Restart the world

Chapter 431 Chapter 18 Secret inside and outside

Chapter 431 Chapter [-] Secret Inside and Outside
"No gun, no cannon, the opponent will give it to me~"

Weighing the invisibility potion in his hand, Wan Li hummed a song, waiting for the black-skinned afro-haired boy's body to turn into white light and disappear.

After the body disappeared, a package and a bottle of medicine were left on the ground.

"Yo, there's another bottle of aura recovery medicine?"

In order to save some trouble, Wan Li smashed the bottle of spiritual energy recovery medicine on the opponent's face and felt distressed, but now he was a little surprised and pleasantly surprised.

"Thank you for the gift from my son." Wan Li picked up both the medicine and the package, and the red letter flashed in front of his eyes.

'Obtain a bottle of basic level breakthrough potion'

'Obtain a bottle of aura recovery potion'

He didn't need to read the introduction, and directly poured the basic level breakthrough potion into it.A large level of improvement gave him a bit of aura to flow in his body, from the peak of E-level to the peak of D-level.

And breaking through C-level at the peak of D-level is actually just a layer of window paper, which can be broken with a poke.

It only took less than ten seconds for Wan Li to break through the C rank, and his strength was increased by half again.

Putting the remaining two bottles of potion back into his pocket, Wanli returned along the long way.He was chased by wolves before and ran down the mountain, but now that he has the invisibility potion, there is more room for manipulation, and he can continue to kill wolves to gain real physical strength buffs.

The more you go up the mountain, the stronger the wolf is, and the easier it is to pick up the package.Wan Li is going to improve his strength first, and then kill people, otherwise, he will have to use some tricks to deal with such a small B-level middle-ranker, and it will be too embarrassing for his father.

What's more, killing people in the early stage can't reveal any good things. Not everyone can pick up the invisibility potion with a probability of about [-] in [-]. We need to fatten them up before killing them!

"Although there are a few minor flaws in the early stage of this wave of development, the overall situation is still good. Let me say that my whole body cannot be completely white."


Out of secrecy.

Li Hao felt that he had reached the pinnacle of his life, surrounded by a group of big men whose names he had only heard but never met, listening like elementary school students.

From time to time, I will ask questions, but unfortunately I don't raise my hand.

"Puppet from extraterrestrials, trial?" Guo Zhan and others frowned after catching these words. These words really made people think.

"What is a great father?"

Li Hao shook his head and said, "I don't know, that's what I said before starting the trial. Also, when I was eliminated from the trial, there was also information saying..."

He paused for a moment, and then said awkwardly, "The great father thinks I'm ashamed and won't reward me."

"Great father... tell me about your experience in the so-called trials, how did you get eliminated?"

"The trial is very interesting. We are all limited to the strength of the E-level peak. Picking up the package inside can increase the level and strengthen ourselves. It's a bit like an online game. My luck should be considered good..." Li Hao said incredulously For a long time, Guo Zhan and others did not interrupt, through his narration, they analyzed the mechanism of the trial in their hearts.

"Later... I met a person who also participated in the trial, and he... made a fool of me." Li Hao avoided the seriousness and said lightly, and didn't want to mention the detailed process, but he couldn't avoid it successfully.He finally explained in detail how he was killed.

After finishing speaking, he was ashamed. The mid-level strength of B-level is 3000kg, and the strength of first-level C-level is 1000kg. The difference is three times, but he was killed by someone. It's embarrassing in front of me, Deputy Chief Yue Heng seems to be still laughing at me?
"It's okay, classmate Li Hao, you've encountered Yinbi in the game, you won't be ashamed if you lose." At this time, Yue Heng said with a smile: "Director General, it seems that this fog-locked place is not a big problem. After 48 hours, everyone will be able to come out, and the bastard will definitely find out for us what the reward of the great father of Lao Shizi is."

Guo Zhan nodded and explained to the others: "Student Li Hao met Wan Liyang. He dared to kill Li Hao in the trial, so he must be sure that the trial is just a virtual one, and the dead are fine, so the others probably There is no danger either.

Everyone go back, Yue Heng and I can just wait here, don't delay our work.

As for the great father and the extraterrestrial visitors, we will study and discuss it when we go back. "

Li Hao's eyes widened, Wan Liyang?Another big shot, who actually has the nerve to bully me?Damn, I want to quit the Budo Mutual Aid Club!

The other Yanjing powerhouses understood, nodded and were about to leave, only to be interrupted by shouts.

"Director General, a student from our Bincheng came out, there is no danger!" Liu Miao flew over with Tian Binglun in his arms, with a look of surprise on his face.

"Deputy Director Liu, there is also a student coming out here. We have already asked about the situation in this fog-locked place, so you don't need to worry."

Liu Miao paused, noticed Li Hao, slowed down his flying speed, and put Tian Binglun back to the ground smoothly. Just as he was about to speak, another figure suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Hei Danyan! Uh no, Director Hei." Yue Heng exclaimed: "No way, this damn trial is so exaggerated, you have been eliminated? That brat Wanli Yang dares to bully you?"

"Wan Liyang didn't come out?" Hei Danyan frowned slightly: "I wasn't eliminated, I died on purpose."

"Dead on purpose?" Yue Heng was startled: "In order to inform us of the situation in the Mistlock Land?"

"No." Hei Danyan shook his head: "I was afraid that after other students came out, they would tell the Director General about the situation in the Mistlock Land, and the Director General would let some generals go back. Together, he said that he met a person whose strength is around 99% in the fourth realm."

"99%?!" Everyone was shocked, and Guo Zhan blurted out, "Has Wujian Su returned to China?"

"Wan Liyang judges not. He suspects that person is Fang Lu. So you generals, it's best not to leave. If Fang Lu can be caught, we don't have to worry about the white monster attack anymore."

"Fang Lu." Guo Zhan's expression froze: "How strong is Fang Lu? If it is really him, he may turn into a white monster, and his strength will be further enhanced. We people... want to arrest him, I am afraid it will be a bit difficult. It's not enough, especially when Wan Liyang hasn't come out yet."

Hei Danyan nodded, and said: "Wan Liyang may have other considerations. If that person is Fang Lu, he wouldn't break into the Mistlock Land for no reason, maybe there is something he wants in it? Wan Liyang probably wants to be in it stop him..."

"Don't give him money, that kid might be addicted to it." Yue Heng muttered.

Hei Danyan glanced at him and continued: "Director General, the most urgent task is to ask for more powerful people to help, and to evacuate the students to prevent danger."

As she spoke, she glanced at Li Hao, and then at Liu Miao and Tian Binglun.

Knowing the seriousness of the matter, Liu Miao said, "Tian Binglun, you go back to school first."

Tian Binglun was very sensible and didn't ask any more questions. He nodded obediently and said in a sweet voice: "Class supervisor, all leaders, goodbye."

The sweet voice made everyone look sideways, watching him leave with bouncing steps, couldn't help but feel a little weird, there is such a child in Bincheng?


Inside the secret.

Of course, Wan Li was not addicted to Yin, and forgot about the mysterious strong man.He just felt that people with that kind of strength would definitely not be eliminated easily, and maybe they could still meet them in the trials, ignoring the possibility of the mysterious strong going out in advance.

Hei Danyan, one of the strong opponents in the trial, withdrew voluntarily, which was even more unexpected to him.

At this time, he was lying in the grass, watching a tall white-skinned female character fighting a group of white wolves... She was also a B-rank.

(End of this chapter)

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