Restart the world

Chapter 427 I am very happy

Chapter 427 Pi is very happy now

"The situation is not optimistic." The red-haired turtle grandson in front of Wan Li turned into a puppet again, and he frowned and thought while rounding and flattening it.

In the previous battle, Wanli had concealed part of his strength.Among them, only three kinds of blood of the father are used, but among the remaining two, Yan-Leifeng can only be used to increase the variety of attacks, and the phantom-light sense on the seventh rank is unlikely to affect opponents of this strength. Big, the effect is even negligible.

In addition, in terms of superpowers, only the reversal of the universe can play a big role, and the wings of angels... barely can be used at the beginning.

But all in all, if there is another fight in reality, Wanli will definitely still be at a disadvantage.

In reality, you can't blow yourself up.

Besides, the opponent might not have used all his strength just now. If it was Fang Lu, it is unlikely that he would not transform into a white monster, right?Also, his mind power is far beyond his own. I don't know how much power he can explode. If it exceeds one ton, it will affect the battle. If it is more...

"That's troublesome, 100% loss, if you want to win, you can only burn the red line, or... activate the blood of the sky in the trial secret realm, you have to deal with it."

Wan Li squeezed the red-haired turtle puppet's face hard, space fruit, there must be some rewards in the trial secret realm, but the probability of him getting it is not high.First of all, entering this secret realm in a hurry, he has a bad face, so he may not be able to become the winner, and secondly, because of a black face, winning may not be able to get the desired reward...

"I asked Lin Yuling for help. Will she make a move? It's not very reliable. The people from the General Administration... shouldn't be too strong, and they won't be able to help."

Wan Li looked up at the sky, the countdown had reached 7:45:32, but the number of people was still 137.

"It's not there yet." Wan Li continued to pinch the red-haired turtle's face, deep in thought.


After the earth expanded, the distance between Yanjing and Bincheng also increased tenfold. Because of the presence of his follower Sun Kai, Wanli flew back to Bincheng in three hours.

But Liu Miao was not as good as Sun Kai, and flew for more than four hours, and did not arrive in Yanjing until an hour ago.After reporting and explaining the situation, the strong men sent by Yanjing had just set off for more than ten minutes. They had just left Yanjing, and it was estimated that it would take two or three hours to arrive.

But there is one exception.

Heidanyan flashed to the secret place of Neverland 1 minute ago, and was breathing steadily at this time, listening to Dong Jiawei beside him telling the situation.

Listening, she frowned slightly.

"You mean, when the Mistlock Land was opened, the range of the fog spray was extremely large, covering nearly five kilometers, involving more than 100 people, including the weakest A-level beginners? And more than four hours later, a No one came out?"

Dong Jiawei nodded anxiously: "That's right, Director Hei, look over there, there used to be a Neverland Paradise, three kilometers away from the Fog Lock Land, but now it has been completely involved. At that time, most of the waiting staff were there, and there They were all caught off guard.

Oh, and also, there seems to be a family member of a B-level student..."

"You're new to Grade B? You're messing around!" Hei Danyan scolded softly, "Which student still brings their parents?"

"It's not parents, it's husband and wife." Dong Jiawei said awkwardly.

"Husband and wife... are Wang Bo's wives?"

"Well, it's her."

Hei Danyan frowned: "I have to go in and rescue immediately, you continue to block the surrounding area, don't let..."

"Wait, Director Hei." Dong Jiawei interrupted: "I met Wan Liyang in the city earlier, and told him that the Mistlock Land was opened, and he said that he would come to see it. It is likely that he was involved ..."

"Wan Liyang?" Hei Danyan looked slightly serious. If Wan Li was involved and couldn't get out for more than four hours, then this fog-locked land...

"Should I say that Bincheng is really extraordinary?"

Hei Danyan's expression changed: "Continue to block the fog-locked land here, Yanjing will come to help in two or three hours, after they arrive, if I haven't come out yet, don't let them in, let one of them Go back to Yanjing and continue asking for help!"

Dong Jiawei paused, feeling conflicted.I don't know whether to persuade Hei Danyan not to take risks, or to ask her to go in and rescue everyone in Bincheng...

Hei Danyan smiled: "I'm not that easy to be in danger, let alone Wan Liyang is inside."

Her figure flickered and she entered the secret realm.


In the secret realm, Wan Li was still pinching the red-haired turtle's face, but his frown gradually eased.

He found that he had overlooked one thing. The pre-trial mini-game time of the secret realm was 12 hours, and during these 12 hours, he could not go out. He had to officially start the trial and was eliminated before he could go out.

For these 12 hours, everyone including myself was 'swallowed' by the secret realm. If the General Administration doesn't come, ten or twenty strong people will look down on me!

At that time, no matter whether he is Fang Lu or not, he will definitely be able to make him a face with a wave of fire!
"Hey." Thinking of that scene, the corners of Wan Li's mouth twitched, but he didn't notice that the eyes of the red-haired turtle grandson in front of him were gradually getting angry, and he didn't notice that the 137 people in the sky had changed into 138 people.

It wasn't until the face squeezed by his hands disappeared that he was stunned and realized.

"Are you matched?" Wan Li raised his eyebrows and looked up, "He ran very fast, and he ran more than 100 meters without paying attention? Didn't he get killed too much?

Hey, wait..."

He suddenly felt something was wrong, why did this red-haired turtle grandson have a shocked expression.The game has been going on for more than four hours. Normal people should know that the alien is fake, right?

He looked up, 138 people.

"So it's a newcomer here, it seems a bit familiar... Fuck it, Director Hei? I just pinched, pinched, pinched... Alas, it's just a puppet's touch."

The black geese on the opposite side were inexplicably terrified.

She finally knew why the people who entered the Mist Lock Land, including Wan Liyang, couldn't get out... How could it be a visitor from outside the sky? !
After becoming the director of the Secret Military Bureau, she knew a lot more information than before.After throwing the magic box, the aliens obviously left the earth, and the satellite captured the picture!

Is it a blindfold?What conspiracy is he secretly hiding on the earth?
"No, I have to pass the news back. Can I escape from him? He also has the power of space... What about the others? What about Wan Liyang?" Various thoughts flashed through her mind.She tapped her toes to the ground, and was about to flash, when suddenly she saw the alien waved her hand, forming a line of light.

'Don't move, you're surrounded by me. '

Hei Danyan was startled.

'Report your height, weight, age, measurements (nosebleed emoji). '

Hei Danyan frowned lightly.

'Say it or not?Wanli Yangke is in my hands, don't say I'm tearing up the ticket! '

Hei Danyan tightened his expression, raised his eyebrows again, smiled slightly, and waved his hands into light words: '174, 25 years old, 52kg, 80, 54, 81. '

Wan Li's eyes widened, did he really say that?Wow, look at the figure of the goddess, and then look at Bianbian... Tsk!


Huh?Why did Director Hei walk over rubbing his fists?There is something wrong with the expression.

Wan Li: "Stay where you are and don't move around!" '

Hei Danyan: "Pi is very happy now?" '

Wanli: '...very happy.If you hit it lightly, I might be happier. '

(End of this chapter)

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