Restart the world

Chapter 434 A Great Person

Chapter 434 A Great Person

Hold the bottle in your left hand, twist it gently with your right hand, one, two, three, open...

Ping! !

When the two knives met, streams of milky white liquid splashed out from the basic level medicine bottle, and flashed across Wan Li's eyes, turning his white face into black.

He knew it would not be so easy to drink, so he prescribed the basic level potion first.

"Don't you know it's shameful to waste it? Can't you let me drink the medicine before fighting?" Wan Li's arm shook, forcing the white saber on his knife away, and at the same time forcing the mysterious enemy back a few steps, as if he was about to turn away and enter Class-level potions.

The mysterious enemy rushed up again.

It is a waste to upgrade a small level of basic level potion, and a large level of advanced level potion cannot be wasted.

Wanli hooked lightly with his left hand, allowing the advanced potion to slide more than ten meters away, and swung a knife with his right hand to meet it.

Red swords and white swords staggered, the two separated and reunited several times in a second, and finally retreated a few steps together.

The mysterious enemy narrowed his eyes slightly, aiming at the medicine bottle more than ten meters behind Wanli.

"Look what, it's mine!" Wan Li threw the knife casually, spun around a few times and caught it firmly, shaking the saber and said: "We were tied before, but we met again this time, so it's just a matter of victory."

The mysterious enemy looked at him, and said for the first time, "You have good strength and a stronger face."

"So-so, it's better than you who don't dare to reveal your identity and don't dare to show your face." Wan Li smiled, not taking the other party's sarcasm seriously.

Is there a problem with the previous strength inferiority, self-destruction and the same result?

Now the strength advantage, the opponent's level is about A-level high, plus the real physique bonus, it will slightly exceed the A-level peak, and his physique alone has surpassed the A-level peak. Although he has not reached the S-level, it is not a big problem to win... ...If you are capable, you will blow yourself up too?

"Little guy, do you think you're sure to win?"

brat?Who is it?How to talk to dad?Wan Li stared, then his pupils shrank, and he quickly turned his head. A ray of cold light passed by his ear, and slammed on the tree behind him.

"He actually threw the saber out."

Wan Li frowned, and swung his knife to meet the mysterious enemy who rushed towards him with bare hands.

After a few collision sounds, Wan Li was hit by his fist and staggered back a few steps.The mysterious enemy smiled provocatively at Wan Li with his outstretched hand.

"Heh." Wan Li curled his lips, and threw the red saber casually again, but didn't go to catch it. When the saber fell to his waist, he turned sideways and whipped his leg to hit the handle of the saber.

Whoosh!With the slight sound of piercing through the air, the saber stabbed at the mysterious enemy. At the same time, Wan Li shot out: "It's like someone who can use a knife. I've never been afraid of anyone in terms of fighting skills!"

The mysterious enemy flashed the saber sideways, stepped on and slipped, from stillness to sprinting, his body started at an exaggeratedly fast speed, and the timing was well grasped, just at the moment when Wanli rushed forward, his right fist shrouded in white light, Punch!

Wanli's forward movement was not slowed down by this punch, and his back exerted force. After two subtle sounds of muscles and bones, he twisted away for a certain distance, and his body was parallel to the mysterious enemy. He raised his right leg and whipped his leg. Pump!
The mysterious enemy also reacted very quickly. Following the power of the right fist that hit the air, his figure floated forward, avoiding the whip kick dangerously, and exerted force under his feet, and his figure retreated at a faster speed. Elbow hit Wanli's chest hard!
With the palm of his left hand facing upwards, Wan Li lifted his elbow, and raised his left knee to strike.

The mysterious enemy pressed down with his right hand.

Snapped! !

The two were entangled in a strange shape, wrestling with each other. Two seconds later, the mysterious enemy took the initiative to withdraw his force. Wan Li hit him with an elbow in the chest and slid back more than ten meters.

Wan Li frowned slightly. If it wasn't for the superior level, it would be hard to say who would have lost half the trick just now. This guy...

"Good fight, come again!" The mysterious enemy praised, and rushed to Wanli again.

"Heh, Dad used you as a compliment?"

The sound of slapping kept echoing in the forest, and Wan Li became more and more surprised as he fought more and more. He didn't get an advantage in fighting skills?
Since he learned dodge from General Hong a few months ago, he has improved in his fighting skills, which he had no opponents in the first place. He feels that he will no longer have opponents, and he has reached the pinnacle in this respect.

The other party can be on par with him!
He thought of Shao Laofat, that idiot who boldly tempered his brain, and unconsciously felt supernormal athletic ability.If the person in front of him was Fang Lu, it would be understandable. In terms of brain training, Fang Lu is definitely far ahead of everyone.

"But what's with the killing breath in this punch? It's like someone in the army." Wan Li frowned slightly, and knocked the mysterious enemy back ten steps with another heavy punch, and asked, "Are you forced to fight?" Bibi (Su Wujian)...the first Bibi (Wujian)...fuck his father, that's not okay? You don't it some unknown road idiot?"

The spiritual energy of the mysterious enemy caressed the bruises on his body, and he shook his head when he heard the words: "Don't call me Lu Chi. The little guy has good fists and kicks, do you know me?"

Is it really Su Wujian?Wan Li was stunned for a moment, then asked again: "How do you prove it?"

"Does anyone else dare to impersonate me?"


Wan Li closed his eyes, thought for a second, opened his eyes and shook his head and said, "Don't waste time recovering your physical strength and aura, right, you'll know after killing you!"

"Hey, the little guy is very confident." The mysterious enemy glanced at the advanced potion a hundred meters away, turned his eyes to calculate, and punched Wanli.

If you eat that, you will be promoted to S rank...

Soon he dropped all calculations, clutched his bleeding shoulder and stared at Wanli, his face full of annoyance, as if he wanted to accuse but couldn't speak.

Wan Li smiled, the lightsaber protruding from his mouth shattered and dissipated, and a lightsaber was condensed in each hand and slowly approached the mysterious enemy. "If you are really that road idiot, I will apologize to you for killing you."

The mysterious enemy paused, exhaled lightly, shook his head and said, "No need, each trial in this fog-locked land depends on its own ability, identity doesn't matter, think you can really kill me?!"

Wan Li was stunned, alert, and saw the mysterious enemy turn around and run away.


Wan Li was speechless, and stretched out a rattan stick to pull the advanced potion over.

"I'll let you run for five seconds first. If you can beat me, I'll call you Dad." A pair of white wings spread out behind Wanli. Wanli twisted the bottle cap, tapped his toes, and glided out at low altitude.

"Uh!" At this moment, the mysterious enemy who ran two or three hundred meters suddenly screamed, causing Wan Li to look up, blinking, with a confused look on his face.

Ahead, a dark-skinned male tester was holding a bloody saber and looking at him, while in front of him, the mysterious enemy was dissipating into a package.

"Hey, hey, hey, Bibi (Wanli), I'm sorry, I'm afraid that he will run away and snatch, snatch your head, this, this bag belongs to you."

Wan Li was silent for several seconds: "Bibi (Old Wang), you have become a remarkable person."

(End of this chapter)

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