Restart the world

Chapter 435 False alarm 1 game?

Chapter 435 A False Alarm?
"You, are you here to open the bag?"

"Go ahead, I'm just unlucky."

"Okay, I, I will open it for you." Wang Bo bent down and touched the package left by the mysterious enemy, "Hey, advanced, advanced level potion!"

"I'm lucky, I'll give you this bottle too." Wan Li also handed Wang Bo the advanced-level potion in his hand, "Drink two bottles, and you can advance to the middle of the first S-level, drink a few more bottles, and you will surpass yourself Once you have gained strength, enter the second level, get used to the foglock land, and you will gain something when you go out."

"Ah?" Wang Bo was taken aback: "You don't want it?"

"I have to get out." Wan Li shook his head: "The guy you killed just now is the wanted criminal from before. Old Wang, come on, I think you can take the first place. Kill me too, I have a buff , you take it, it can be used.”


"Hurry up, don't let him get away."

"But, that one just now, it seems that I didn't meet it before..." Wang Bo hesitated.

"You probably didn't see clearly before, and you thought he was Tiantian. Hurry up, give me a break."

"Yes, yes...Okay."


The sharp blade entered his body, and Wan Li's eyes went black.

The scarlet letter flew by.

'You are dead.The survival time of this trial was 4 hours and 28 minutes, and the number of kills was 3.The great father felt that your performance was barely enough, so he gave you an inferior reward, why don't you thank him? '

Can I still get rewards?

The rewards in the trial are divided into ten grades, from the lowest low grade to the low grade middle...high grade upper grade, plus the highest super grade, corresponding to the first grade to super grade fruits, spiritual herbs and strange objects respectively.

It's hard to get a high rating, even if Wan Li survives until the end, he feels that he can get a top and bottom grade [-] treasure with such a dark face.

I didn't expect to die in more than four hours, and still get the lowest reward. Maybe it's because I killed three testers and got the buff of the wolf leader. It was barely enough for the lower level I set. Wait for the reward request.

Wanli's mind immediately came to life, what happened to the next reward?What happened to the first grade fruit and spirit grass?A first-class space fruit is also a first-class fruit!
Although among first-class fruits, the burst rate of space fruit is one of the lowest.But this white body, should luck explode once, right?
Wan Li stared at the eight cards with the word 'Father' written on the back slowly emerging in front of him.

"Open the third one from the top!"

The cards turned, and a colorful fruit appeared in front of him, making his eyes widen.

"I'll go! What the hell is the explosion of luck? But this thing... I still want the space fruit more."

What he opened is not a space fruit, but it is better than that. This is a longevity fruit that is not one of the 18 kinds of bloodline fruits and one of the three special fruits!

In terms of probability of occurrence, the Longevity Fruit should be the lowest among the 21 kinds of fruits. Not one of them was actually produced. Wan Li wondered if this trial secret realm recognized him?
A product of longevity fruit can prolong the life of a person by... 1 minute.It sounds scumbag, but the second rank can prolong life by 10 minutes, the third rank by 100 minutes, the fourth rank by 1000 minutes... At the ninth rank, it is a full 160 million minutes, more than 9000 million hours, more than 190 days, more than [-] years!
If it is a super-grade longevity fruit, it can increase the life span of a person by more than 900 years, and it can completely make a person live like a bastard.

Yipin?Wanli can shoot it to Super Grade!
The reason why he is not too excited is because Wan Li feels that his current strength will not be too much pressure to live for three to five hundred years, and it will continue to increase. The same goes for Wen Jing and other relatives and friends.

But something is better than nothing, this thing can be used as a family heirloom, so hide it first.

After the dizzying situation, before Wan Li could stand still, he stuffed this first-grade longevity-extending fruit into his trouser pocket... The longevity-extending fruit was about the same size as a small sand fruit, so it was easy to carry.

Afterwards, he felt that he was locked in by several powerhouses.Slightly startled, feeling a little bit, three third level, one fourth level.

"There are more strong people coming from Yanjing than I thought, hey, that's not right..." He thought for a while: "With this attitude of catching prisoners, did Director Hei come out early? Beautiful, that guy can't escape!"

Don't look at the fact that the strength of the fourth level is doubled every 14% or so, and the 99% mysterious strongman is seven times stronger than the third level. It sounds like a huge gap, but the strength is not calculated in this way.

Just like Wan Li, now he probably only needs three or five moves to win a third level, but it is more difficult to fight against ten third level cooperation, and he can barely win when facing twenty, but he can barely win against thirty. They have to fight guerrillas, fifty must run quickly, and one hundred may not even be able to escape.

Of course, it is still a matter of whether there are one hundred S-level third realms in the whole of China.

But in the fourth realm, one can beat three.

There are four strong people in the position where he came out, and there are not too many other places. It is no problem to entangle that guy for a while.

He immediately squinted his eyes and listened.

"There is no movement, is it far from here?" Wan Li paused, and shouted: "I am Wan Liyang! The enemy has been killed by me from the fog-locked land! Brothers, let's go find them separately!"

After he finished shouting, he walked counterclockwise along the edge of the Mistlock Land.The four strong men paused for a few seconds, and after a brief communication, they marched clockwise.

I haven't flown for thousands of miles, and the speed of flying is far less than that of running on the ground. My legs have turned into hot wheels, and I can see only mud and sand but no people.

However, 1 minute later, seeing a man standing quietly beside Guo Zhan who was talking, Wan Li stopped abruptly and remained silent.

Could it be Su Wujian?

From the outside, the man seemed to be under 30 years old, about 175 in height, with delicate features.The figure is not too strong, with muscle lines but not easy to detect, belonging to the small fresh meat type.His demeanor is exactly the same as that of the mysterious strong man!
"Hahaha, it's also good luck. When the earth changed, I happened to be in a small island country. After wandering in the sea for a month, I finally found it."

"This fog is very interesting. I met a lot at sea, but I couldn't get in any of them. I didn't expect to go in as soon as I returned to Huaxia, and I was killed twice inside, haha!"

"Hey, at first I thought it was a model of an alien, so I went up to touch it, but unexpectedly he moved suddenly, which startled me, and thought it was a real alien, so I punched him.

No one was hit, and another one came out.I kept fighting and fighting until I met that little guy named Wan Liyang and I didn't know that I was facing a real person. "

"Hahaha, I was a little happy to see Lie Xin, so I fought with that little guy. I didn't expect such a big misunderstanding. My fault, my fault."

After walking a few steps, Wanli heard a series of explanations from the man, the logic was clear and reasonable.And Guo Zhan's appearance of listening quietly, frowning and helpless expression also confirmed that the man was indeed Su Wujian.

"Hey, little guy, you came out too? Was it killed by the guy who plotted against me? I don't know who it is, but we beat him back and forth, but he took advantage of it!" Su Wujian noticed Wan Li and laughed.

Wan Li opened his mouth slightly, not knowing what to reply.This incident turned out to be a false alarm?
At this moment, another person flew towards him at a high speed from far away in the sky. Wanli glanced at him. He thought it was a strong man participating in the siege, but he didn't take it seriously, but he was startled for a while, and looked again.

And the second realm to participate in the siege?Aren't you afraid of being killed in seconds?This person... seems to be a candidate for the Deputy Chief of the Martial Arts Bureau surnamed Wei.

Guo Zhan was about to wave to Wan Li when he saw that man's expression suddenly changed: "Wei Ming, what's the matter?!"

"Chief... Director! The Ling... Qi Research Institute, two hours ago, was invaded by... the enemy!"

Candidate Wei's breathless answer made everyone who heard it change their expressions.

 Ask for a recommendation ticket.


(End of this chapter)

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