch of dark fruits and fruits to push it into the sixth rank was gone.

Originally, his strength has improved a bit, and after a few days, the bloodline of the fifth father reaches the seventh rank, and he can use the bloodline of the eighth rank, and he may be able to break the limit of cultivation again. On the way home, he kept laughing, giving Wen Jing They were all laughing dumbfounded, thinking that they were so happy because they were favored by a wolf...

I didn't expect the bad news to come.

"No." Wan Li sat up. If he had been in the A-level peak card for two years, even if he broke the limit a few times, the six father's bloodlines would all be ninth-rank, and his strength would increase by three or four times, and he could crush the fourth level. 100%, what's the use?

More than two years or even four years have passed, and it can't be said that the "fifth realm 100%" is everywhere, and the fourth realm 100% is not as good as a dog, which is about the same.

The channel is fragile and cannot withstand the aura, so can I build a stronger channel?Or build a wider aisle?

Doing what he thought of, Wan Li started to try, but after two hours, Wen Jing had finished training Gray Wolf, taught him to wash his hands, take a bath, eat, go to the toilet, and other daily behaviors.

"Wanli, do we have to give Gray Wolf a name, or call it Little Huihui...Ah, why are you vomiting blood!" Wen Jing whispered.

"Huh? Oh, it's okay." Wanli wiped the corners of his mouth. He just had a whimsical idea. Instead of using aura to build a passage, he built a frame and put the five internal organs into it. .

"You've been sitting cross-legged for a long time, what magical skills are you practicing? Don't go crazy." Wen Jing said with a worried face: "Are you at the peak of A-level, trying that method of tempering the brain? Be careful. , don't be a fool..."

"You're a fool." Wan Li stared: "I haven't tempered my brain, I don't know how to temper my internal organs, but I still temper my brain, I'm courting death."

A-level peaks can temper their brains with aura, which is the practice method that Shao Laofat told Wanli back in Saier.Shao Laofei said that tempering the brain can not only obtain extraordinary learning and motor skills, but also accelerate the tempering of internal organs.

Huh?Accelerate the tempering of viscera?
Wan Li frowned slightly, hesitating.He has a huge amount of aura, it doesn't matter where he puts it, and it's easier to have accidents when he tempers his brain, and accidents in his brain must be a major event.

Don't make a pair with Yu Wei.

"Why don't you... give it a try?" Wan Li pondered for a long time before saying, "Wen Jing, go to the kitchen and get that Liuquling ginseng. If something happens to me, stuff it into my mouth."

"Ah? Didn't you say you'd save it for Jianchao Match Slimming Powder... Hey, something's wrong?" Wen Jing's face tensed, "Wanli, what are you going to do?"

"Turn your brain, let me try. Don't worry, the possibility of something going wrong is very small, and death is impossible. At most, I will become a fool as you said." Wan Li smiled: "Sai Liuqu If Scrophulariaceae can't save me, you can go to Nier, not let her treat it, but let her use spirit to induce me to treat it myself."

"No, no, if you want to become a fool, you won't ask Ni Er to treat you. I'll keep you as a pet!"

Wen Jing shook her head again and again, pouted and said, "Why do you want to take this risk?"

Wan Li scratched his head: "Be obedient."


Wen Jing reluctantly went to get the spiritual ginseng, while Wan Li took a deep breath, imitating the reversal of the universe, adjusted to the best state, and slowly moved part of the spiritual energy to the periphery of the brain.

"It's time to take a risk. It's hard to be the second in China. How can you be returned to the [-]th or even [-]th in China? Moreover, the aura condensing type is only a stopgap measure after all. To exert the true power of the blood, you must get the S rank !"

It's fine if you can't die, the aura enters the brain!

The brain is the most complex organ in the human body, mainly including the left and right cerebral hemispheres. Wan Li first tried to temper the left hemisphere.Wan Li slowly built a layer of tunnels on the surface of the gray matter in the left hemisphere in the same way as he had just built the tunnels of the five internal organs.

Spiritual energy poured in and turned around.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but Wan Li feels that he seems to have changed, and his thinking is a little clearer?Or a little clearer?
Manipulate the aura and make a second turn.

Three laps, four laps, five laps, six laps.

The channel exploded.Wan Li's expression tightened, his face became abnormally rosy, several blood vessels in his brain were blown off, and he was a little dizzy.

The universe is reversed!

"'s okay." Wan Li exhaled, paused temporarily, and built a passage between the internal organs.

The spiritual energy was running, and after five seconds passed, the channel exploded, but the spiritual energy rotated a little faster.It's not an illusion, it's really fast!
Originally, it could only turn six times, but now it can turn six and one-thirtieth times!
"Yes, continue!" Wan Li closed his eyes and said, "Wen Jing, I'm fine, don't stuff the ginseng into my nose and scratch it. It's about tempering the brain. Sneezing will kill you..."

(End of this chapter)

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