Restart the world

Chapter 425 Who Are You

Chapter 425 Who Are You

Snapped!A knife knocked on the back of the head of the red-haired turtle grandson who was actually Cao Yanan, beating her to the ground, her figure dissipating.

The corner of Wanli's mouth curled up.

The number of kills of the red-haired turtle grandson: 1
"The little apprentice has made a lot of progress, but it's a pity that he hasn't reached the S level yet. The level is too far away, and he can't enjoy himself as a teacher, so he has to take him to Us for further training.

Please invite the next grandson of the red-haired turtle to appear. "

After standing there for five seconds, the same figure slowly appeared in front of him.

In this pre-game, or the entire trial secret realm, everything that happens is in the minds of the participants. The battle is virtual, and you will not die if you are killed a hundred times. However, after leaving the secret realm, you have been killed too many times. People will definitely be very tired mentally, and it is possible to sleep for ten days and ten nights.

When Wanli defeated Cao Yanan, he controlled his strength and only knocked her out. The win-lose mechanism of the mini-game determined that Wanli won, and Cao Yanan would be teleported to other people, and another opponent would appear in Wanli's place. .

This opponent may have won the previous game, or it may have lost, or it may be the remaining one after the 137 people were matched in pairs.

Whoever it was, Wanli was going to knock him out.Wan Li is going to set a record of defeating the red-haired turtle 136 times, which is a lot of fun.Of course, the more important thing is that he wants to match Lin Yuling, take this opportunity to fight her, and feel his current strength.

It is hard to find an opponent!
After guessing the real identity of the new 'red-haired turtle grandson' for a few seconds, Wan Li realized that the other party didn't give him any sense of familiarity, so he immediately stepped forward to KO him.

The number of kills of the red-haired turtle grandson: 2
This time, after waiting for more than a minute, the third red-haired turtle grandson appeared on the opposite side.Judging for a few seconds, if you still don't know it, knock it to death.

The number of kills of the red-haired turtle grandson: 3
After that, Wan Li knocked down 12 red-haired turtle grandchildren one after another, but never met any acquaintances, let alone Lin Yuling. "Sure enough, there are too many people who have entered the secret realm, and there are too many people with poor strength. If I knew it was a trial secret realm... well, it's useless to say anything now. If you keep fighting, you will always be able to match."

The 16th red-haired turtle grandson appeared in front of him.As soon as this person appeared, his expression gave Wanli a slight sense of familiarity.

Thinking about who the other party is in his mind, he waved to the convenience and formed four large characters with aura.

'I am Wu Liang'

"Director Wu." Wan Li was stunned for a moment.

Wu Liang waved again: 'Who are you?Which city?We don't have to fight, wait and see what happens if we don't. '

Do not fight?It's okay not to fight, if I don't fight, I'm stuck here, how can I match Lin Yuling?Speaking of which, Director Wu Liang saw through this small pre-game very quickly.

Wan Li nodded, and walked towards Wu Liang with a harmless appearance.Wu Liang frowned slightly, and took two steps back with a slight vigilance.

'Who are you? '

Wan Li blinked, raised his right foot, and started paddling on the ground covered with white aura.

'I am Shao Mingjun from Bincheng Martial Arts University'

Shao Mingjun?Wu Liang thought for a moment, and a tall, strong and honest boy appeared in his mind, Wan Liyang's classmate, just entering A-level, superpower seems to be a supernatural leap?

He nodded and waved his hands to release his spiritual energy: "This fog-locked land is weird, there are two lines of writing in the sky, and there is a countdown, I will take you up to see it." '

Wan Li was surprised, he nodded and walked towards Wu Liang. When Wu Liang put his hand on his shoulder, he suddenly struck Wu Liang on the back of the neck!

Bang! !

Wu Liang was stunned. Before he fell down and lost consciousness, he tried his best to look back and saw a familiar bandit-like smile.

'Damn it, Liao Gangpifu actually cheated on me! ! '

"Hahahaha..." After Wu Liang dissipated, Wan Li laughed immediately. Sure enough, this game is only interesting to play with acquaintances, and I don't know if Director Liao has been tricked, hahahaha...

The 17th grandson of the red-haired turtle appeared a little too quickly, causing Wan Li to pull back his smile.

Sizing him up, Wan Li looked weird.

This... seems to be Shao Mingjun?
The next one is not to meet Director Liao?

It must be very interesting to tease Director Liao!
However, when Wan Li knocked him down, the next one was not Director Liao, but Cao Jinfeng.

As soon as his figure manifested, he opened his teeth and claws to attack thousands of miles away. Except for Cao Jinfeng, there was no one else who was crazy.


As time went by, the number of red-haired turtle grandchildren knocked down by Wan Li gradually increased from a dozen to 78.During this period, I met many acquaintances, and even Sun Kai was educated by him again.But at this time, the speed of matching people will be slow.

He flew into the sky to look at it. There were more than eight hours left in the countdown, and the number of people was still 137.

Those who have been matched will not be matched again, that is to say, there are only 58 people left who have not played.Here we have to take into account that someone like Wu Liang 'soiled' his rules of the game, and the two shook hands to make peace.

Wan Li was very worried that he would not be able to match Lin Yuling because of this. After all, Lao Wang and Lin Xiaoqi had never met each other, so two of the three of them would have met and were having fun together, right?

Very likely!
Wan Li let out a long sigh, stretched the face of the red-haired turtle puppet in front of him into a long strip, and let it bounce back with a snap.

"The time limit for each PK match is three hours, and it will be teleported away if there is no winner. Maybe you have to wait another one or two hours. If you are unlucky, you may not meet... Hey, is someone here?"

Wan Li's eyes lit up, he let go of the puppet's face, floated back.The puppet of the visitor from beyond the sky quickly cleared his eyes, saw Wanli on the opposite side clearly, squinted slightly, and punched heavily.

An extremely huge pillar of spiritual energy blasted out from his fist, and a strong sense of crisis hit, Wan Li was refreshed, and he folded his arms in front of his chest to defend.

boom! !

The shock wave spread suddenly, the ground shattered and cracked, and the ground within a range of several hundred meters rolled over as a whole, and instantly became barren!

Wan Li slid back several tens of meters before stopping his figure. Most of the clothes on his upper body were shattered by the blow, but the corners of his mouth were raised high.

"I finally waited for you. Fortunately, I didn't give up. I hit Lin Yuling hard when we met."

He looked across and was startled suddenly.This person...why doesn't it seem like Lin Yuling?
Among the people who entered the secret realm, Lin Yuling was one of the people he was most familiar with.Even Shao Mingjun, a classmate who doesn't get along too much, can be recognized by Wan Li at a glance, and it should be easier to identify Lin Yuling.

But the person on the opposite side, with a face of astonishment because he blocked his attack, and squinting murderous eyes, is not at all like Lin Yuling, and has no sense of familiarity at all!
"How come, this kind of strength..."

At this moment, the opponent punched Wan Li again, and unexpectedly broke out with a strength that was even better than before.

Wanli's pupils shrank slightly, and a gray giant instantly condensed, swinging his fists, and facing him head-on.

boom! !

The earth trembled, and thick smoke and dust rose.

After the smoke and dust, Wan Li's expression was serious, his gray giant was on the verge of collapse by this blow!
This is definitely more than 80% of the strength of the fourth realm. Where did this guy come from!

He thought for a while, waved his arm, and the dazzling light radiated out, condensing three characters and two symbols in the smoke and dust: "Who are you?" ! '

(End of this chapter)

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