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Chapter 432 You Are Such an Old King

Chapter 432 You Are Such an Old King
Hiding in the grass, watching the tall female character fight with the pack of wolves, Wan Li definitely doesn't want to do the same old trick again.

Although his level has not been improved, he has killed wolves all the way up the mountain, and now, the buff on him has become like this:

'Real physique increased by 9%'

'Murder and Arson Gold Belt: 1st Floor'

With a 9% real physique, Wan Li's punching strength now exceeds 10 tons, which is barely in the middle of the A-level category, and he can kill the female practitioners who are only in the middle of the B-level in front of him.

As for the buff of the 'Golden Belt of Murder and Fire', it is stacked by killing people. Every time a person is killed, a layer will be superimposed, increasing the explosion rate of the wild package by 5%...the premise is that the package must be picked up.

"Not Miss Yu."

Hiding here is only because Wan Li saw the opponent's wolf-killing movements for the first time, which looked a little familiar, like Yu Qianqian's fighting skills.

But after hiding it for a while, I found that the opponent's fighting skills were a little rusty, and he was a little numb in the face of the strongest C-level pack of wolves, probably just a certain A-level student from Bincheng Martial Arts University?

The kill ranking of the trial is very important, and there is no humility in the secret realm of the trial, so even if he meets a student from the same school, Wan Li is not going to let her go, and slowly stands up.

There was a sound of swaying grass, and the girl seemed to be aware of it. After tumbling to avoid the pounce of the giant wolf, she looked over vigilantly.

Dazed by Bai, she was almost thrown down by a giant wolf.Not daring to be distracted, she focused on dealing with the wolves, and shouted: "Hey! That (four voices) white guy over there, don't you want to work together with these beasts?

How about we watch and help each other, kill these wolves, and then decide the outcome? "

Embarrassed?Help each other?
It turned out to be Yu Shuang.

Wan Li paused for a moment, and the wolves responded first.Because of Yu Shuang's words, many wolves noticed Wan Li and rushed towards him.

A bright smile flashed across Yu Shuang's eyes, but suddenly froze.A few rays of cold light flashed across the air, and the dozen or so wolves rushing thousands of miles fell to the ground one after another within two seconds, losing their vitality.

'Gain real physique increase by 0.01%'


A bunch of scarlet letters flashed across, and Wanli's figure flickered several times, easily clearing away the surrounding wolves, and stood in front of the twins with a Maitreya-like smile.

"Just kill it, little girl."

Yu Shuang shrank his neck: " European dog, you can kill or cut as you please!"

"It's not called breaking the throat, it's boring." Wan Li smiled, and struck Yu Shuang with a lightning strike, knocking Yu Shuang unconscious, "A guy who is 155, choose a character who is 175, and just say why your fighting skills are so awkward. What to choose?

If Wen Jing is allowed to test the secret realm..."

Wanli smiled and shook his head.

Trial Secret Realm has a set of judgment mechanism and a set of protection mechanism.For example, if you lose consciousness, you will die, and if your vitals are injured, you will die.

For example, when Wanli chops someone's head with a knife, he won't really cut off the head. As long as he hits the other person's neck and cuts to a certain depth, the person will dissipate and the blood that flows out will disappear, preventing the killer and the victim from staying behind. Too many shadows.

Similarly, some indescribable things cannot be done in the Trial Rift.

Yu Shuang was knocked unconscious by him, and was soon judged dead. His body disappeared, leaving only a small package.Wanli touched it with his hand, and took out another bottle of basic level breakthrough potion.

Gudong drank it, and his level was promoted to the first stage of B level. The aura changed from a trace to a strand, and some superpowers could be used.

Wan Li thought for a while: "With the invisibility super power, this bottle of invisibility potion will become more and more useless, so let's use it first. Now the altitude is about 1200 meters, and after climbing three or four hundred meters, there will be a boss. Little leader of the wolf tribe, kill him to get a practical buff, and then go down the mountain to find someone to kill him!"


After half an hour.

With a few scratches on his body, Wan Li ran away, not having time to stop and use the healing light to heal his wounds.As for reversing the universe, his spiritual energy is not enough at this time.

He successfully killed the little leader of the wolf tribe and got a buff. 'Wolf Soul: Increase resistance to spiritual attacks by 50%. '

But unfortunately got a debuff.

'Wrath of the Wolf King: Your massacre of the wolves angered the Wolf King, and the wolves will hunt you down. '

Now he is followed by a lot of small and big commanders of the wolf clan. The strongest one is the third level of S-level. Wan Li, who has just raised his physique to the peak of A-level, can only temporarily avoid the edge, or flee in embarrassment.

Sparks and lightning all the way, thousands of miles bruised and bruised headlong into the desert, the wolves finally stopped chasing.The desert is the domain of another creature, the rock giant.

"What the hell, you wolves with no eyesight, just wait for me. Dad hasn't been in such a mess for a while, and I'll be back!"

Pointing to Yelangling behind him and cursing a few words, Wan Li healed his wound with the healing light, and found a few huge rock giants wandering towards here in the distance.

He had absolutely no intention of killing this kind of monster with high blood and thick armor, so he ran wildly along the edge of the desert, and it took him more than half an hour to reach the forest.

"The dryad forest is the place with the highest probability of trialists randomly appearing. Moreover, dryads have no sense of smell, so no matter how many they kill, they will not be hunted down." Wan Li looked around, and his eyes suddenly lit up.

Not far away, beside a big rock, there is a gray-green package quietly placed!
It's a pity to say that it's been more than three hours since I entered the trial, and this is the first package in the wild that Wanli has seen... He immediately quickened his pace, rubbed his hands together, and breathed twice into his palms.

After killing two people, the package explosion rate in the wild has increased by 10%, so it should be able to deliver good things, right?
"Give me an advanced level gift package!"

Wan Li meditated, reaching for the package.

The package disappeared when touched, leaving only a bottle of potion—basic level improvement potion.

"What the hell?" Wan Li looked confused: "I hit the lowest explosion rate? No, this is not a wild package!"

A sense of crisis suddenly hit, Wan Li quickly fell back, rolled several times in a row, and at the same time drew out the red saber at his waist and raised it.

A dark-skinned man blasted from a distance, slashing thousands of miles with a knife in both hands.

Ping! !

When the two knives collided, Wanli with one hand was obviously at a disadvantage, and he couldn't hold the knife stably.With a serious look in his eyes, he hooked his five fingers, let the blade spin, and flew out of his hand to stab the man's face.

The man tilted his head to dodge, and freed up a hand to grab Wanli's red knife in his hand.Wan Li slapped the ground with his right hand, spun his body, kicked the man back a few steps with an undercut kick, and jumped up.

"Excellent, man, you actually play fishing here?" Wan Li stared at the man opposite him unfriendlyly, "I'll give you the knife, I must eat this bait."

Unscrewing the bottle cap, gulping down the potion, advancing to the middle of B-level, Wan Li put his hands in front of one another in a fighting posture: "Come on, buddy, I will show you an empty-handed red blade!"

The man on the opposite side was stunned for two seconds, and said: "You, you are very strong, I will give you the medicine, the potion, I, let's not fight, how about forming an alliance?"

Wanli:? ? ?
What the hell!

(End of this chapter)

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