Restart the world

Chapter 413 God and Demon

Chapter 413 God and Demon
Wan Li moved a boulder and saw a bloody corpse underneath.His face was already blurred, and after thousands of miles of inspection, he could only confirm that the man was about 30 years old, male, and died an hour ago. The cause of death was that most of the bones on his body were shattered.

It's like being run over by a truck with tens of tons.

"It wasn't crushed to death, it was a spiritual attack."

Wan Li frowned and looked around. Soon, he found several similar corpses from the ruins. He didn't know him, but one of them... Although the clothes on his body were in tatters, Wan Li was very familiar with the blue shirt——Budao bureau uniforms!

"It's really a member of the Ali Martial Arts Bureau! Something big happened, what happened to him, Commander Li will not be buried in the ruins, right?" Wan Li's heart sank slightly, and he accelerated his search.

I thought Commander Li had an accident because he encountered an unknown beast king in the wilderness, but his boldest guess was that he encountered a hidden strong man.I never thought that someone would be so bold as to attack the Ali Martial Arts Bureau. This is a naked provocation to the country!
Yanjing must have detected everything here through satellites, but the journey is too far away. Except for Heidanyan, even if the chief director and the others come in person, it will take more than ten hours.With this time, the murderer didn't know where to hide, and even got into the secret realm. If he was lucky, he would be able to fly away through the secret realm...

"Secret realm?" Thinking of this, Wan Li's heart tightened slightly, "It shouldn't be a big problem if Bian Bian stays next to the random teleportation point. But in case the murderer teleports to the Sangzhu area, why don't let him take my Sangzhu martial arts?" The bureau has also been handed over."


At this moment, there was a slight sound from the bricks and tiles in the distance, Wan Li's ears moved, and he dodged over on tiptoe, moving a boulder away, his pupils contracted suddenly.


Marlon's face was not blurred, and Wan Li instantly recognized it, and immediately knelt down to check his situation.There were not many injuries on his body, and a few bones were broken sporadically, which should have been smashed out by the collapsed building.The really serious injury was in his lower abdomen, where a hole the size of a fist was punched out from front to back.

"There is still energy." Wan Li took a deep breath, simulating the light of healing, and fully operated.

Snapped! !

A bloody hand suddenly clasped Wan Li's ankle, and Mu Lun slightly opened his eyes: "Save...Commander, Xiangxiong..."

After uttering a few words, his hands drooped feebly, his eyes closed tightly.Wan Li frowned slightly: "What kind of TV show are you playing with me? You haven't died yet, and you won't die either. Endure the pain!"

Using the blood of the flames, the fiery red spiritual energy attached to the palm and pressed directly on his wound.


Wanli burned him for a few seconds, then switched to the healing light, repeated several times, tormenting Mu Lun enough, "The wound is not serious, the damaged internal organs can't be healed at once, and the blood loss is a bit too much, and blood transfusion is needed. But there is no such condition now, you just hold on, you can’t die with your fourth-level physique. Don’t die, if you die, your friend Hao Peng should cry.”

Mullen didn't respond, and it seemed that he was in a deep coma this time.Wan Li stood up, shot wood out of his palm, made a wooden cover to protect him, and then moved stones to bury him.

After making sure that Mu Lun was not obtrusive among the ruins, Wan Li stretched his wings and his figure soared into the sky: "I don't know what to say. Is Commander Li dead or not? What's the situation with Xiangxiong?"

He looked around, circled the ruins at a high speed, and vaguely noticed a trace of battle in the southwest direction, and flew there with wings flapping.


Huh...huh!The heavy panting was like the sound of a bellows, and his body was covered with criss-cross wounds. Wu Wujian didn't know how long he hadn't been in such a mess.With a gloomy face, he stared at Zhang Zhuong in front of him, with murderous intent in his eyes.

Zhang Zhung's limbs have turned white, with sharp claws on them. The rest of the body is no different from that of a human being. His face is still the same, with a mixture of calm and compassion.

And behind Xiangxiong, lying Commander Li who had completely lost his vitality!

"Benefactor Li, in order to let his subordinates escape, fought to the death and never retreated. He has passed away in bliss. Donor Wu, why don't you escape?" Xiangxiong asked.

Wu Wujian didn't say a word, his eyes fixed on Commander Li for a moment, and locked on Xiangxiong again.

"For the corpse of the benefactor Li? It's really strange. Isn't there a proverb in Chinese? If you keep green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood."

"Monsters won't understand." Wu Wujian said in a deep voice: "You are not Zhang Zhuong, but a monster, or... the minion of the devil? You won't understand."

"I am Xiangxiong, the messenger of God." Xiangxiong shook his head and said, "What is a god and what is a demon, Master Wu, can you tell the difference?

The despicable people used tricks to seal God and told you that God is a devil, so you believed it? "

Wu Wujian raised his finger and pointed at Xiangxiong: "Look at your appearance, see for yourself!"

Zhang Zhuong still shook his head, his aura surged, and he formed a creature in front of him that was very similar to the fear of the void in LOL, and grinned at Wu Wujian.

"The world is indescribable, let alone enlarged to the universe? Maybe billions of light-years away, there are such...'humans' who just expressed their friendly greetings to you.

Benefactor Wu, don't be obsessed with appearance. "

Wu Wujian smiled: "Fart!!"

As soon as the words fell, he shot out suddenly, and rushed straight towards Zhang Zhuong.The compassion on Xiangxiong's face became stronger: "Benefactor Wu, I didn't expect you to be as ignorant as the world."

Bang! !

Amidst the clashing sound, Wu Wujian flew out backwards, waved his hands, and emerald green spiritual energy entwined towards Xiangxiong—he was the blood of wood.

Xiangxiong swung his sharp claws, cut off the spiritual energy, and chased Wu Wujian, but suddenly paused again, and turned his head to look at the thread of spiritual energy that he had cut off.Those aura strands fell to the ground, but did not dissipate immediately, bouncing and stabbing at him.

The spiritual energy around Xiangxiong's body exploded, shattering the spiritual energy threads and bouncing them away.The green thread of aura turned into a green spot of light, but before it dissipated completely, it happened to hit Commander Li's body, lifted him up, and shot to the side.At the same time, Wu Wujian's figure also appeared there, holding Commander Li behind his back.

"Amazing manipulating skills of aura, green attribute, does it enhance toughness?" Zhang Zhung Living Buddha smiled slightly: "It's a pity that it is not worth mentioning before the power bestowed on me by God."

The ground exploded, and Zhang Zhuong suddenly appeared behind Wu Wujian as if teleporting, waving his sharp claws, and wanted to scratch through Commander Li's body together!
Wu Wujian frowned, turned around, and clashed with Zhang Zhung Living Buddha with his arms.

Bang! !

Blood was flowing, and Wu Wujian had another wound on his arm, and he fell straight to the ground with Commander Li's body on his back, creating a deep pit tens of meters deep.

Swallowing back the blood in his mouth forcibly, Wu Wujian's figure rose straight up, his eyes blurred, and Xiangxiong's compassionate face was close at hand again.

"Benefactor Wu, don't make unnecessary resistance, surrender to... the power of God!"

(End of this chapter)

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