Chapter 416
The gray giant turned into a digger, and Wanli dug a hole at a speed of tens of meters per second.After digging for more than two minutes, I finally found where Zhang Zhung was.Zhang Zhung has turned into a blood man, limp into a lump, his body bones are broken, especially his chest, which is deeply sunken, with his front chest sticking to his back.

"Sure enough, I used a lot of strength." Wan Li sighed softly, "Xiang Xiong, can you still call me Dad?"

After finishing the words, Zhang Zhuong actually twitched, and he was startled.

"Dad...Dad..." Stumbling out these two words, Xiang Xiong tilted his head and died completely.

Wanli was silent for a while.

The vitality is really tenacious, even after this, he still has the breath to call him Dad for the last time?
"The capture failed, how did the illusion make him come back to his sanity, I dare not hold back."

Wan Li used the blood of light to light up the dark underground space, and checked Zhang Zhung's body.He who died has returned to his original state, and there is no trace of turning into a white monster at all.

"Hey, the brain is not completely dead yet."

Wanli's eyes moved, and he used his phantom bloodline again.As the father of the fourth father's bloodline, the sixth-rank bloodline of phantom can surpass the first-rank and perform at the level of seventh-rank, which is much stronger than the seventh-rank bloodline of lower-rank phantom transformed by Bian Ting's superpower memory manipulation , and successfully read several pictures in sequence in Zhang Zhung's dying brain.

These are the pictures that Zhang Zhung remembers most.

The content of the first picture is that when Zhang Zhung was young, he was found by the sect and revered as the reincarnated living Buddha.

The second picture is the sunny smiling face of Zhang Zhung when he was a young man, he practiced Buddhism deeply, practiced in the world, and did good deeds. He was admired from the bottom of his heart for the first time, and he was called a Living Buddha.

The third deputy, Shi Xiangxiong, was already a young man. Followers in the sect rushed over to him in a panic and asked him: The era of practice has begun. Is the aura in the air 'spiritual energy' or 'magic energy'? What should we do?Shaking his head peacefully, Xiangxiong began to practice like an ascetic monk, and entered the D-level in one year, telling his followers that this is aura.

At this moment, Zhang Zhung is still a 'good living Buddha', and the turning point starts from the fourth picture.When he first entered the B-level, he met an unusually powerful tiger that could transform in the forest...

Wanli looked at it from the perspective of Zhang Zhung, so he couldn't see the existence of the silver-white line, but it can be concluded that Zhang Zhung must have been shot by the silver-white line at that time!
"Devils do a lot of harm." Wan Li sighed, "The living Buddha was shot into a living devil."

The later scene made Wan Li a little bit stunned. On the third day after killing the tiger, Xiang Xiong found out that something was wrong with him.He didn't know the silver and white thread, but he knew something was wrong.

Because he began to be irritable and impulsive, and even occasionally dark thoughts flashed through his mind, which was completely impossible for him who is profound in Buddhism.He began to explore, and when he was at the peak of the B-level, he used the power of the devil with strong willpower, and his right hand turned into a devil's claw.

"This guy... is quite remarkable." Wan Li looked at Xiangxiong's body regretfully.

If he hadn't been parasitized by the silver and white thread, Zhang Zhung would definitely become a real strong man and achieve far higher achievements than he is now. Maybe Su Wuchi and Zhang Zhuong will be added to the first-class ranking.

But being parasitic and eroded by demon power...

"Sigh." Wan Li sighed softly, then frowned again: "Huh? Has anyone else been parasitized?"

In Zhang Zhung's memory, there are several strong men in the sect who came to him with the dead body of a bear and told him that the bear would transform...

The next scene is that Zhang Zhung is constantly exposed to the power of the devil. At first, he wanted to find a way to suppress the devil and help the congregation.However, the profound Dharma is not omnipotent, he gradually lost control, and plunged into the darkness and couldn't extricate himself.

"Stupid, at this time he should go to Yanjing... Maybe he is afraid of getting out of control and causing trouble? Anyway, doing research by yourself is the stupidest choice."

Zhang Zhung's personality gradually changes, hiding under his peaceful appearance is a dark and evil demon.Until half a year ago, a phantom found him, which was another turning point in his life.

"Fang Lu!" Wan Li's spirit lifted, and it really had something to do with Fang Lu.

He concentrated on searching the conversation images of the two, but was surprised to find that the two did not communicate with their mouths, but Fang Lu passed some kind of information directly to Xiang Xiong's brain through the phantom.

"What method is this?"

'Use the original experimental body, Zeng Jiangeng, to test Wan Liyang's strength and ability. 'A piece of information with this content suddenly flashed.

Pfft... Zhang Zhung's fire of life was completely extinguished here, and his brain died.

Wan Li frowned, and breathed a sigh of relief, the key information has been read, so let's die.

The appearance of Fang Lu was within his expectations, and he paid more attention to those few words: Zeng Jiangeng, the original experimental subject, was testing Wan Liyang.

The so-called initial experimental subjects, if Wan Li understood correctly, should refer to the earliest batch or even the first people who were parasitized by the silver-white thread.


It is easy to infer that when Fang Lu came into contact with Zeng Jiangeng, it was also when Fang Lu was arrested by the Secret Martial Arts Bureau because he possessed a treasure from an extraterrestrial visitor, which was actually a gift from a demon!
The silver-white thread was not made by the devil sealed in the box, but Fang Lu shot it out with the gift of the devil.When he was arrested, he had just started his cultivation era, so he must have been very weak. Using the gift of the devil, he shot Zeng Jiangeng. This was probably the fundamental reason why he was able to escape!
And 'experiencing Wanli Yang' means that Fang Lu is afraid of himself?The small probability is because Fang Lu knows his 'father's identity', and the high probability is that he knows that he can smash the silver-white thread.

As for why Zeng Jiangeng was asked to test it out instead of coming to him personally...

"Perhaps Fang Lu is not as strong as he imagined."

Because of that weird phantom, Wan Li always thought that Fang Lu was very strong, at least far surpassing him.But now it seems that Fang Lu's absolute strength may not be very strong, even if he is strong, it will not make him powerless to resist, or Fang Lu himself thinks that he is likely to overturn in his hands, and dare not show up in front of him .

Fang Lu probably just used a bit of a weird method, maybe it was brought by a gift from the devil?
"The question now is how much people like Zhang Zhung and Zeng Jiangeng have been developed by Fang Lu in the past five years. Zhang Zhuong, who is profound in Buddhism, can't resist the invasion of the silver-white line.

And what is Fang Lu's purpose, to release the devil?Destroy the world?In Lin Yuling's mouth, he was just a simple boy who was a bit of a middle school student, so why did he become like this? "

Wan Li thought a lot, and turned his gaze back to Xiangxiong's corpse: "An adventure?"

A silver-white line invisible to the naked eye drilled out from Zhang Zhung's corpse, and shot straight into Wanli!
Wanli didn't use the reversal of the universe to destroy it.

He wanted to experience the infestation of demons for himself!
(End of this chapter)

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