Chapter 414

Wan Li flew dozens of kilometers along the battle traces, and the battle traces were interrupted. It seemed that the winner had been decided.

No, the outcome is always clear.

Judging from the traces, the weaker people have been attacking forcefully, but they were cracked one by one by their opponents, and they were beaten all the way to this position, probably unable to hold on.But Wan Li looked around, but saw no corpses or people.

"The underdog... is Commander Li?" Wan Li frowned slightly: "Where did he go?"

Just when he didn't know where to look, he suddenly heard a loud shout: "Wu...don't...resist...surrender...the power of God..."

"The power of God?" Wan Li was stunned for a moment, and his body shot out, more than [-]% faster than before: "A disciple of Guisun? The second envoy? Fuck him to death!"

The distance of more than ten kilometers was spanned in an instant. When Wan Li rushed to the scene, what he saw was the fragmented earth and a huge pit hundreds of meters deep.

In the huge pit, there were constant bangs.

Frowning slightly, Wanli was about to go down, but found a figure flying up while spitting blood and carrying something on his back.He took a closer look, and suddenly exclaimed: "Wu Wujian?!"

"Huh?" The familiar voice made Wu Wujian's face slightly happy, and he glanced sideways at Wanli, and immediately threw his things at him: "Help me!"

Wan Li caught it, and only then did he see that Wu Jian was carrying a person, or a tattered corpse.He checked briefly, the body was almost cold, how can it be saved?Turning his eyes around the corpse a few times, Wan Li noticed the severed right arm of the corpse, and he knew in his heart that this was Commander Li.

China's high-ranking officer, the commander-in-chief of the Wusi Army, ranks among the top 20 in the entire China, and Commander Li, who is qualified to run for military supervisor, is really dead, or was killed by someone!

boom! !

There was a bang, and Wanli's wings fluttered, wrapping Wu Wujian's figure around him, staring at the enemy's real body, slightly startled, with a look of astonishment on his face: "It's you? How could it be you?!"

When Zhang Xiong saw Wan Li, his face was a little bit astonished, mixed with a little bit of panic, and he calmed down quickly, clasped his palms together and said, "Did Donor Ma deceive me? Donor Wan, didn't you enter the gap twice in the Mistlock Land?" It has to be a week?"

The monster's claws merged with Zhang Xiong's peaceful face, which was very strange. Wan Li was speechless for a while, until Wu Wujian coughed violently.

"Wan Liyang, Lao Li...can you still save him?"

Wan Li sighed and shook his head: "Wu Wujian, your injury is serious and needs treatment."

"So...Lao Li is really dead?"

"Hmm." Wanli responded softly.

Wu Wujian's eyes were slightly red: "Wan Liyang, let's kill this monster together!"

"Yes!" Wan Li replied in a deep voice, "But I can do it myself. Wu Wujian, you need to rest immediately, and Commander Li's body also needs to be kept."

Wu Jian frowned, but Wan Li said again: "I came from Ali Martial Arts Bureau, and the place has been reduced to ruins. The search is not exhaustive, and only one survivor, Mu Lun, was found. He still needs blood transfusion as soon as possible. Do you know his blood type? ?”

Wu Wujian paused and said hoarsely: "I know."

"Then go and save him. Leave it to me, and I will catch him alive!" Wan Li said.

Wu Wujian glanced at him: "Just try your best, I don't need to use a monster to vent my anger, but it should know a lot of information."

"I understand." Wan Li handed Commander Li's body to Wu Wujian, and locked his eyes on Xiangxiong.

Xiangxiong had no intention of chasing Wu Wujian. He looked at Wan Li who was standing opposite him, with a look of compassion on his face: "If I had known that Donor Wan would come early, Donor Li would not have to die. It's a pity, his hit, when there is This calamity."

Wan Li was silent for a moment: "Don't be hypocritical, are you and Zeng Jiangeng on the same team? Are you the lackeys of the devil? Or Fang Lu's lackeys?"

Xiangxiong shook his head: "Lord Wan Shi, you also misunderstood God. The despicable people used tricks to seal God, and made people mistake him for a demon..."

"Oh, that's how it is. So you want to say that the red-haired turtle is the devil?" Wan Li interrupted lightly: "Although I always wanted to beat up the red-haired turtle, but I have a disgust for a funny guy who dances in the square." It’s really not big. At least now I hate your god even more, with believers like you, it must not be a good thing to give you such a disgusting form.”

"This is a misunderstanding. Wan Shizhu, like Wu Shizhu, believes too much in his own subjective impression."

"Maybe, after I catch you, I can gradually understand your god." Wan Li sighed softly.

"Catch me? Master Wan, I am different from Master Zeng! He is just a poor-quality experiment, a victim used to test your strength! And I have perfectly accepted the power of God!"

Is Zeng Jiangeng an experimental product?Wanli got new information, but it also made him hesitate a little. Destroying Zeng Jiangeng's silver thread used [-]% of his spiritual energy. If he wanted to destroy Xiangxiong's... spiritual energy might not be enough.

"Wan Benefactor, you are hesitating. The method used on Zeng Benedict yesterday, really can't be used on me." Xiang Xiong said peacefully.

Wan Li smiled and shook his head: "So you are afraid of me. Yesterday in the fog-locked land, I was very weak after Zeng Jiangeng died, but you chose to find a chance to escape, and now you are shaking."

"Fear, everyone will have it." Xiangxiong admitted calmly: "The method you used on Zeng Benefactor is too weird, and even the power of God can be destroyed. I have to avoid the edge for the time being. Unfortunately, bad luck, Returning to the ALD area, he killed Li benefactor for no reason.

Originally, I didn't want to confront you head-to-head, Wan Benefactor. After waiting for seven days, I could try again, but I didn't expect... Alas, since this is the case, I can only send you Wan Benefactor, too, to be reborn in bliss! "

"Oh, you're scaring daddy to death." Wan Li sighed, and said, "Xiangxiong, call me daddy!"

"Father..." Zhang Zhuong blurted out, stunned for a moment, and a gray giant with white wings sat on his face.

"Good son, let Dad love you!"

Bang! !

A cannon punch hit Xiang Zhung in the face!

Several teeth fluttered in the air, and Zhang Zhung crashed back into the [-]-meter deep pit.The smoke and dust rose, and Wanli succeeded in one blow, but did not pursue it.

The moment he was hit, Zhang Zhung's face also turned white.Although this strike was solid, it might not be able to cause much damage to him.

Looking at the smoke and dust that obscured his sight, Wan Li frowned, and shouted in a deep voice, "Xiang Xiong, call Dad!"


"Oh, you're full of energy, you don't look hurt, come out, don't try to sneak up on Dad!"

Whoosh! !A white figure suddenly broke through the smoke and dust, waving its sharp claws at the gray giant.

Boom!Boom!Colliding dozens of times in a second, the two gray and white figures separated and looked at each other.

Xiangxiong wiped off the blood from the corner of his mouth, and said sullenly: "The strange ability of Master Wan really opened my eyes, opened my eyes!"

Thousands of miles of spiritual energy surged, filling up several gaps in the gray giant's surface: "Hehe, Zhang Zhuong, you are quite strong, please call Dad again!"

"Father..." Zhang Xiong paused, but his sullen expression slowly calmed down: "Useless tricks, Lord Wan, don't need to affect my mood."

"It doesn't matter, I just want to hear you bastard called Dad. Zhang Xiong, call him Dad."


"Call again."


"Come again."


Ten seconds later, Zhang Zhuong's eyes were red, his whole body turned white, and he rushed straight to Wanli: "Bastard! Fuck me!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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