Chapter 415

In the sky, two figures, one gray and one white, alternated constantly, creating brilliant light and shadow.

The roaring sound became one piece, and the earth was torn open into wounds, intertwined in a vertical and horizontal direction, the longest of which stretched for more than ten kilometers!

The entire world was covered by the roar, only sporadic calls of 'Dad' came out, which added a different style to the battle.

"Go to hell! Go to die!"

Zhang Zhuong roared again and again, and the speed of waving his sharp claws became faster and faster, and more and more areas of his body were covered with white.From the first limbs, only the eyes and nose are not covered at this time.

"Xiangxiong, call Dad!"

"Father... to die!"

puff! !

The sharp claws slashed across the gray giant's chest, causing it a huge wound, but it was quickly filled and restored by the surging spiritual energy.

Inside the giant, Wan Li's face was serious, and he swung his fist to knock Xiangxiong back a few steps: "Call again!"

"Father... ah!!!" Xiangxiong roared, the white part instantly covered his nose, his eyes were scarlet, and his speed suddenly increased a bit.

A huge hole was punched out of the gray giant's chest, revealing Wanli's body faintly, and crashed to the ground, creating a deep hole tens of meters deep.

Wan Li's body was shaken, the giant collapsed, and he dodged to leave the deep pit, and saw the white figure directly plunge into his original position.

The underground was rumbling, and Zhang Zhung's blow might be able to drill a kilometer or two deep!

"It's getting stronger and stronger, it's almost there." Wan Li sighed lightly, and used the reversal of heaven and earth to restore the internal organs to fullness, "If you do it again, you'll have a big blow."

Through the battle just now, he basically figured out what Zhang Zhuong's so-called "power given by God" is:

A stimulant that burns life potential.

The larger the area of ​​the body covered by white, the more the strength will be improved, and the more sanity will be lost at the same time.At first, Zhang Zhung only had his hands and feet turned white, but his rational thinking was not affected much, but his strength increased by about two times.However, he is only about 70% of the strength of the fourth realm when he has doubled, and Wanli can completely suppress him.

However, with the shouts of 'Dad', the anger went to Zhang Zhuang's mind, and the area covered by white became larger and larger.Zhang Zhung's sanity gradually disappeared without a trace, and he turned into a half-beast, only knowing to constantly attack and fight for his life!
At the same time, Xiang Zhung's strength has also improved a lot, and now it is nearly three times the original level, exceeding 80%!

Wanli became a disadvantage, but he didn't panic at all.Zhang Zhung must be consuming his vitality every second at this time, and he won't last long.He said that Zeng Jiangeng was a test subject, but in fact he is no different, but compared to Zeng Jiangeng who was completely covered in white in an instant, he had more room for control when using the power of the devil.

Finding out that he is not Wanli's opponent, sooner or later he will have to cover up like this, and trade reason for strength. In this case, it is better for Wanli to take the initiative to guide him, and listen to "Dad" to listen to it.

"In a fight, you have to use your brain." Wan Li chuckled, "If you lose your sanity to this extent, how much resistance is left to mental attacks?"

The blood of the fourth father, phantom-light, fusion!

Bang! !

Zhang Zhuong emerged from the depths of the ground, with a ferocious face, waving his sharp claws to attack Wanli.Wan Li raised his eyebrows and smiled, clasped his hands together: "Amitabha!"

Dazzling rays of light radiated from around him, instantly fascinating Xiang Zhung's mind.Bloodline of Phantom + Bloodline of Light = Psychedelic Light!

The blood of the fourth father on the sixth rank can only psychedelic the strength of the gray wolf, and it will not have any effect on the fourth level of S rank.But after Zhang Zhung was shrouded in light, his movements immediately slowed down, he staggered a few steps, and fell to the ground!
Wan Li raised his eyebrows again, and covered Zhang Zhuong with the psychedelic light for a while, and then put away the light.

"Sure enough, as I expected, a powerful enemy was overwhelmed by my IQ, and I solved it with ease. It feels really cool!"

The corner of his mouth curled up, and he walked towards Zhang Zhuong, swung his right hand, and the fiery red spiritual energy gushed out into a hammer, ready to knock off Zhang Zhung's limbs.

However, as soon as he got closer, he suddenly felt a sharp sense of crisis piercing his body, making his smile froze, and he withdrew quickly.

brush!A cold glow passed by!
Blood splattered, Wan Li's face twitched, and before he landed, the half-cut calf healed back, consuming a full [-]% of his spiritual energy.

" hurts!" Wan Li bared his teeth and said, "What the hell, how dare you lie to Dad?"

Zhang Zhuong stood up, the white coverage rate on his body was still so high, but the only eye that was not covered had returned to peace and tranquility, without the feeling of losing his mind as before.

"Lord Wan, you reacted very quickly. I would have interrupted and cut off both of your legs."

Wan Li was slightly silent: "Call me Dad."

"Dad... Heh, Dad, Dad, what's the point of screaming a few more times? Just let Benefactor Wan get rid of your ear addiction before you die, and it's also my reward for helping me control my power, Dad! Dad! "Shang Zhung pulled out an ugly smile from his pale mouth.

"The power of gods is extremely difficult to control. For several years, I have cultivated my body and mind, but I can only control less than 50%. But in today's battle, your stimulation, Lord Wan, and the attack of the spirit, by chance, I have such a big power." breakthrough..."

Wan Li was stunned for a moment: "So you didn't act from the beginning to the end, my tactics worked, but something went wrong in the end, and the mental attack just happened to restore your sanity?"

"It's like this." Zhang Xiong said calmly: "Shou Wan's tactics are very effective. I was almost defeated by you."

"It is necessary, fighting is to use brains."

Xiangxiong pulled out an ugly smile again: "Then Wan Shizhu, in this situation, can you still think of a way to defeat me? If you can't, sorry, I will tear you to pieces."

"Hmm..." Wan Li thought for a second, "It seems that there is nothing to do, alas, bad luck. Xiangxiong, please call Dad again."

"Father..." Zhang Xiong paused: "Father, father, father, I will give you the last three voices, Lord Wan, farewell."

"Good son." Wan Li smiled slightly, and a dark purple aura enveloped his body: "Father will teach you one more thing, you need to use your brain when fighting, but when using your brain doesn't work, you can use violence to solve the problem.

When a father hits his son, he has to use domestic violence! "

boom! !Amidst the sound of the sky falling apart, Wan Li sat down on the ground, sweating profusely from the pain.At this time, the flesh and blood of his right fist were separated, and his entire right arm was almost completely torn apart. It took a full [-]% of his spiritual energy to heal it completely.

Then Wanli looked at the bottomless human-shaped pothole in front of him, grinning his teeth and said: "I'm afraid I have to hit [-] meters, don't kill me. Hiss... It hurts my father to death. I didn't count the first time, shouldn't If you punch with five times the gravity, three times will be fine."

"Shang Shung! Call again, Dad! Listen!"

There was no response from the pit for a long time.

"Killed another son, I'm so cruel."

(End of this chapter)

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