Chapter 426
As Wu Wujian said, there are so many hidden strong people these days.If there is, either he has some other purpose, or you are ignorant.

In Bincheng, when he met a strange strong man other than Lin Yuling, Wan Li instantly thought of the new second envoy of the Red Organization who had completely disappeared during this period of time.However, looking at the other person's eyes does not look like a woman, Wan Li thought of Fang Lu again.

But in the next second, Wan Li didn't bother to find out who the other party was.After the previous two attacks with the beam of spiritual energy, the opponent launched a third attack, and the power was greatly increased again.

The words of light condensed from thousands of miles 'Who are you? ! ', before the beam of light protruded from the opponent's hand, it was crushed and dissipated by the wind pressure on the opponent's fist!

When the beam of light appeared, a sense of oppression of death enveloped Wanli!
In such a state, using only the state of the gray giant, he might be beaten to death with a single punch.

"Go to hell, this is Su Wuchi!"

Even in a virtual illusion, Wan Li didn't want to experience the feeling of being beaten to death.The gray giant disintegrated in an instant, and in the next second, a dark purple aura enveloped him, gradually turning into a giant.

The fifth bloodline, heavy-dark water, fusion!
When the pillar of spiritual energy approached him, the dark purple giant didn't raise his hand to defend, nor did he dodge it. Instead, he was rushing forward against the pillar of spiritual energy.

When the beam of light hit him, there was no earth-shattering bang like the previous two times, and no shock wave spread out. There were only subtle sizzling sounds, the sharply thinning and dissipating spiritual energy column, and the dark purple giant who was visibly thinned by the naked eye.

The blood of darkness has the effect of devouring, and the blood of water has the effect of unloading force. When fused with the blood of weight, it can release the force on the one hand, and devour the enemy's attack with a distorted stance on the other hand.

Of course, there is a limit to this. After consuming about three quarters of the strength of the opponent's aura beam of light, the dark purple giant collapsed completely.

Wanli quickly switched to the third bloodline, Jian-Tu Finance merged, a touch of pale golden aura enveloped him as a whole, and his defense power soared.

boom! !

The remnant power of the spiritual energy column blasted thousands of miles in the front, rocks splashed, the ground churned, and they were all annihilated into powder under the dazzling shock wave.

The mysterious strong man had another look of surprise on his face. He frowned and put his right elbow in front of him. He blocked a fist the size of a sandbag that suddenly protruded from the shock wave, and there was a muffled bang.

He took half a step back, looked at Wan Li for a second, and narrowed his eyes.With a buzzing sound, his left fist was covered with a rich white light, and he punched.

Wan Li's expression was serious, his right fist was covered with dark purple aura, five times the gravity punch!

Bang! !

After a muffled sound, the soil where they stood exploded like a volcanic eruption, and the two figures shot out at the same time, plowing out two deep trenches on the ground, and they didn't stabilize their figures until hundreds of meters later.

"Mistake." Wan Li sighed softly, and looked at his empty right arm.

The power contained in the third pillar of spiritual energy played by the opponent was at least 95% of that of the fourth realm. Wan Li immediately knew that he was definitely not an opponent in a head-to-head confrontation, and the possibility of Zhou Xuan winning was extremely slim.

At this time, the only way to win is to rely on the opponent's unfamiliarity with your own abilities!So he almost used all his abilities except for the reversal of the universe, and burned nearly [-]% of his spiritual energy in an instant, in exchange for the last punch to fist.

According to his assumption, after this blow, the arms of both of them should be crippled, but he can reverse the situation. Even if he consumes another [-]% of the spiritual energy to heal the arm, in exchange for two hands hitting one hand, the slight difference in strength can basically be smoothed out. up.

But he ignored that this was a secret realm of trials, and his body was not his real body. After his arm was abolished, the mechanism of the secret realm wiped out his right arm.

This is not something that can be reversed by [-]% of the spiritual energy, and even the exhaustion of the spiritual energy may not be able to make him grow another arm.

The only good news is that the opponent's left arm also disappeared.However, one is right-handed and the other is left-handed, so Wan Li feels this blood loss.

He thought for a while, then waved his remaining left arm.

'Are you Su Wujian?Or Fang Lu? '

He felt that the option of the Red Organization's new second envoy could basically be ruled out.If the new second envoy of the Red Organization had such exaggerated strength, he would have gone to Yanjing to rescue Liu Runquan and Yan Jin'er long ago, and the Red Organization would not be as low-key as it is now.

If it was Su Wujian, could it be that he finally came back from overseas and accidentally got involved in a secret realm in Bincheng?And if it was Fang Lu, he sneaked to Bincheng and sneaked into the secret realm, could there be some kind of conspiracy?
Many conjectures flashed through Wan Li's mind like light and shadow, and his eyes were fixed on the other party, hoping to get an answer.

However, it does not.

He only saw a little surprise, a serious look, and a little dissatisfaction and anger on the other party's face.The anger didn't seem to be aimed at Wan Li, but more like it was aimed at something else.

Wan Li froze for a moment, his eyes moved.

Is it because of the appearance of the red-haired turtle grandson?

The grandson of the red-haired turtle sealed the devil in a magic box, and the devil must have enmity with him.And Fang Lu is equivalent to the spokesperson of the devil, so... this is Fang Lu!
This wave of reasoning is logically flawless, but Wan Li subconsciously feels that there seems to be something wrong.But it was too late to get to the bottom of it, the opponent attacked for the fourth time!

Another aura beam of light, two points stronger than the third one.If the third beam of light has 95% of the power of the fourth realm, now this beam has almost 99% of the power of the fourth realm. Into a huge wave rushed thousands of miles.

Wanli's brows condensed slightly, and soon relaxed again.His expression changed, and he greeted him head-on.

The same method of receiving the move as before, the same number of ways, but because the attack is stronger this time, and he is missing his right arm, when he rushed to the opponent, Wan Li was covered in bruises, very embarrassed, and he was not far from the secret realm. .

Bang! !

Still swinging his left fist, the opponent still raised his right arm and took half a step back, as if history was repeating itself.But neither side has another hand to fight, so the mysterious enemy puts Yu Guang on Wan Li's legs.

Wan Li didn't intend to raise his leg.

A gray aura rises, and this gray is mixed with a little golden and a little dark purple.The three colors flow with each other.

The face of the mysterious enemy froze slightly, then eased, and took a deep look at Wanli.

Wan Li also looked at him, his eyes twitching slightly.

boom! !

The violent explosion covered everything, and a huge mushroom cloud rose slowly.The power of an explosion comparable to [-] tons of TNT burned everything within a few kilometers into a sea of ​​flames!

And in the center of the explosion, a figure held on for half a second before completely disintegrating and disappearing.

Consciousness plunged into deep darkness, and quickly regained consciousness. Wanli opened his eyes, moved his healthy arms and legs, and smacked his lips.

"Art is explosion. My self-explosion power is not worse than that of Deidara in Hokage, right?"

After all, it was a virtual battle, Wan Li didn't want to reveal his full strength, and he didn't want to lose, so he blew himself up and died happily with the opponent!

(End of this chapter)

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